
srs_env_model::CCMapPlugin Class Reference

#include <cmap_plugin.h>

Inheritance diagram for srs_env_model::CCMapPlugin:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 CCMapPlugin (const std::string &name)
void enable (bool enabled)
 Enable or disable publishing.
virtual void init (ros::NodeHandle &node_handle)
 Initialize plugin - called in server constructor.
bool lockChanges (bool bLock)
 Enable/disable collision map changes.
virtual void pause (bool bPause, ros::NodeHandle &node_handle)
 Connect/disconnect plugin to/from all topics.

Protected Types

 Box type.
typedef geometry_msgs::Point32 tBoxPoint
 Point type.
 Boxes vector type.
typedef COctomapCrawlerBase
< tButServerOcTree::NodeType > 
 Crawler type.

Protected Member Functions

void addBox (const tBoxPoint &center, const tBoxPoint &size, tBoxVec &boxes)
 Adds box to the collision map.
bool addBoxCallback (srs_env_model::RemoveCube::Request &req, srs_env_model::RemoveCube::Response &res)
 Remove all boxes from cubical volume - service callback function.
bool getCollisionMapSrvCallback (srs_env_model::GetCollisionMap::Request &req, srs_env_model::GetCollisionMap::Response &res)
 Get collision map service call.
void handleOccupiedNode (tButServerOcTree::iterator &it, const SMapWithParameters &mp)
 hook that is called when traversing occupied nodes of the updated Octree (does nothing here)
bool isNearRobot (const btVector3 &point, double extent)
 Test collision point if it is in the collision distance from the robot.
bool isNewCmapSrvCallback (srs_env_model::IsNewCollisionMap::Request &req, srs_env_model::IsNewCollisionMap::Response &res)
 Get true if given timestamp is older then current map time.
bool lockCmapSrvCallback (srs_env_model::LockCollisionMap::Request &req, srs_env_model::LockCollisionMap::Response &res)
 Lock collision map - disable its updates from new point cloud data.
virtual void newMapDataCB (SMapWithParameters &par)
 Set used octomap frame id and timestamp.
virtual void publishInternal (const ros::Time &timestamp)
 Called when new scan was inserted and now all can be published.
bool removeBoxCallback (srs_env_model::RemoveCube::Request &req, srs_env_model::RemoveCube::Response &res)
 Remove all boxes from cubical volume - service callback function.
long removeInsideBox (const tBoxPoint &center, const tBoxPoint &size, tBoxVec &boxes)
 Remove all collision boxes within given box. Box is aligned with axes and uses the same frame id.
void retransformTF (const ros::Time &currentTime)
 retransform map to the new time frame
bool sameCMaps (arm_navigation_msgs::CollisionMap *map1, arm_navigation_msgs::CollisionMap *map2)
 Compare two collision maps and test if they are the same.
virtual bool shouldPublish ()
 Is something to publish and some subscriber to publish to?

Protected Attributes

bool m_bConvertPoint
 Does need input point to be converted?
bool m_bLocked
 Are cmap changes enabled now.
std::string m_cmapFrameId
 Collision map frame id.
ros::Publisher m_cmapPublisher
std::string m_cmapPublisherName
 Collision map publisher name.
double m_collisionMapLimitRadius
 Collision map distance limit.
long int m_collisionMapVersion
 Collision map version counter.
tDataPtr m_dataBuffer
 Collision map message buffer - used to resolve if collision map has changed.
arm_navigation_msgs::CollisionMap m_dataEmpty
 Empty collision map - used when callers map id is the same as the current map id.
bool m_latchedTopics
ros::Time m_mapTime
 Current cmap timestamp.
bool m_publishCollisionMap
 Is publishing enabled?
tf::Stamped< btVector3 > m_robotBasePosition
 Robot position in the octomap coordinate system.
ros::ServiceServer m_serviceAddCube
 Add cube to cmap service.
ros::ServiceServer m_serviceGetCollisionMap
 Get current collision map service.
ros::ServiceServer m_serviceIsNewCMap
 Is new cmap service.
ros::ServiceServer m_serviceLockCMap
 Lock collision map service.
ros::ServiceServer m_serviceRemoveCube
 Remove cube from map service.
tf::TransformListener m_tfListener
 Transform listener.
Eigen::Matrix3f m_worldToCMapRot
 World to cmap translation and rotation.
Eigen::Matrix4f m_worldToCMapTM
 World to collision map transform matrix.
Eigen::Vector3f m_worldToCMapTrans

Detailed Description

Definition at line 44 of file cmap_plugin.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

Box type.

Definition at line 54 of file cmap_plugin.h.

Point type.

Definition at line 57 of file cmap_plugin.h.

Boxes vector type.

Definition at line 51 of file cmap_plugin.h.

typedef COctomapCrawlerBase<tButServerOcTree::NodeType> srs_env_model::CCMapPlugin::tOctomapCrawler [protected]

Crawler type.

Definition at line 48 of file cmap_plugin.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

srs_env_model::CCMapPlugin::CCMapPlugin ( const std::string &  name  ) 


Definition at line 35 of file cmap_plugin.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void srs_env_model::CCMapPlugin::addBox ( const tBoxPoint center,
const tBoxPoint size,
tBoxVec boxes 
) [protected]

Adds box to the collision map.

center Box center
size Box size

Definition at line 481 of file cmap_plugin.cpp.

bool srs_env_model::CCMapPlugin::addBoxCallback ( srs_env_model::RemoveCube::Request req,
srs_env_model::RemoveCube::Response res 
) [protected]

Remove all boxes from cubical volume - service callback function.

req Request
res Response

Definition at line 506 of file cmap_plugin.cpp.

void srs_env_model::CCMapPlugin::enable ( bool  enabled  )  [inline]

Enable or disable publishing.

Definition at line 64 of file cmap_plugin.h.

bool srs_env_model::CCMapPlugin::getCollisionMapSrvCallback ( srs_env_model::GetCollisionMap::Request req,
srs_env_model::GetCollisionMap::Response res 
) [protected]

Get collision map service call.

req request - caller's map version
res response - current map and current version

Definition at line 308 of file cmap_plugin.cpp.

void srs_env_model::CCMapPlugin::handleOccupiedNode ( tButServerOcTree::iterator &  it,
const SMapWithParameters mp 
) [protected]

hook that is called when traversing occupied nodes of the updated Octree (does nothing here)

void srs_env_model::CCMapPlugin::init ( ros::NodeHandle node_handle  )  [virtual]

Initialize plugin - called in server constructor.

Reimplemented from srs_env_model::CServerPluginBase.

Definition at line 51 of file cmap_plugin.cpp.

bool srs_env_model::CCMapPlugin::isNearRobot ( const btVector3 &  point,
double  extent 
) [protected]

Test collision point if it is in the collision distance from the robot.

Test collision object if it is in the collision distance from the robot.

point Position of the object center - in the world coordinates
extent Bounding sphere of the collision object

Definition at line 295 of file cmap_plugin.cpp.

bool srs_env_model::CCMapPlugin::isNewCmapSrvCallback ( srs_env_model::IsNewCollisionMap::Request req,
srs_env_model::IsNewCollisionMap::Response res 
) [protected]

Get true if given timestamp is older then current map time.

req request - caller's map timestamp
res response - true, if new map and current timestamp

Definition at line 341 of file cmap_plugin.cpp.

bool srs_env_model::CCMapPlugin::lockChanges ( bool  bLock  ) 

Enable/disable collision map changes.

bool srs_env_model::CCMapPlugin::lockCmapSrvCallback ( srs_env_model::LockCollisionMap::Request req,
srs_env_model::LockCollisionMap::Response res 
) [protected]

Lock collision map - disable its updates from new point cloud data.

req request - bool - lock/unlock
res response -

Definition at line 356 of file cmap_plugin.cpp.

void srs_env_model::CCMapPlugin::newMapDataCB ( SMapWithParameters par  )  [protected, virtual]

Set used octomap frame id and timestamp.

Implements srs_env_model::COctomapCrawlerBase< tButServerOcTree::NodeType >.

Definition at line 128 of file cmap_plugin.cpp.

void srs_env_model::CCMapPlugin::pause ( bool  bPause,
ros::NodeHandle node_handle 
) [virtual]

Connect/disconnect plugin to/from all topics.

Disconnect plugin from all topics

Reimplemented from srs_env_model::CServerPluginBase.

Definition at line 375 of file cmap_plugin.cpp.

void srs_env_model::CCMapPlugin::publishInternal ( const ros::Time timestamp  )  [protected, virtual]

Called when new scan was inserted and now all can be published.

Implements srs_env_model::CServerPluginBase.

Definition at line 88 of file cmap_plugin.cpp.

bool srs_env_model::CCMapPlugin::removeBoxCallback ( srs_env_model::RemoveCube::Request req,
srs_env_model::RemoveCube::Response res 
) [protected]

Remove all boxes from cubical volume - service callback function.

req Request
res Response

Definition at line 432 of file cmap_plugin.cpp.

long srs_env_model::CCMapPlugin::removeInsideBox ( const tBoxPoint center,
const tBoxPoint size,
tBoxVec boxes 
) [protected]

Remove all collision boxes within given box. Box is aligned with axes and uses the same frame id.

center Clearing box center
size Clearing box sizes
Number of removed boxes.

Definition at line 389 of file cmap_plugin.cpp.

void srs_env_model::CCMapPlugin::retransformTF ( const ros::Time currentTime  )  [protected]

retransform map to the new time frame

currentTime time frame to transform to

Definition at line 554 of file cmap_plugin.cpp.

bool srs_env_model::CCMapPlugin::sameCMaps ( arm_navigation_msgs::CollisionMap map1,
arm_navigation_msgs::CollisionMap map2 
) [protected]

Compare two collision maps and test if they are the same.

Compare two collision maps.

map1 First map to compare
map2 Second map to compare
true if maps are the same

Definition at line 245 of file cmap_plugin.cpp.

bool srs_env_model::CCMapPlugin::shouldPublish (  )  [protected, virtual]

Is something to publish and some subscriber to publish to?

Returns true, if should be data published and are some subscribers.

Implements srs_env_model::CServerPluginBase.

Definition at line 331 of file cmap_plugin.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

Does need input point to be converted?

Definition at line 209 of file cmap_plugin.h.

Are cmap changes enabled now.

Definition at line 212 of file cmap_plugin.h.

Collision map frame id.

Definition at line 169 of file cmap_plugin.h.


Definition at line 157 of file cmap_plugin.h.

Collision map publisher name.

Definition at line 154 of file cmap_plugin.h.

Collision map distance limit.

Definition at line 160 of file cmap_plugin.h.

Collision map version counter.

Definition at line 163 of file cmap_plugin.h.

Collision map message buffer - used to resolve if collision map has changed.

Definition at line 172 of file cmap_plugin.h.

Empty collision map - used when callers map id is the same as the current map id.

Definition at line 175 of file cmap_plugin.h.

Definition at line 206 of file cmap_plugin.h.

Current cmap timestamp.

Definition at line 215 of file cmap_plugin.h.

Is publishing enabled?

Definition at line 178 of file cmap_plugin.h.

Robot position in the octomap coordinate system.

Definition at line 166 of file cmap_plugin.h.

Add cube to cmap service.

Definition at line 193 of file cmap_plugin.h.

Get current collision map service.

Definition at line 181 of file cmap_plugin.h.

Is new cmap service.

Definition at line 184 of file cmap_plugin.h.

Lock collision map service.

Definition at line 187 of file cmap_plugin.h.

Remove cube from map service.

Definition at line 190 of file cmap_plugin.h.

Transform listener.

Definition at line 196 of file cmap_plugin.h.

Eigen::Matrix3f srs_env_model::CCMapPlugin::m_worldToCMapRot [protected]

World to cmap translation and rotation.

Definition at line 202 of file cmap_plugin.h.

Eigen::Matrix4f srs_env_model::CCMapPlugin::m_worldToCMapTM [protected]

World to collision map transform matrix.

Definition at line 199 of file cmap_plugin.h.

Definition at line 203 of file cmap_plugin.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Properties Friends Defines

Author(s): Vit Stancl (stancl@fit.vutbr.cz), Tomas Lokaj, Jan Gorig, Michal Spanel (spanel@fit.vutbr.cz)
autogenerated on Tue Mar 5 14:34:06 2013