Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "MOMDP.h"
00002 #include "ParserSelector.h"
00003 #include "AlphaVectorPolicy.h"
00004 #include "BeliefForest.h"
00005 #include "Sample.h"
00006 #include "BeliefCache.h"
00007 #include "EvaluatorSampleEngine.h"
00008 #include "EvaluatorBeliefTreeNodeTuple.h"
00010 #include "GlobalResource.h"
00011 #include "PolicyGraphGenerator.h"
00013 #include <string>
00014 #include <stdlib.h>
00015 #include <sstream>
00016 #include <fstream>
00017 #include <ctime>
00019 #include "CPTimer.h"
00021 using namespace std;
00022 using namespace momdp;
00024 void print_usage(const char* cmdName) 
00025 {
00026     cout << "Usage: " << cmdName << " POMDPModelFileName --policy-file policyFileName --policy-graph policyGraphFileName \n"
00027 <<"      [--fast] [--graph-max-depth maximumDepth] [--graph-max-branch maximumNoOfBranches]\n"
00028 <<"         [--graph-min-prob minimumProbability]" << endl;
00029     cout << "    or " << cmdName << " --help (or -h)              Print this help."<< endl;
00030     cout << "    or " << cmdName << " --version                   Print version information." << endl;
00031     cout << endl;
00032     cout << "Policy graph generator options:" << endl; 
00033     cout << "  --policy-file policyFileName               Use policyFileName as the policy file name (compulsory)." << endl;
00034     cout << "  -f or --fast                               Use fast (but very picky) alternate parser for .pomdp files.\n";
00035     cout << "  --graph-max-depth maximumDepth     Use maximumDepth as the maximum horizon of the generated policy\n"
00036          << "                                     graph. There is no limit by default." << endl;
00037     cout << "  --graph-max-branch maximumNoOfBranches  Use maximumNoOfBranches as the maximum number of branches to show\n"
00038          << "                                     in the policy graph. The branches shown are the top\n"
00039          << "                                     maximumNofOfBranches branches in probability. There is no limit\n"
00040         <<  "                                     by default." << endl;
00041     cout << "  --graph-min-prob minimumProbability        Use minimumProbability as the minimum probability threshold for a\n"
00042          << "                                     branch to be shown in the policy graph. Branches with\n"
00043          << "                                     probability less than the threshold are suppressed. The threshold\n"
00044          << "                                     is zero by default." << endl;
00045     cout << "" << endl;
00046     cout << "Output options" << endl;
00047     cout << "  --policy-graph policyGraphFileName         Use policyGraphFileName as the name for the DOT file to be \n"
00048          << "                                     generated (compulsory)." << endl;
00049     cout << "" << endl;
00050 /*    cout << "Miscellaneous options:" << endl;
00051     cout << "   -h or --help                         Print help." << endl;
00052     cout << "   --version                            Print version information" << endl;*/
00053     cout <<"Example:" <<endl;
00054     cout << "  " << cmdName << " --policy-file hallway.policy --policy-graph Hallway.dot --graph-max-depth 5 Hallway.pomdp" << endl;
00055 }
00058 int main(int argc, char **argv) 
00059 {
00060     try
00061     {
00062         SolverParams* p =&GlobalResource::getInstance()->solverParams;
00063         bool parseCorrect = SolverParams::parseCommandLineOption(argc, argv, *p);
00064         if(!parseCorrect)
00065         {
00066             print_usage(p->cmdName);
00067             exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
00068         }
00070         //check validity of options
00071         if (p->policyFile == "" || p->policyGraphFile.length() == 0) 
00072         {
00073             print_usage(p->cmdName);
00074             return 0;
00075         }
00077         SharedPointer<MOMDP> problem = ParserSelector::loadProblem(p->problemName, *p);
00078         SharedPointer<AlphaVectorPolicy> policy = new AlphaVectorPolicy(problem);
00079         bool policyRead = policy->readFromFile(p->policyFile);
00080         if(!policyRead)
00081         {
00082             return 0;
00083         }
00085     if (policy->getValueAction() == -1 && !p->useLookahead) {
00086         cerr<<"Use the lookahead controller (--lookahead yes) for MDP policies."<<endl;
00087         exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
00088     }
00090         if(p->useLookahead)
00091         {
00092             cout << "Use one-step look ahead" << endl;
00093         }
00095         PolicyGraphParam graphParam;
00096         graphParam.useLookahead = p->useLookahead;
00097         graphParam.depth = p->graphDepth;
00098         graphParam.probThreshold = p->graphProbThreshold;
00099         graphParam.maxEdge = p->graphMaxBranch;
00100         ofstream dotFile(p->policyGraphFile.c_str());
00101         dotFile.precision(3);
00103         PolicyGraphGenerator generator(problem, policy, graphParam);
00104         generator.generateGraph(dotFile);
00106         dotFile.flush();
00107         dotFile.close();
00108     }
00109     catch(bad_alloc &e)
00110     {
00111         if(GlobalResource::getInstance()->solverParams.memoryLimit == 0)
00112         {
00113             cout << "Memory allocation failed. Exit." << endl;
00114         }
00115         else
00116         {
00117             cout << "Memory limit reached. Please try increase memory limit" << endl;
00118         }
00120     }
00121     catch(exception &e)
00122     {
00123         cout << "Exception: " << e.what() << endl ;
00124     }
00126     return 0;
00127 }

Author(s): petercai
autogenerated on Tue Jan 7 2014 11:02:29