rviz::PoseDisplaySelectionHandler Member List
This is the complete list of members for
rviz::PoseDisplaySelectionHandler, including all inherited members.
addTrackedObject(Ogre::MovableObject *object) | rviz::SelectionHandler | |
boxes_ | rviz::SelectionHandler | [protected] |
createBox(const std::pair< CollObjectHandle, uint64_t > &handles, const Ogre::AxisAlignedBox &aabb, const std::string &material_name) | rviz::SelectionHandler | [protected] |
createProperties(const Picked &obj, PropertyManager *property_manager) | rviz::PoseDisplaySelectionHandler | [inline, virtual] |
destroyBox(const std::pair< CollObjectHandle, uint64_t > &handles) | rviz::SelectionHandler | [protected] |
destroyProperties(const Picked &obj, PropertyManager *property_manager) | rviz::SelectionHandler | [virtual] |
enableInteraction(bool enable) | rviz::SelectionHandler | [inline, virtual] |
getAABBs(const Picked &obj, V_AABB &aabbs) | rviz::SelectionHandler | [virtual] |
getFrame() | rviz::PoseDisplaySelectionHandler | [inline] |
getOrientation() | rviz::PoseDisplaySelectionHandler | [inline] |
getPosition() | rviz::PoseDisplaySelectionHandler | [inline] |
handleMouseEvent(const Picked &obj, ViewportMouseEvent &event) | rviz::SelectionHandler | [inline, virtual] |
initialize(VisualizationManager *manager) | rviz::SelectionHandler | |
isInteractive() | rviz::SelectionHandler | [inline, virtual] |
listener_ | rviz::SelectionHandler | [protected] |
ListenerPtr typedef | rviz::SelectionHandler | [protected] |
M_HandleToBox typedef | rviz::SelectionHandler | [protected] |
manager_ | rviz::SelectionHandler | [protected] |
message_ | rviz::PoseDisplaySelectionHandler | [private] |
name_ | rviz::PoseDisplaySelectionHandler | [private] |
needsAdditionalRenderPass(uint32_t pass) | rviz::SelectionHandler | [inline, virtual] |
onDeselect(const Picked &obj) | rviz::SelectionHandler | [virtual] |
onSelect(const Picked &obj) | rviz::SelectionHandler | [virtual] |
PoseDisplaySelectionHandler(const std::string &name) | rviz::PoseDisplaySelectionHandler | [inline] |
postRenderPass(uint32_t pass) | rviz::SelectionHandler | [virtual] |
preRenderPass(uint32_t pass) | rviz::SelectionHandler | [virtual] |
properties_ | rviz::SelectionHandler | [protected] |
removeTrackedObject(Ogre::MovableObject *object) | rviz::SelectionHandler | |
S_Movable typedef | rviz::SelectionHandler | [protected] |
SelectionHandler() | rviz::SelectionHandler | |
SelectionManager class | rviz::SelectionHandler | [friend] |
setMessage(const geometry_msgs::PoseStampedConstPtr &message) | rviz::PoseDisplaySelectionHandler | [inline] |
tracked_objects_ | rviz::SelectionHandler | [protected] |
updateProperties() | rviz::SelectionHandler | [virtual] |
updateTrackedBoxes() | rviz::SelectionHandler | [virtual] |
V_Property typedef | rviz::SelectionHandler | |
~SelectionHandler() | rviz::SelectionHandler | [virtual] |