RangeDetector Class Reference

#include <RangeDetector.h>

Inheritance diagram for RangeDetector:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 RangeDetector (const PeakFinder *peak, unsigned int scales=5, double sigma=1.6, double step=1.4, SmoothingFilterFamily filterType=BESSEL)

Protected Member Functions

virtual void computeDifferentialBank ()
virtual unsigned int computeInterestPoints (const LaserReading &reading, const std::vector< double > &signal, std::vector< InterestPoint * > &point, std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > &indexes, std::vector< unsigned int > &maxRangeMapping) const
virtual void computeSignal (const LaserReading &reading, std::vector< double > &signal, std::vector< unsigned int > &maxRangeMapping) const

Detailed Description

Representation of the range based detector. The class represents the range based detector defined in the paper. It extracts blobs (extrema of the second derivative) on the range signal. This is equivalent of applying the theory behind the SIFT detector on the monodimensional range image.

Gian Diego Tipaldi

Definition at line 42 of file RangeDetector.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

RangeDetector::RangeDetector ( const PeakFinder peak,
unsigned int  scales = 5,
double  sigma = 1.6,
double  step = 1.4,
SmoothingFilterFamily  filterType = BESSEL 

Constructor. Constructs and initialize the range based detector.

peak The peak finder used to detect maxima in the signal.
scales The number of different scales to consider.
sigma The standard deviation of the smoothing kernel for the initial scale ($ t_0 $ in the paper).
step The scale increment at every new scale ($ t_i $ in the paper). The standard deviation of the kernel at scale $ s $ is $ t_0 \cdot (t_i)^s $
filterType The smoothing kernel used in the detector.

Definition at line 5 of file RangeDetector.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void RangeDetector::computeDifferentialBank (  )  [protected, virtual]

Computes the bank for the second derivative at different scales.

Implements MultiScaleDetector.

Definition at line 11 of file RangeDetector.cpp.

unsigned int RangeDetector::computeInterestPoints ( const LaserReading reading,
const std::vector< double > &  signal,
std::vector< InterestPoint * > &  point,
std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > &  indexes,
std::vector< unsigned int > &  maxRangeMapping 
) const [protected, virtual]

Computes the interst point locations and (when possible) orientation. The points are extracted from the laser reading according to the indexes.

Implements MultiScaleDetector.

Definition at line 34 of file RangeDetector.cpp.

void RangeDetector::computeSignal ( const LaserReading reading,
std::vector< double > &  signal,
std::vector< unsigned int > &  maxRangeMapping 
) const [protected, virtual]

Computes the monodimensional signal from which extracts the features.

Implements MultiScaleDetector.

Definition at line 20 of file RangeDetector.cpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Classes Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Defines

Author(s): Bhaskara Marthi, Gian Diego Tipaldi
autogenerated on Fri Jan 11 11:15:48 2013