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CudaSegment Class Reference

CUDA Segmentation class. More...

#include <cudasegment.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void CopyProbsToDevice (Image< float > **probs_h)
 Copy probabilities to GPU.
 CudaSegment (int width, int height)
void Execute (FgBgSegment &segment, Image< uchar > &cimg, Image< float > &dimg, int numFigures, bool download=true)
 Execute Segmentation.
 ~CudaSegment ()

Static Public Attributes

static const int max_figures = 8
 Maximum number of foreground objects.

Private Member Functions

float ComputeBeta (uchar *image_d)
 Compute the surface parameter beta.
void CreateHistograms (FgBgSegment &segment)
 Create all histograms.
void SetGradientCosts (uchar *image_d, float beta, float gamma)
 Set gradient costs.

Private Attributes

 Memory allocation block pointer.
float * beliefs_d [max_figures+2]
 Posterior label beliefs.
 Colour histogram bin indices.
 Colour image.
float * costh_d
 Horizontal Gradient costs.
float * costv_d
 Vertical Gradient costs.
float * dimd_d
 Disparity map.
int height
 Image height.
float * priors_d [max_figures+2]
 Prior label probabilities.
float * probs_d [max_figures+2]
 Posterior label probabilities.
int * sums_d
 Partial gradient magnitude sums.
 Gray-level image.
int width
 Image width.

Detailed Description

CUDA Segmentation class.

Definition at line 43 of file cudasegment.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CudaSegment::CudaSegment ( int  width,
int  height 



widthWidth of the Image
heightHeight of the Image

Member Function Documentation

float CudaSegment::ComputeBeta ( uchar image_d) [private]

Compute the surface parameter beta.

Compute the surface parameter beta

image_dDisparity image
void CudaSegment::CopyProbsToDevice ( Image< float > **  probs_h)

Copy probabilities to GPU.

void CudaSegment::CreateHistograms ( FgBgSegment segment) [private]

Create all histograms.

Create all histograms for foreground, background and flat surface hypotheses. Currently not used because works only for smal histograms.

segmentSegmentation object
void CudaSegment::Execute ( FgBgSegment segment,
Image< uchar > &  cimg,
Image< float > &  dimg,
int  numFigures,
bool  download = true 

Execute Segmentation.

Execute Segmentation on GPU

segmentSegmentation Object
cimgRGB input Image
dimgDisparity Image
numFiguresNumber of foreground objects
downloadWhether or not to copy new image data onto GPU
void CudaSegment::SetGradientCosts ( uchar image_d,
float  beta,
float  gamma 
) [private]

Set gradient costs.

Set gradient costs

image_dDisparity image
betasurface parameter beta

Member Data Documentation

Memory allocation block pointer.

Definition at line 54 of file cudasegment.h.

float* CudaSegment::beliefs_d[max_figures+2] [private]

Posterior label beliefs.

Definition at line 72 of file cudasegment.h.

Colour histogram bin indices.

Definition at line 62 of file cudasegment.h.

Colour image.

Definition at line 56 of file cudasegment.h.

float* CudaSegment::costh_d [private]

Horizontal Gradient costs.

Definition at line 66 of file cudasegment.h.

float* CudaSegment::costv_d [private]

Vertical Gradient costs.

Definition at line 68 of file cudasegment.h.

float* CudaSegment::dimd_d [private]

Disparity map.

Definition at line 60 of file cudasegment.h.

int CudaSegment::height [private]

Image height.

Definition at line 52 of file cudasegment.h.

const int CudaSegment::max_figures = 8 [static]

Maximum number of foreground objects.

Definition at line 47 of file cudasegment.h.

float* CudaSegment::priors_d[max_figures+2] [private]

Prior label probabilities.

Definition at line 70 of file cudasegment.h.

float* CudaSegment::probs_d[max_figures+2] [private]

Posterior label probabilities.

Definition at line 74 of file cudasegment.h.

int* CudaSegment::sums_d [private]

Partial gradient magnitude sums.

Definition at line 64 of file cudasegment.h.

Gray-level image.

Definition at line 58 of file cudasegment.h.

int CudaSegment::width [private]

Image width.

Definition at line 50 of file cudasegment.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Author(s): Mårten Björkman. Maintained by Jeannette Bohg
autogenerated on Fri Jan 3 2014 12:02:50