QMDlg Class Reference

Creates and controls the quality measure dialog box. More...

#include <qmDlg.h>

Inheritance diagram for QMDlg:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Slots

void addEditQM ()
void deleteQM ()
void gravityBox_clicked ()
void selectQM (int which)
void selectQMType (const QString &typeStr)
void updateSettingsBox ()

Public Member Functions

 QMDlg (QWidget *parent)

Private Member Functions

void init ()

Private Attributes

qmDlgDataT qmDlgData

Detailed Description

Creates and controls the quality measure dialog box.

The dialog box contains a list of the currently defined quality measures for this grasp as well as a "New Quality Measure" item. It also has text entry box for changing the name of a QM, a combo box for choosing the QM type, and a settings area for the settings of the individual types of QM's. If the user selects a currently defined measure from the list, the QM type and settings area are updated using the current values from the chosen QM. The user can change these values and click the "add/edit" button to make the changes, or click the "delete" button to remove the quality measure. If the user selects "New Quality Measure", then chooses a name and a type for the QM and chooses settings for that QM, it can then be added to the list by clicking "add/edit".

Definition at line 49 of file qmDlg.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

QMDlg::QMDlg ( QWidget *  parent  )  [inline]

Definition at line 57 of file qmDlg.h.

Member Function Documentation

void QMDlg::addEditQM (  )  [slot]

Creates a new quality measure of the selected type with the given name from the name text area. If "New Quality Measure" is selected in the list, it adds this QM to the grasp and to the quality measure list. Otherwise it replaces the currently selected QM with the new one.

Definition at line 106 of file qmDlg.cpp.

void QMDlg::deleteQM (  )  [slot]

Removes the selected QM from the grasp and the quality measure list. Then it selects the next item in the list.

Definition at line 135 of file qmDlg.cpp.

void QMDlg::gravityBox_clicked (  )  [slot]

Definition at line 184 of file qmDlg.cpp.

void QMDlg::init (  )  [private]

This populates the quality measure list with the currently defined quality measures for this grasp. Then it populates the QM comboBox with the all the possible quality measure types. Next, it creates an empty settings area widget to hold the settings for the individual types of quality measures, and adds it to the layout.

Definition at line 45 of file qmDlg.cpp.

void QMDlg::selectQM ( int  which  )  [slot]

If "New Quality Measure" is selected, the first item is the QM type box is selected, and the delete button is disabled. Otherwise, it updates the name in the text area, and sets the QM type in the comboBox to the type of thecurrently selected QM, and finally calls the updateSettingsBox to update the settings area.

Definition at line 158 of file qmDlg.cpp.

void QMDlg::selectQMType ( const QString &  typeStr  )  [slot]

Reads the selected QM type and calls updateSettingsBox .

Definition at line 77 of file qmDlg.cpp.

void QMDlg::updateSettingsBox (  )  [slot]

Deletes the current settings area widget, creates a new one, and calls the static quality meausre method to build the correct set of settings widgets for the currently selected QM type.

Definition at line 88 of file qmDlg.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 53 of file qmDlg.h.

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