
WG0X Class Reference

#include <wg0x.h>

Inheritance diagram for WG0X:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void collectDiagnostics (EthercatCom *com)
void construct (EtherCAT_SlaveHandler *sh, int &start_address)
 < Construct EtherCAT device
void diagnostics (diagnostic_updater::DiagnosticStatusWrapper &d, unsigned char *)
 For EtherCAT device that only publish one EtherCAT Status message. If sub-class implements multiDiagnostics() then diagnostics() is not used.
virtual int initialize (pr2_hardware_interface::HardwareInterface *, bool allow_unprogrammed=true)
void packCommand (unsigned char *buffer, bool halt, bool reset)
bool program (EthercatCom *com, const MotorHeatingModelParametersEepromConfig &heating_config)
 Programs motor heating parameters into device EEPROM.
bool program (EthercatCom *com, const WG0XActuatorInfo &actutor_info)
 Programs acutator and heating parameters into device EEPROM.
bool publishTrace (const string &reason, unsigned level, unsigned delay)
 Asks device to publish (motor) trace. Only works for devices that support it.
bool readActuatorInfoFromEeprom (EthercatCom *com, WG0XActuatorInfo &actuator_info)
 Reads actuator info from eeprom.
bool readMotorHeatingModelParametersFromEeprom (EthercatCom *com, MotorHeatingModelParametersEepromConfig &config)
 Reads actuator info from eeprom.
bool unpackState (unsigned char *this_buffer, unsigned char *prev_buffer)
 WG0X ()
virtual ~WG0X ()

Static Public Member Functions

static double calcEncoderVelocity (int32_t new_position, uint32_t new_timestamp, int32_t old_position, uint32_t old_timestamp)
static unsigned computeChecksum (void const *data, unsigned length)
static double convertRawTemperature (int16_t raw_temp)
 Converts raw 16bit temperature value returned by device into value in degress Celcius.
static int32_t positionDiff (int32_t new_position, int32_t old_position)
static unsigned int rotateRight8 (unsigned in)
static ros::Duration timediffToDuration (int32_t timediff_usec)
static int32_t timestampDiff (uint32_t new_timestamp, uint32_t old_timestamp)

Protected Types

enum  {
  MODE_OFF = 0x00, MODE_ENABLE = (1 << 0), MODE_CURRENT = (1 << 1), MODE_SAFETY_RESET = (1 << 4),
  MODE_SAFETY_LOCKOUT = (1 << 5), MODE_UNDERVOLTAGE = (1 << 6), MODE_RESET = (1 << 7)
enum  { WG05_PRODUCT_CODE = 6805005, WG06_PRODUCT_CODE = 6805006, WG021_PRODUCT_CODE = 6805021 }
enum  { LIMIT_SENSOR_0_STATE = (1 << 0), LIMIT_SENSOR_1_STATE = (1 << 1), LIMIT_ON_TO_OFF = (1 << 2), LIMIT_OFF_TO_ON = (1 << 3) }
enum  {

Different possible states for application ram on device.


Protected Member Functions

bool _readMailboxRepeatRequest (EthercatCom *com)
void clearErrorFlags (void)
bool clearReadMailbox (EthercatCom *com)
 Clears read mailbox by reading first and last byte.
void diagnoseMailboxError (EthercatCom *com)
 Runs diagnostic on read and write mailboxes.
bool initializeMotorHeatingModel (bool allow_unprogrammed)
bool initializeMotorModel (pr2_hardware_interface::HardwareInterface *hw, const string &device_description, double max_pwm_ratio, double board_resistance, bool poor_measured_motor_voltage)
 Allocates and initialized motor trace for WG0X devices than use it (WG006, WG005).
bool lockMailbox ()
bool lockWG0XDiagnostics ()
void publishGeneralDiagnostics (diagnostic_updater::DiagnosticStatusWrapper &d)
void publishMailboxDiagnostics (diagnostic_updater::DiagnosticStatusWrapper &d)
bool readAppRam (EthercatCom *com, double &zero_offset)
bool readEepromPage (EthercatCom *com, unsigned page, void *data, unsigned length)
 Read data from single eeprom page.
bool readEepromStatusReg (EthercatCom *com, EepromStatusReg &reg)
 Reads EEPROM status register.
int readMailbox (EthercatCom *com, unsigned address, void *data, unsigned length)
 Read data from WG0X local bus using mailbox communication.
int readMailbox_ (EthercatCom *com, unsigned address, void *data, unsigned length)
 Internal function.
bool readMailboxInternal (EthercatCom *com, void *data, unsigned length)
 Reads data from read mailbox.
bool readMailboxRepeatRequest (EthercatCom *com)
bool readSpiEepromCmd (EthercatCom *com, WG0XSpiEepromCmd &cmd)
 Reads SPI state machine command register.
bool sendSpiEepromCmd (EthercatCom *com, const WG0XSpiEepromCmd &cmd)
 Sends command to SPI EEPROM state machine.
bool tryLockWG0XDiagnostics ()
void unlockMailbox ()
void unlockWG0XDiagnostics ()
bool verifyChecksum (const void *buffer, unsigned size)
bool verifyDeviceStateForMailboxOperation ()
bool verifyState (WG0XStatus *this_status, WG0XStatus *prev_status)
bool waitForEepromReady (EthercatCom *com)
 Waits for EEPROM to become ready.
bool waitForReadMailboxReady (EthercatCom *com)
 Waits until read mailbox is full or timeout.
bool waitForSpiEepromReady (EthercatCom *com)
 Waits for SPI eeprom state machine to be idle.
bool waitForWriteMailboxReady (EthercatCom *com)
 Waits until write mailbox is empty or timeout.
bool writeAppRam (EthercatCom *com, double zero_offset)
bool writeEepromPage (EthercatCom *com, unsigned page, const void *data, unsigned length)
 Write data to single eeprom page.
int writeMailbox (EthercatCom *com, unsigned address, void const *data, unsigned length)
 Write data to WG0X local bus using mailbox communication.
int writeMailbox_ (EthercatCom *com, unsigned address, void const *data, unsigned length)
 Internal function.
bool writeMailboxInternal (EthercatCom *com, void const *data, unsigned length)
 Writes data to mailbox.

Static Protected Member Functions

static void copyActuatorInfo (ethercat_hardware::ActuatorInfo &out, const WG0XActuatorInfo &in)
 Fills in ethercat_hardware::ActuatorInfo from WG0XActuatorInfo.
static string modeString (uint8_t mode)
static string safetyDisableString (uint8_t status)
static bool timestamp_jump (uint32_t timestamp, uint32_t last_timestamp, uint32_t amount)

Protected Attributes

pr2_hardware_interface::Actuator actuator_
WG0XActuatorInfo actuator_info_
ethercat_hardware::ActuatorInfo actuator_info_msg_
AppRamStatus app_ram_status_
uint8_t board_major_
 Printed circuit board revision (for this value 0=='A', 1=='B').
uint8_t board_minor_
 Printed circuit assembly revision.
double cached_zero_offset_
int calibration_status_
WG0XConfigInfo config_info_
int consecutive_drops_
pr2_hardware_interface::DigitalOut digital_out_
bool disable_motor_model_checking_
int drops_
bool fpga_internal_reset_detected_
uint8_t fw_major_
uint8_t fw_minor_
bool has_error_
bool in_lockout_
uint32_t last_last_timestamp_
unsigned last_num_encoder_errors_
 Number of encoder errors the last time motors were reset.
uint32_t last_timestamp_
MbxDiagnostics mailbox_diagnostics_
pthread_mutex_t mailbox_lock_
MbxDiagnostics mailbox_publish_diagnostics_
uint16_t max_board_temperature_
uint16_t max_bridge_temperature_
int max_consecutive_drops_
double max_current_
 min(board current limit, actuator current limit)
< ethercat_hardware::MotorHeatingModel
ethercat_hardware::MotorTraceSample motor_trace_sample_
pr2_hardware_interface::DigitalOut publish_motor_trace_
bool resetting_
ros::Duration sample_timestamp_
bool status_checksum_error_
bool timestamp_jump_detected_
bool too_many_dropped_packets_
WG0XDiagnostics wg0x_collect_diagnostics_
pthread_mutex_t wg0x_diagnostics_lock_
WG0XDiagnostics wg0x_publish_diagnostics_

Static Protected Attributes

static const unsigned ACTUATOR_INFO_PAGE = 4095
static const unsigned COMMAND_PHY_ADDR = 0x1000
static const unsigned MAX_EEPROM_PAGE_SIZE = 264
static const unsigned MBX_COMMAND_PHY_ADDR = 0x1400
static const unsigned MBX_COMMAND_SIZE = 512
static const unsigned MBX_COMMAND_SYNCMAN_NUM = 2
static const unsigned MBX_STATUS_PHY_ADDR = 0x2400
static const unsigned MBX_STATUS_SIZE = 512
static const unsigned MBX_STATUS_SYNCMAN_NUM = 3
static boost::shared_ptr
< ethercat_hardware::MotorHeatingModelCommon
static const unsigned NUM_EEPROM_PAGES = 4096
static const unsigned PDO_COMMAND_SYNCMAN_NUM = 0
static const unsigned PDO_STATUS_SYNCMAN_NUM = 1
static const int PWM_MAX = 0x4000
static const unsigned STATUS_PHY_ADDR = 0x2000

Detailed Description

Definition at line 416 of file wg0x.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum [protected]

Definition at line 455 of file wg0x.h.

anonymous enum [protected]

Definition at line 466 of file wg0x.h.

anonymous enum [protected]

Definition at line 487 of file wg0x.h.

anonymous enum [protected]

Definition at line 576 of file wg0x.h.

anonymous enum [protected]

Definition at line 584 of file wg0x.h.

enum WG0X::AppRamStatus [protected]

Different possible states for application ram on device.


Definition at line 505 of file wg0x.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

WG0X::WG0X (  ) 

Definition at line 243 of file wg0x.cpp.

WG0X::~WG0X (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 279 of file wg0x.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

bool WG0X::_readMailboxRepeatRequest ( EthercatCom com  )  [protected]

Definition at line 1969 of file wg0x.cpp.

double WG0X::calcEncoderVelocity ( int32_t  new_position,
uint32_t  new_timestamp,
int32_t  old_position,
uint32_t  old_timestamp 
) [static]

Returns velocity in encoder ticks per second.

Timestamp assumed to be in microseconds Accounts for wrapping of timestamp values and position values.

Definition at line 803 of file wg0x.cpp.

void WG0X::clearErrorFlags ( void   )  [protected]

Definition at line 632 of file wg0x.cpp.

bool WG0X::clearReadMailbox ( EthercatCom com  )  [protected]

Clears read mailbox by reading first and last byte.

Mailbox lock should be held when this function is called.

com used to perform communication with device
returns true for success, false for failure

Definition at line 1654 of file wg0x.cpp.

void WG0X::collectDiagnostics ( EthercatCom com  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from EthercatDevice.

Definition at line 957 of file wg0x.cpp.

unsigned WG0X::computeChecksum ( void const *  data,
unsigned  length 
) [static]

Definition at line 70 of file wg0x.cpp.

void WG0X::construct ( EtherCAT_SlaveHandler *  sh,
int &  start_address 
) [virtual]

< Construct EtherCAT device

Construct non-EtherCAT device

Reimplemented from EthercatDevice.

Reimplemented in WG021, WG05, and WG06.

Definition at line 287 of file wg0x.cpp.

double WG0X::convertRawTemperature ( int16_t  raw_temp  )  [static]

Converts raw 16bit temperature value returned by device into value in degress Celcius.

raw_temp Raw 16bit temperature value return by device
Temperature in degrees Celcius

Definition at line 818 of file wg0x.cpp.

void WG0X::copyActuatorInfo ( ethercat_hardware::ActuatorInfo out,
const WG0XActuatorInfo in 
) [static, protected]

Fills in ethercat_hardware::ActuatorInfo from WG0XActuatorInfo.

WG0XAcuatorInfo is a packed structure that comes directly from the device EEPROM. ethercat_hardware::ActuatorInfo is a ROS message type that is used by both motor model and motor heating model.

Definition at line 309 of file wg0x.cpp.

void WG0X::diagnoseMailboxError ( EthercatCom com  )  [protected]

Runs diagnostic on read and write mailboxes.

Collects and data from mailbox control registers.

not implemented yet
com used to perform communication with device
returns true for success, false for failure

Definition at line 1641 of file wg0x.cpp.

void WG0X::diagnostics ( diagnostic_updater::DiagnosticStatusWrapper d,
unsigned char *  buffer 
) [virtual]

For EtherCAT device that only publish one EtherCAT Status message. If sub-class implements multiDiagnostics() then diagnostics() is not used.

d Diagnostics status wrapper.
buffer Pointer to slave process data.

Reimplemented from EthercatDevice.

Reimplemented in WG021.

Definition at line 2579 of file wg0x.cpp.

int WG0X::initialize ( pr2_hardware_interface::HardwareInterface hw,
bool  allow_unprogrammed = true 
) [virtual]

Implements EthercatDevice.

Reimplemented in WG021, WG05, and WG06.

Definition at line 480 of file wg0x.cpp.

bool WG0X::initializeMotorHeatingModel ( bool  allow_unprogrammed  )  [protected]

Definition at line 381 of file wg0x.cpp.

bool WG0X::initializeMotorModel ( pr2_hardware_interface::HardwareInterface hw,
const string &  device_description,
double  max_pwm_ratio,
double  board_resistance,
bool  poor_measured_motor_voltage 
) [protected]

Allocates and initialized motor trace for WG0X devices than use it (WG006, WG005).

Definition at line 327 of file wg0x.cpp.

bool WG0X::lockMailbox (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 2283 of file wg0x.cpp.

bool WG0X::lockWG0XDiagnostics (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 2303 of file wg0x.cpp.

string WG0X::modeString ( uint8_t  mode  )  [static, protected]

Definition at line 2432 of file wg0x.cpp.

void WG0X::packCommand ( unsigned char *  buffer,
bool  halt,
bool  reset 
) [virtual]
reset when asserted this will clear diagnostic error conditions device safety disable
halt while asserted will disable actuator, usually by disabling H-bridge

Reimplemented from EthercatDevice.

Reimplemented in WG021, WG05, and WG06.

Definition at line 645 of file wg0x.cpp.

int32_t WG0X::positionDiff ( int32_t  new_position,
int32_t  old_position 
) [static]

Returns (new_position - old_position). Accounts for wrap-around of 32-bit position values.

It is assumed that each position value is exactly 32bit and can wrap from -2147483648 to +2147483647.

Definition at line 792 of file wg0x.cpp.

bool WG0X::program ( EthercatCom com,
const MotorHeatingModelParametersEepromConfig heating_config 

Programs motor heating parameters into device EEPROM.

Originally, devices only stored ActuatorInfo in EEPROM. However, later we discovered that in extreme cases, certain motors may overheat. To prevent motor overheating, a model is used to estimate motor winding temperature and stop motor if temperature gets too high. However, the new motor heating model needs more motor parameters than were originally stored in eeprom.

com EtherCAT communication class used for communicating with device
heating_config Motor heating model parameters to be stored in device EEPROM
true if there is success, false if there is an error

Definition at line 1497 of file wg0x.cpp.

bool WG0X::program ( EthercatCom com,
const WG0XActuatorInfo actutor_info 

Programs acutator and heating parameters into device EEPROM.

WG0X devices store configuaration info in EEPROM. This configuration information contains information such as device name, motor parameters, and encoder parameters.

Originally, devices only stored ActuatorInfo in EEPROM. However, later we discovered that in extreme cases, certain motors may overheat. To prevent motor overheating, a model is used to estimate motor winding temperature and stop motor if temperature gets too high. However, the new motor heating model needs more motor parameters than were originally stored in eeprom.

com EtherCAT communication class used for communicating with device
actutor_info Actuator information to be stored in device EEPROM
actutor_info Motor heating motor information to be stored in device EEPROM
true if there is success, false if there is an error

Definition at line 1471 of file wg0x.cpp.

void WG0X::publishGeneralDiagnostics ( diagnostic_updater::DiagnosticStatusWrapper d  )  [protected]

Definition at line 2480 of file wg0x.cpp.

void WG0X::publishMailboxDiagnostics ( diagnostic_updater::DiagnosticStatusWrapper d  )  [protected]

Definition at line 2466 of file wg0x.cpp.

bool WG0X::publishTrace ( const string &  reason,
unsigned  level,
unsigned  delay 
) [virtual]

Asks device to publish (motor) trace. Only works for devices that support it.

reason Message to put in trace as reason.
level Level to put in trace (aka ERROR=2, WARN=1, OK=0)
delay Publish trace after delay cyles. For 1kHz realtime loop 1cycle = 1ms.
Return true if device support publishing trace. False, if not.

Reimplemented from EthercatDevice.

Definition at line 946 of file wg0x.cpp.

bool WG0X::readActuatorInfoFromEeprom ( EthercatCom com,
WG0XActuatorInfo actuator_info 

Reads actuator info from eeprom.

com EtherCAT communication class used for communicating with device
acuator_info Structure where actuator info will be stored.
true if there is success, false if there is an error

Definition at line 1229 of file wg0x.cpp.

bool WG0X::readAppRam ( EthercatCom com,
double &  zero_offset 
) [protected]

Definition at line 1043 of file wg0x.cpp.

bool WG0X::readEepromPage ( EthercatCom com,
unsigned  page,
void *  data,
unsigned  length 
) [protected]

Read data from single eeprom page.

Data should be less than 264 bytes. Note that some eeproms only support 256 byte pages. If 264 bytes of data are read from a 256 byte eeprom, then last 8 bytes of data will be zeros.

com EtherCAT communication class used for communicating with device
page EEPROM page number to read from. Should be 0 to 4095.
data pointer to data buffer
length length of data in buffer
true if there is success, false if there is an error

Definition at line 1172 of file wg0x.cpp.

bool WG0X::readEepromStatusReg ( EthercatCom com,
EepromStatusReg reg 
) [protected]

Reads EEPROM status register.

Amoung other things, eeprom status register provide information about whether eeprom is busy performing a write.

com EtherCAT communication class used for communicating with device
reg reference to EepromStatusReg struct where eeprom status will be stored
true if there is success, false if there is an error

Definition at line 1385 of file wg0x.cpp.

int WG0X::readMailbox ( EthercatCom com,
unsigned  address,
void *  data,
unsigned  length 
) [protected]

Read data from WG0X local bus using mailbox communication.

Internally a localbus read is done in two parts. First, a mailbox write of a command header that include local bus address and length. Second, a mailbox read of the result.

com used to perform communication with device
address WG0X (FPGA) local bus address to read from
data pointer to buffer where read data can be stored, must be at least length in size
length amount of data to read, limited at 511 bytes.
returns zero for success, non-zero for failure

Definition at line 2189 of file wg0x.cpp.

int WG0X::readMailbox_ ( EthercatCom com,
unsigned  address,
void *  data,
unsigned  length 
) [protected]

Internal function.

Aguments are the same as readMailbox() except that this assumes the mailbox lock is held.

Definition at line 2208 of file wg0x.cpp.

bool WG0X::readMailboxInternal ( EthercatCom com,
void *  data,
unsigned  length 
) [protected]

Reads data from read mailbox.

Will try to conserve bandwidth by reading length bytes of data and last byte of mailbox. Mailbox lock should be held when this function is called.

com used to perform communication with device
data pointer to buffer where read data is stored.
length amount of data to read from mailbox
returns true for success, false for failure

Definition at line 2058 of file wg0x.cpp.

bool WG0X::readMailboxRepeatRequest ( EthercatCom com  )  [protected]

Definition at line 1959 of file wg0x.cpp.

bool WG0X::readMotorHeatingModelParametersFromEeprom ( EthercatCom com,
MotorHeatingModelParametersEepromConfig config 

Reads actuator info from eeprom.

com EtherCAT communication class used for communicating with device
acuator_info Structure where actuator info will be stored.
true if there is success, false if there is an error

Definition at line 1248 of file wg0x.cpp.

bool WG0X::readSpiEepromCmd ( EthercatCom com,
WG0XSpiEepromCmd cmd 
) [protected]

Reads SPI state machine command register.

For communicating with EEPROM, there is a simple state machine that transfers data to/from FPGA buffer over SPI. When any type of comunication is done with EEPROM: 1. Write command or write data into FPGA buffer. 2. Have state machine start transfer bytes from buffer to EEPROM, and write data from EEPROM into buffer 3. Wait for state machine to complete (by reading its status) 4. Read EEPROM response from FPGA buffer.

com EtherCAT communication class used for communicating with device
reg reference to WG0XSpiEepromCmd struct where read data will be stored
true if there is success, false if there is an error

Definition at line 1440 of file wg0x.cpp.

unsigned int WG0X::rotateRight8 ( unsigned  in  )  [static]

Definition at line 62 of file wg0x.cpp.

string WG0X::safetyDisableString ( uint8_t  status  )  [static, protected]

Definition at line 2412 of file wg0x.cpp.

bool WG0X::sendSpiEepromCmd ( EthercatCom com,
const WG0XSpiEepromCmd cmd 
) [protected]

Sends command to SPI EEPROM state machine.

This function makes sure SPI EEPROM state machine is idle before sending new command. It also waits for state machine to be idle before returning.

com EtherCAT communication class used for communicating with device
true if command was send, false if there is an error

Definition at line 1109 of file wg0x.cpp.

ros::Duration WG0X::timediffToDuration ( int32_t  timediff_usec  )  [static]

Convert timestamp difference to ros::Duration. Timestamp is assumed to be in microseconds

It is assumed that each timestamps is exactly 32bit and can wrap around from 0xFFFFFFFF back to 0. In this case 1 - 4294967295 should equal 2 not -4294967294. (Note : 0xFFFFFFFF = 4294967295)

Definition at line 778 of file wg0x.cpp.

bool WG0X::timestamp_jump ( uint32_t  timestamp,
uint32_t  last_timestamp,
uint32_t  amount 
) [static, protected]

Definition at line 825 of file wg0x.cpp.

int32_t WG0X::timestampDiff ( uint32_t  new_timestamp,
uint32_t  old_timestamp 
) [static]

Returns (new_timestamp - old_timestamp). Accounts for wrapping of timestamp values.

It is assumed that each timestamps is exactly 32bit and can wrap around from 0xFFFFFFFF back to 0. In this case 1 - 4294967295 should equal 2 not -4294967294. (Note : 0xFFFFFFFF = 4294967295)

Definition at line 767 of file wg0x.cpp.

bool WG0X::tryLockWG0XDiagnostics (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 2315 of file wg0x.cpp.

void WG0X::unlockMailbox (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 2294 of file wg0x.cpp.

void WG0X::unlockWG0XDiagnostics (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 2330 of file wg0x.cpp.

bool WG0X::unpackState ( unsigned char *  this_buffer,
unsigned char *  prev_buffer 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from EthercatDevice.

Reimplemented in WG021, WG05, and WG06.

Definition at line 696 of file wg0x.cpp.

bool WG0X::verifyChecksum ( const void *  buffer,
unsigned  size 
) [protected]

Definition at line 747 of file wg0x.cpp.

bool WG0X::verifyDeviceStateForMailboxOperation (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 1619 of file wg0x.cpp.

bool WG0X::verifyState ( WG0XStatus this_status,
WG0XStatus prev_status 
) [protected]

Definition at line 831 of file wg0x.cpp.

bool WG0X::waitForEepromReady ( EthercatCom com  )  [protected]

Waits for EEPROM to become ready.

Certain eeprom operations (such as page reads), are complete immediately after data is trasferred. Other operations (such as page writes) take some amount of time after data is trasfered to complete. This polls the EEPROM status register until the 'ready' bit is set.

com EtherCAT communication class used for communicating with device
true if there is success, false if there is an error or wait takes too long

Definition at line 1343 of file wg0x.cpp.

bool WG0X::waitForReadMailboxReady ( EthercatCom com  )  [protected]

Waits until read mailbox is full or timeout.

Wait times out after 100msec. Mailbox lock should be held when this function is called.

com used to perform communication with device
returns true for success, false for failure or timeout

Definition at line 1736 of file wg0x.cpp.

bool WG0X::waitForSpiEepromReady ( EthercatCom com  )  [protected]

Waits for SPI eeprom state machine to be idle.

Polls busy SPI bit of SPI state machine.

com EtherCAT communication class used for communicating with device
true if state machine is free, false if there is an error, or we timed out waiting

Definition at line 1072 of file wg0x.cpp.

bool WG0X::waitForWriteMailboxReady ( EthercatCom com  )  [protected]

Waits until write mailbox is empty or timeout.

Wait times out after 100msec. Mailbox lock should be held when this function is called.

com used to perform communication with device
returns true for success, false for failure or timeout

Definition at line 1788 of file wg0x.cpp.

bool WG0X::writeAppRam ( EthercatCom com,
double  zero_offset 
) [protected]

Definition at line 1032 of file wg0x.cpp.

bool WG0X::writeEepromPage ( EthercatCom com,
unsigned  page,
const void *  data,
unsigned  length 
) [protected]

Write data to single eeprom page.

Data should be less than 264 bytes. If data size is less than 264 bytes, then the page will be padded with 0xFF. Note that some eeproms only support 256 byte pages. With 256 byte eeproms, the eeprom FW with ingore last 8 bytes of requested write.

com EtherCAT communication class used for communicating with device
page EEPROM page number to write to. Should be 0 to 4095.
data pointer to data buffer
length length of data in buffer. If length < 264, eeprom page will be padded out to 264 bytes.
true if there is success, false if there is an error

Definition at line 1275 of file wg0x.cpp.

int WG0X::writeMailbox ( EthercatCom com,
unsigned  address,
void const *  data,
unsigned  length 
) [protected]

Write data to WG0X local bus using mailbox communication.

First, this puts a command header that include local bus address and length in write mailbox. Second it waits until device actually empties write mailbox.

com used to perform communication with device
address WG0X (FPGA) local bus address to write data to
data pointer to buffer where write data is stored, must be at least length in size
length amount of data to write, limited at 507 bytes
returns zero for success, non-zero for failure

Definition at line 2352 of file wg0x.cpp.

int WG0X::writeMailbox_ ( EthercatCom com,
unsigned  address,
void const *  data,
unsigned  length 
) [protected]

Internal function.

Aguments are the same as writeMailbox() except that this assumes the mailbox lock is held.

Definition at line 2372 of file wg0x.cpp.

bool WG0X::writeMailboxInternal ( EthercatCom com,
void const *  data,
unsigned  length 
) [protected]

Writes data to mailbox.

Will try to conserve bandwidth by only length bytes of data and last byte of mailbox. Mailbox lock should be held when this function is called.

com used to perform communication with device
data pointer to buffer where read data is stored.
length amount of data to read from mailbox
returns true for success, false for failure

Definition at line 1843 of file wg0x.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 452 of file wg0x.h.

Definition at line 445 of file wg0x.h.

Definition at line 449 of file wg0x.h.

const unsigned WG0X::ACTUATOR_INFO_PAGE = 4095 [static, protected]

Definition at line 597 of file wg0x.h.

Definition at line 506 of file wg0x.h.

uint8_t WG0X::board_major_ [protected]

Printed circuit board revision (for this value 0=='A', 1=='B').

Definition at line 442 of file wg0x.h.

uint8_t WG0X::board_minor_ [protected]

Printed circuit assembly revision.

Definition at line 443 of file wg0x.h.

double WG0X::cached_zero_offset_ [protected]

Definition at line 486 of file wg0x.h.

int WG0X::calibration_status_ [protected]

Definition at line 488 of file wg0x.h.

const unsigned WG0X::COMMAND_PHY_ADDR = 0x1000 [static, protected]

Definition at line 564 of file wg0x.h.

Definition at line 446 of file wg0x.h.

int WG0X::consecutive_drops_ [protected]

Definition at line 615 of file wg0x.h.

Definition at line 453 of file wg0x.h.

Definition at line 603 of file wg0x.h.

int WG0X::drops_ [protected]

Definition at line 614 of file wg0x.h.

Definition at line 482 of file wg0x.h.

uint8_t WG0X::fw_major_ [protected]

Definition at line 440 of file wg0x.h.

uint8_t WG0X::fw_minor_ [protected]

Definition at line 441 of file wg0x.h.

bool WG0X::has_error_ [protected]

Definition at line 477 of file wg0x.h.

bool WG0X::in_lockout_ [protected]

Definition at line 475 of file wg0x.h.

Definition at line 613 of file wg0x.h.

unsigned WG0X::last_num_encoder_errors_ [protected]

Number of encoder errors the last time motors were reset.

Definition at line 489 of file wg0x.h.

Definition at line 612 of file wg0x.h.

Definition at line 536 of file wg0x.h.

pthread_mutex_t WG0X::mailbox_lock_ [protected]

Definition at line 535 of file wg0x.h.

Definition at line 537 of file wg0x.h.

uint16_t WG0X::max_board_temperature_ [protected]

Definition at line 478 of file wg0x.h.

uint16_t WG0X::max_bridge_temperature_ [protected]

Definition at line 478 of file wg0x.h.

Definition at line 616 of file wg0x.h.

double WG0X::max_current_ [protected]

min(board current limit, actuator current limit)

Definition at line 447 of file wg0x.h.

const unsigned WG0X::MAX_EEPROM_PAGE_SIZE = 264 [static, protected]

Definition at line 599 of file wg0x.h.

const unsigned WG0X::MBX_COMMAND_PHY_ADDR = 0x1400 [static, protected]

Definition at line 566 of file wg0x.h.

const unsigned WG0X::MBX_COMMAND_SIZE = 512 [static, protected]

Definition at line 567 of file wg0x.h.

const unsigned WG0X::MBX_COMMAND_SYNCMAN_NUM = 2 [static, protected]

Definition at line 573 of file wg0x.h.

const unsigned WG0X::MBX_STATUS_PHY_ADDR = 0x2400 [static, protected]

Definition at line 568 of file wg0x.h.

const unsigned WG0X::MBX_STATUS_SIZE = 512 [static, protected]

Definition at line 569 of file wg0x.h.

const unsigned WG0X::MBX_STATUS_SYNCMAN_NUM = 3 [static, protected]

Definition at line 574 of file wg0x.h.

Definition at line 609 of file wg0x.h.

Definition at line 608 of file wg0x.h.

Definition at line 602 of file wg0x.h.

Definition at line 604 of file wg0x.h.

const unsigned WG0X::NUM_EEPROM_PAGES = 4096 [static, protected]

Definition at line 598 of file wg0x.h.

const unsigned WG0X::PDO_COMMAND_SYNCMAN_NUM = 0 [static, protected]

Definition at line 571 of file wg0x.h.

const unsigned WG0X::PDO_STATUS_SYNCMAN_NUM = 1 [static, protected]

Definition at line 572 of file wg0x.h.

Definition at line 605 of file wg0x.h.

const int WG0X::PWM_MAX = 0x4000 [static, protected]

Definition at line 529 of file wg0x.h.

bool WG0X::resetting_ [protected]

Definition at line 476 of file wg0x.h.

The ros::Duration timestamp measures the time since the ethercat process started. It is generated by accumulating diffs between 32bit device timestamps. Device timestamps are assumed to be in microseconds, so 32bit timestamp will overflow every 72 minutes, ros::Duration (int32_t secs, int32_t nsecs) should overflow will overflow after 68 years

Definition at line 496 of file wg0x.h.

bool WG0X::status_checksum_error_ [protected]

Definition at line 480 of file wg0x.h.

const unsigned WG0X::STATUS_PHY_ADDR = 0x2000 [static, protected]

Definition at line 565 of file wg0x.h.

Definition at line 481 of file wg0x.h.

Definition at line 479 of file wg0x.h.

Definition at line 623 of file wg0x.h.

pthread_mutex_t WG0X::wg0x_diagnostics_lock_ [protected]

Definition at line 621 of file wg0x.h.

Definition at line 622 of file wg0x.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Properties Friends Defines

Author(s): Rob Wheeler (email: wheeler@willowgarage.com), Maintained by Derek King (email: dking@willowgarage.com)
autogenerated on Fri Mar 1 16:52:18 2013