navfn/MakeNavPlan Service

File: navfn/MakeNavPlan.srv

geometry_msgs/PoseStamped start
geometry_msgs/PoseStamped goal

uint8 plan_found
string error_message

# if plan_found is true, this is an array of waypoints from start to goal, where the first one equals start and the last one equals goal
geometry_msgs/PoseStamped[] path

Expanded Definition

geometry_msgs/PoseStamped start
    Header header
        uint32 seq
        time stamp
        string frame_id
    geometry_msgs/Pose pose
        geometry_msgs/Point position
            float64 x
            float64 y
            float64 z
        geometry_msgs/Quaternion orientation
            float64 x
            float64 y
            float64 z
            float64 w
geometry_msgs/PoseStamped goal
    Header header
        uint32 seq
        time stamp
        string frame_id
    geometry_msgs/Pose pose
        geometry_msgs/Point position
            float64 x
            float64 y
            float64 z
        geometry_msgs/Quaternion orientation
            float64 x
            float64 y
            float64 z
            float64 w

uint8 plan_found
string error_message
geometry_msgs/PoseStamped[] path
    Header header
        uint32 seq
        time stamp
        string frame_id
    geometry_msgs/Pose pose
        geometry_msgs/Point position
            float64 x
            float64 y
            float64 z
        geometry_msgs/Quaternion orientation
            float64 x
            float64 y
            float64 z
            float64 w