Package roslaunch :: Module config
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Module config

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Defines the ROSLaunchConfig object, which holds and the state of the roslaunch file.

ROSLaunchConfig is the container for the loaded roslaunch file state.
load_roscore(loader, config, verbose=True)
Load roscore configuration into the ROSLaunchConfig using the specified XmlLoader @param config ROSLaunchConfig @param loader XmlLoader
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load_config_default(roslaunch_files, port, roslaunch_strs=None, loader=None, verbose=False, assign_machines=True)
Base routine for creating a ROSLaunchConfig from a set of roslaunch_files and or launch XML strings and initializing it.
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  __package__ = 'roslaunch'
Function Details

load_config_default(roslaunch_files, port, roslaunch_strs=None, loader=None, verbose=False, assign_machines=True)

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Base routine for creating a ROSLaunchConfig from a set of roslaunch_files and or launch XML strings and initializing it. This config will have a core definition and also set the master to run on port.

  • roslaunch_files ([str]) - list of launch files to load
  • port (int) - roscore/master port override. Set to 0 or None to use default.
  • roslaunch_strs ([str]) - (optional) roslaunch XML strings to load
  • verbose (bool) - (optional) print info to screen about model as it is loaded.
  • assign_machines (bool) - (optional) assign nodes to machines (default: True)
initialized rosconfig instance