topological_map_2d Namespace Reference


struct  DuplicateEdgeIdException
 Exception for trying to add an EdgeId that already exists. More...
struct  DuplicateNodeIdException
 Exception for trying to add a NodeId that already exists. More...
struct  GridFrameNameException
 Exception when expected a frame id of form "grid42" and didn't get it. More...
struct  InvalidEdgeIdException
 Exception for invalid edge id. More...
struct  InvalidNodeIdException
 Exception for invalid node id. More...
struct  ParallelEdgeException
 Exception when trying to add edge between two already connected nodes. More...
class  TopologicalMap
class  TopologicalMapException
struct  UnknownEdgeIdException
 Exception for unknown EdgeId. More...
struct  UnknownNodeIdException
 Exception for unknown node id. More...


typedef std::map< unsigned,
typedef boost::adjacency_list
< boost::listS, boost::listS,
msg::TopologicalMapEdge > 
typedef boost::graph_traits
< Graph >::edge_descriptor 
typedef boost::graph_traits
< Graph >::vertex_descriptor 
typedef std::map< unsigned,


unsigned frameGrid (const std::string &frame)
TopologicalMap fromMessage (const msg::TopologicalGraph &m)
 Convert TopologicalGraph2D message to TopologicalMap.
std::string gridFrame (const unsigned g)
msg::TopologicalGraph::Ptr toMessage (const TopologicalMap &g)
 Convert TopologicalMap to ROS TopologicalGraph2D message.

Typedef Documentation

typedef std::map<unsigned, GraphEdge> topological_map_2d::EdgeMap

Definition at line 46 of file topological_map.cpp.

typedef boost::adjacency_list<boost::listS, boost::listS, boost::undirectedS, msg::TopologicalMapNode, msg::TopologicalMapEdge> topological_map_2d::Graph

Definition at line 58 of file topological_map.h.

typedef boost::graph_traits<Graph>::edge_descriptor topological_map_2d::GraphEdge

Definition at line 59 of file topological_map.h.

typedef boost::graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor topological_map_2d::GraphVertex

Definition at line 60 of file topological_map.h.

typedef std::map<unsigned, GraphVertex> topological_map_2d::VertexMap

Definition at line 45 of file topological_map.cpp.

Function Documentation

unsigned topological_map_2d::frameGrid ( const std::string &  frame  ) 
Return values:
The grid id corresponding to a frame of the form "grid42"
GridFrameNameException if frame isn't of the expected form

Definition at line 58 of file topological_map.cpp.

TopologicalMap topological_map_2d::fromMessage ( const msg::TopologicalGraph &  m  ) 

Convert TopologicalGraph2D message to TopologicalMap.

Definition at line 42 of file ros_conversion.cpp.

string topological_map_2d::gridFrame ( const unsigned  g  ) 
Return values:
The name of the coordinate frame for grid g

Definition at line 53 of file topological_map.cpp.

msg::TopologicalGraph::Ptr topological_map_2d::toMessage ( const TopologicalMap &  g  ) 

Convert TopologicalMap to ROS TopologicalGraph2D message.

Definition at line 59 of file ros_conversion.cpp.

 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Defines

Author(s): Bhaskara Marthi
autogenerated on Fri Jan 11 09:14:27 2013