Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
hrp Namespace Reference


class  AbstractVrmlGroup
class  AccelSensor
class  Body
struct  BodyCustomizerInterface
struct  BodyHandleEntity
struct  BodyInterface
class  CFSImpl
class  ColdetLinkPair
class  ColdetModel
class  ColdetModelPair
class  ColdetModelSharedDataSet
class  collision_data
class  CollisionPairInserter
class  CollisionPairInserterBase
class  ConstraintForceSolver
class  CustomizedJointPath
class  EasyScanner
class  Edge
class  ForceSensor
class  ForwardDynamics
class  ForwardDynamicsABM
class  ForwardDynamicsMM
class  ImageConverter
class  InverseKinematics
class  JointNodeSet
class  JointPath
class  Light
class  Link
class  LinkPath
class  LinkTraverse
class  ModelNodeSet
class  ModelNodeSetImpl
class  RangeSensor
class  RateGyroSensor
class  Referenced
class  Sensor
struct  SFImage
class  TMSImpl
struct  triangle3
class  TriangleMeshShaper
struct  trianglePair
class  Triangulator
class  VisionSensor
class  VrmlAnchor
class  VrmlAppearance
 VRML Appearance node. More...
class  VrmlBackground
 VRML Background node. More...
class  VrmlBillboard
class  VrmlBox
 VRML Box node. More...
class  VrmlCollision
class  VrmlColor
 VRML Color node. More...
class  VrmlCone
 VRML Cone node. More...
class  VrmlCoordinate
 VRML Coordinate node. More...
class  VrmlCylinder
 VRML Cylinder node. More...
class  VrmlCylinderSensor
 VRML CylinderSensor node. More...
class  VrmlDirectionalLight
class  VrmlElevationGrid
 VRML ElevationGrid node. More...
class  VrmlExtrusion
 VRML Extrusion node. More...
class  VrmlFog
class  VrmlFontStyle
 VRML FontStyle node. More...
class  VrmlGeometry
 Base class of VRML geometry nodes. More...
class  VrmlGroup
 VRML Group node. More...
class  VrmlImageTexture
 VRML ImageTexture node. More...
class  VrmlIndexedFaceSet
 VRML IndexedFaseSet node. More...
class  VrmlIndexedLineSet
 VRML IndexedLineSet node. More...
class  VrmlInline
 VRML Inline node. More...
class  VrmlLOD
class  VrmlMaterial
 VRML Material node. More...
class  VrmlMovieTexture
 VRML MovieTexture node. More...
class  VrmlNavigationInfo
 VRML NavigationInfo node. More...
class  VrmlNode
 Abstract base class of all vrml nodes. More...
class  VrmlNormal
 VRML Normal node. More...
class  VrmlParser
 Parser for VRML97 format. More...
class  VrmlParserImpl
class  VrmlPixelTexture
 VRML PixelTexture node. More...
class  VrmlPointLight
class  VrmlPointSet
 VRML PointSet node. More...
class  VrmlProto
 VRML Proto definition. More...
class  VrmlProtoInstance
 VRML node which is instance of VRML Prototype. More...
class  VrmlShape
 VRML Shape node. More...
class  VrmlSphere
 VRML Sphere node. More...
class  VrmlSpotLight
class  VrmlSwitch
class  VrmlText
 VRML Text node. More...
class  VrmlTexture
 Base class of VRML Texture nodes. More...
class  VrmlTextureCoordinate
 VRML TextureCoordinate node. More...
class  VrmlTextureTransform
 VRML TextureTransform node. More...
class  VrmlTransform
 VRML Transform node. More...
class  VrmlUnsupportedNode
class  VrmlVariantField
class  VrmlViewpoint
 VRML Viewpoint node. More...
class  VrmlWorldInfo
class  VrmlWriter
class  World
class  WorldBase


typedef boost::intrusive_ptr< AbstractVrmlGroupAbstractVrmlGroupPtr
typedef bool(* BodyCustomizerCalcAnalyticIkFunc) (BodyCustomizerHandle customizerHandle, int ikPathId, const Vector3 &p, const Matrix33 &R)
typedef BodyCustomizerHandle(* BodyCustomizerCreateFunc) (BodyHandle bodyHandle, const char *modelName)
typedef void(* BodyCustomizerDestroyFunc) (BodyCustomizerHandle customizerHandle)
typedef voidBodyCustomizerHandle
typedef int(* BodyCustomizerInitializeAnalyticIkFunc) (BodyCustomizerHandle customizerHandle, int baseLinkIndex, int targetLinkIndex)
typedef void(* BodyCustomizerSetVirtualJointForcesFunc) (BodyCustomizerHandle customizerHandle)
typedef double *(* BodyGetLinkDoubleValuePtrFunc) (BodyHandle bodyHandle, int linkIndex)
typedef int(* BodyGetLinkIndexFromNameFunc) (BodyHandle bodyHandle, const char *linkName)
typedef voidBodyHandle
typedef boost::shared_ptr< BodyBodyPtr
typedef boost::intrusive_ptr< ColdetLinkPairColdetLinkPairPtr
typedef boost::intrusive_ptr< ColdetModelPairColdetModelPairPtr
typedef boost::intrusive_ptr< ColdetModelColdetModelPtr
typedef Eigen::MatrixXd dmatrix
typedef Eigen::Quaternion< double > dquaternion
typedef Eigen::VectorXd dvector
typedef Eigen::Matrix< double, 6, 1 > dvector6
typedef boost::shared_ptr< EasyScannerEasyScannerPtr
typedef std::map< Edge, trianglePairEdgeToTriangleMap
typedef boost::shared_ptr< ForwardDynamicsMMForwardDynamicsMMPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< ForwardDynamicsForwardDynamicsPtr
typedef BodyCustomizerInterface *(* GetBodyCustomizerInterfaceFunc) (BodyInterface *bodyInterface)
typedef boost::shared_ptr< InverseKinematicsIInverseKinematicsPtr
typedef Eigen::VectorXi ivector
typedef std::vector< JointNodeSetPtrJointNodeSetArray
typedef boost::shared_ptr< JointNodeSetJointNodeSetPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< JointPathJointPathPtr
typedef Eigen::Matrix3d Matrix33
typedef Eigen::Matrix4d Matrix44
typedef std::vector< SFColorMFColor
typedef std::vector< SFFloatMFFloat
typedef std::vector< SFInt32MFInt32
typedef std::vector< SFNodeMFNode
typedef std::vector< SFRotationMFRotation
typedef std::vector< SFStringMFString
typedef std::vector< SFTimeMFTime
typedef std::vector< SFVec2fMFVec2f
typedef std::vector< SFVec3fMFVec3f
typedef std::vector< SFVec4fMFVec4f
typedef boost::shared_ptr< ModelNodeSetModelNodeSetPtr
typedef bool SFBool
typedef SFVec3f SFColor
typedef double SFFloat
typedef int SFInt32
typedef VrmlNodePtr SFNode
typedef SFVec4f SFRotation
typedef std::string SFString
typedef SFFloat SFTime
typedef boost::array< SFFloat, 2 > SFVec2f
typedef boost::array< SFFloat, 3 > SFVec3f
typedef boost::array< SFFloat, 4 > SFVec4f
typedef std::map< std::string, VrmlVariantFieldTProtoFieldMap
typedef std::pair< std::string, VrmlVariantFieldTProtoFieldPair
typedef Eigen::Vector2d Vector2
typedef Eigen::Vector3d Vector3
typedef Eigen::Vector3d Vector3Ref
typedef Eigen::Vector4d Vector4
typedef boost::intrusive_ptr< VrmlAnchorVrmlAnchorPtr
typedef boost::intrusive_ptr< VrmlAppearanceVrmlAppearancePtr
typedef boost::intrusive_ptr< VrmlBackgroundVrmlBackgroundPtr
typedef boost::intrusive_ptr< VrmlBillboardVrmlBillboardPtr
typedef boost::intrusive_ptr< VrmlBoxVrmlBoxPtr
typedef boost::intrusive_ptr< VrmlCollisionVrmlCollisionPtr
typedef boost::intrusive_ptr< VrmlColorVrmlColorPtr
typedef boost::intrusive_ptr< VrmlConeVrmlConePtr
typedef boost::intrusive_ptr< VrmlCoordinateVrmlCoordinatePtr
typedef boost::intrusive_ptr< VrmlCylinderVrmlCylinderPtr
typedef boost::intrusive_ptr< VrmlCylinderSensorVrmlCylinderSensorPtr
typedef boost::intrusive_ptr< VrmlDirectionalLightVrmlDirectionalLightPtr
typedef boost::intrusive_ptr< VrmlElevationGridVrmlElevationGridPtr
typedef boost::intrusive_ptr< VrmlExtrusionVrmlExtrusionPtr
typedef boost::intrusive_ptr< VrmlFogVrmlFogPtr
typedef boost::intrusive_ptr< VrmlFontStyleVrmlFontStylePtr
typedef boost::intrusive_ptr< VrmlGeometryVrmlGeometryPtr
typedef boost::intrusive_ptr< VrmlGroupVrmlGroupPtr
typedef boost::intrusive_ptr< VrmlImageTextureVrmlImageTexturePtr
typedef boost::intrusive_ptr< VrmlIndexedFaceSetVrmlIndexedFaceSetPtr
typedef boost::intrusive_ptr< VrmlIndexedLineSetVrmlIndexedLineSetPtr
typedef boost::intrusive_ptr< VrmlInlineVrmlInlinePtr
typedef boost::intrusive_ptr< VrmlLODVrmlLODPtr
typedef boost::intrusive_ptr< VrmlMaterialVrmlMaterialPtr
typedef boost::intrusive_ptr< VrmlMovieTextureVrmlMovieTexturePtr
typedef boost::intrusive_ptr< VrmlNavigationInfoVrmlNavigationInfoPtr
typedef boost::intrusive_ptr< VrmlNodeVrmlNodePtr
typedef boost::intrusive_ptr< VrmlNormalVrmlNormalPtr
typedef boost::intrusive_ptr< VrmlPixelTextureVrmlPixelTexturePtr
typedef boost::intrusive_ptr< VrmlPointLightVrmlPointLightPtr
typedef boost::intrusive_ptr< VrmlPointSetVrmlPointSetPtr
typedef boost::intrusive_ptr< VrmlProtoInstanceVrmlProtoInstancePtr
typedef boost::intrusive_ptr< VrmlProtoVrmlProtoPtr
typedef boost::intrusive_ptr< VrmlShapeVrmlShapePtr
typedef boost::intrusive_ptr< VrmlSphereVrmlSpherePtr
typedef boost::intrusive_ptr< VrmlSpotLightVrmlSpotLightPtr
typedef boost::intrusive_ptr< VrmlSwitchVrmlSwitchPtr
typedef boost::intrusive_ptr< VrmlTextVrmlTextPtr
typedef boost::intrusive_ptr< VrmlTextureCoordinateVrmlTextureCoordinatePtr
typedef boost::intrusive_ptr< VrmlTextureVrmlTexturePtr
typedef boost::intrusive_ptr< VrmlTextureTransformVrmlTextureTransformPtr
typedef boost::intrusive_ptr< VrmlTransformVrmlTransformPtr
typedef boost::intrusive_ptr< VrmlUnsupportedNodeVrmlUnsupportedNodePtr
typedef boost::intrusive_ptr< VrmlViewpointVrmlViewpointPtr
typedef boost::intrusive_ptr< VrmlWorldInfoVrmlWorldInfoPtr
typedef void(VrmlWriter::* VrmlWriterNodeMethod) (VrmlNodePtr node)


enum  {
enum  VrmlFieldTypeId {
enum  VrmlNodeCategory {


int calcEigenVectors (const dmatrix &_a, dmatrix &_evec, dvector &_eval)
void calcInverse (Matrix33 &inv, const Matrix33 &m)
int calcPseudoInverse (const dmatrix &_a, dmatrix &_a_pseu, double _sv_ratio)
HRP_UTIL_EXPORT void calcRodrigues (Matrix33 &out_R, const Vector3 &axis, double q)
HRP_UTIL_EXPORT void calcRodrigues (Matrix44 &out_R, const Vector3 &axis, double q)
HRP_UTIL_EXPORT void calcRotFromRpy (Matrix33 &out_R, double r, double p, double y)
int calcSRInverse (const dmatrix &_a, dmatrix &_a_sr, double _sr_ratio, dmatrix _w)
HRP_UTIL_EXPORT void calcTransformMatrix (VrmlTransform *transform, Matrix44 &out_T)
Vector3 cross (const Vector3 &v1, const Vector3 &v2)
def degrees (x)
HRP_UTIL_EXPORT string deleteURLScheme (string url)
double det (const dmatrix &_a)
double dot (const Vector3 &v1, const Vector3 &v2)
template<class VrmlNodeType >
boost::intrusive_ptr< VrmlNodeType > dynamic_node_cast (VrmlNodePtr node)
HRPMODEL_API BodyCustomizerInterfacefindBodyCustomizer (std::string modelName)
def findCollisionDetectorFactory (rnc=None)
def findControllerFactory (name, rnc=None)
def findDynamicsPlugin (name, rnc=None)
def findDynamicsSimulatorFactory (rnc=None)
def findIoControlPlugin (name, rnc=None)
def findLogPlugin (name, rnc=None)
def findModelLoader (rnc=None)
def findObject (objname, rnc=None)
def findOnlineViewer (rnc=None)
def findPlugin (name, rnc=None)
def findPluginManager (name, rnc=None)
def findPositionSensor (rnc=None)
def findReceiver (objname, rnc=None)
def findSeqPlugin (name, rnc=None)
def findSpeakServer (rnc=None)
def findStabilizerPlugin (name, rnc=None)
def findStateProvider (name, rnc=None)
def findStereoVision (rnc=None)
def findWalkPlugin (name, rnc=None)
template<class Array >
void getMatrix33FromRowMajorArray (Matrix33 &m33, const Array &a, size_t top=0)
HRPMODEL_API OpenHRP::ModelLoader_var getModelLoader (CORBA_ORB_var orb)
HRPMODEL_API OpenHRP::ModelLoader_var getModelLoader (CosNaming::NamingContext_var cxt)
HRP_UTIL_EXPORT OpenHRP::OnlineViewer_var getOnlineViewer (CORBA_ORB_var orb)
HRP_UTIL_EXPORT OpenHRP::OnlineViewer_var getOnlineViewer (CosNaming::NamingContext_var cxt)
HRP_UTIL_EXPORT OpenHRP::OnlineViewer_var getOnlineViewer (int argc, char **argv)
HRP_UTIL_EXPORT void getPathFromUrl (string &refUrl, const string &rootDir, string srcUrl)
def getRootNamingContext (corbaloc)
template<class M >
void getVector3 (Vector3 &v3, const M &m, size_t row, size_t col)
template<class V >
void getVector3 (Vector3 &v3, const V &v, size_t top=0)
Vector3Ref getVector3Ref (const double *data)
Matrix33 hat (const Vector3 &c)
def initCORBA ()
void intrusive_ptr_add_ref (Referenced *obj)
void intrusive_ptr_add_ref (VrmlNode *obj)
void intrusive_ptr_release (Referenced *obj)
void intrusive_ptr_release (VrmlNode *obj)
dmatrix inverse (const dmatrix &M)
Matrix33 inverse (const Matrix33 &m)
HRP_UTIL_EXPORT Matrix33 inverse33 (const Matrix33 &m)
HRP_UTIL_EXPORT bool isFileProtocol (const string &ref)
HRP_UTIL_EXPORT bool isOrthogonalMatrix (Matrix33 &m)
HRPMODEL_API int loadBodyCustomizers ()
HRPMODEL_API int loadBodyCustomizers (BodyInterface *bodyInterface)
HRPMODEL_API int loadBodyCustomizers (const std::string pathString)
HRPMODEL_API int loadBodyCustomizers (const std::string pathString, BodyInterface *bodyInterface)
HRPMODEL_API bool loadBodyFromBodyInfo (BodyPtr body, OpenHRP::BodyInfo_ptr bodyInfo, bool loadGeometryForCollisionDetection=false, Link *(*f)()=NULL)
HRPMODEL_API bool loadBodyFromModelLoader (BodyPtr body, const char *url, CORBA_ORB_var orb, bool loadGeometryForCollisionDetection=false)
HRPMODEL_API bool loadBodyFromModelLoader (BodyPtr body, const char *url, CosNaming::NamingContext_var cxt, bool loadGeometryForCollisionDetection=false)
HRPMODEL_API bool loadBodyFromModelLoader (BodyPtr body, const char *url, int &argc, char *argv[], bool loadGeometryForCollisionDetection=false)
HRPMODEL_API OpenHRP::BodyInfo_var loadBodyInfo (const char *url, CORBA_ORB_var orb)
HRPMODEL_API OpenHRP::BodyInfo_var loadBodyInfo (const char *url, CosNaming::NamingContext_var cxt)
HRPMODEL_API OpenHRP::BodyInfo_var loadBodyInfo (const char *url, int &argc, char *argv[])
def loadVRML (url)
static int max (int a, int b)
static int min (int a, int b)
Vector3 nomralize (const Vector3 &v)
double norm2 (const Vector3 &v)
HRP_UTIL_EXPORT Vector3 omegaFromRot (const Matrix33 &r)
HRP_UTIL_EXPORT EasyScanneroperator>> (EasyScanner &scanner, char matchChar)
HRP_UTIL_EXPORT EasyScanneroperator>> (EasyScanner &scanner, const char *matchString)
HRP_UTIL_EXPORT EasyScanneroperator>> (EasyScanner &scanner, double &value)
HRP_UTIL_EXPORT EasyScanneroperator>> (EasyScanner &scanner, EasyScanner::Endl endl)
HRP_UTIL_EXPORT EasyScanneroperator>> (EasyScanner &scanner, int &value)
HRP_UTIL_EXPORT EasyScanneroperator>> (EasyScanner &scanner, std::string &str)
def radians (x)
Matrix33 rodrigues (const Vector3 &axis, double q)
Matrix33 rotationX (double theta)
Matrix33 rotationY (double theta)
Matrix33 rotationZ (double theta)
Matrix33 rotFromRpy (const Vector3 &rpy)
Matrix33 rotFromRpy (double r, double p, double y)
HRP_UTIL_EXPORT Vector3 rpyFromRot (const Matrix33 &m)
template<class M >
void setMatrix33 (const Matrix33 &m33, M &m, size_t row=0, size_t col=0)
template<class Array >
void setMatrix33ToRowMajorArray (const Matrix33 &m33, Array &a, size_t top=0)
template<class M >
void setTransMatrix33 (const Matrix33 &m33, M &m, size_t row=0, size_t col=0)
template<class V >
void setVector3 (const Vector3 &v3, const V &v, size_t top=0)
template<class M >
void setVector3 (const Vector3 &v3, M &m, size_t row, size_t col)
template<class V >
void setVector3 (const Vector3 &v3, V &v, size_t top=0)
int solveLinearEquation (const dmatrix &_a, const dvector &_b, dvector &_x, double _sv_ratio)
int solveLinearEquationLU (const dmatrix &_a, const dvector &_b, dvector &_x)
int solveLinearEquationLU (dmatrix a, const dmatrix &b, dmatrix &out_x)
int solveLinearEquationSVD (const dmatrix &_a, const dvector &_b, dvector &_x, double _sv_ratio)
Matrix33 trans (const Matrix33 &m)
def unbindObject (objname)
Matrix33 VVt_prod (const Vector3 &a, const Vector3 &b)


static const int BODY_INTERFACE_VERSION = 1
const typedef char **(* BodyCustomizerGetTargetModelNamesFunc )()
const typedef char *(* BodyGetLinkNameFunc )(BodyHandle bodyHandle, int linkIndex)
 rootnc = None

Detailed Description

Shin'ichiro Nakaoka
Shin'ichiro Nakaoka

Typedef Documentation

◆ AbstractVrmlGroupPtr

typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<AbstractVrmlGroup> hrp::AbstractVrmlGroupPtr

Definition at line 232 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ BodyCustomizerCalcAnalyticIkFunc

typedef bool(* hrp::BodyCustomizerCalcAnalyticIkFunc) (BodyCustomizerHandle customizerHandle, int ikPathId, const Vector3 &p, const Matrix33 &R)

Definition at line 53 of file BodyCustomizerInterface.h.

◆ BodyCustomizerCreateFunc

typedef BodyCustomizerHandle(* hrp::BodyCustomizerCreateFunc) (BodyHandle bodyHandle, const char *modelName)

Definition at line 45 of file BodyCustomizerInterface.h.

◆ BodyCustomizerDestroyFunc

typedef void(* hrp::BodyCustomizerDestroyFunc) (BodyCustomizerHandle customizerHandle)

Definition at line 47 of file BodyCustomizerInterface.h.

◆ BodyCustomizerHandle

Definition at line 42 of file Body.h.

◆ BodyCustomizerInitializeAnalyticIkFunc

typedef int(* hrp::BodyCustomizerInitializeAnalyticIkFunc) (BodyCustomizerHandle customizerHandle, int baseLinkIndex, int targetLinkIndex)

Definition at line 48 of file BodyCustomizerInterface.h.

◆ BodyCustomizerSetVirtualJointForcesFunc

typedef void(* hrp::BodyCustomizerSetVirtualJointForcesFunc) (BodyCustomizerHandle customizerHandle)

Definition at line 55 of file BodyCustomizerInterface.h.

◆ BodyGetLinkDoubleValuePtrFunc

typedef double*(* hrp::BodyGetLinkDoubleValuePtrFunc) (BodyHandle bodyHandle, int linkIndex)

Definition at line 29 of file BodyCustomizerInterface.h.

◆ BodyGetLinkIndexFromNameFunc

typedef int(* hrp::BodyGetLinkIndexFromNameFunc) (BodyHandle bodyHandle, const char *linkName)

Definition at line 27 of file BodyCustomizerInterface.h.

◆ BodyHandle

typedef void * hrp::BodyHandle

Definition at line 40 of file Body.h.

◆ BodyPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr< Body > hrp::BodyPtr

Definition at line 315 of file Body.h.

◆ ColdetLinkPairPtr

typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<ColdetLinkPair> hrp::ColdetLinkPairPtr

Definition at line 35 of file ColdetLinkPair.h.

◆ ColdetModelPairPtr

typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<ColdetModelPair> hrp::ColdetModelPairPtr

Definition at line 124 of file ColdetModelPair.h.

◆ ColdetModelPtr

typedef boost::intrusive_ptr< ColdetModel > hrp::ColdetModelPtr

Definition at line 268 of file ColdetModel.h.

◆ dmatrix

typedef Eigen::MatrixXd hrp::dmatrix

Definition at line 13 of file EigenTypes.h.

◆ dquaternion

typedef Eigen::Quaternion<double> hrp::dquaternion

Definition at line 17 of file EigenTypes.h.

◆ dvector

typedef Eigen::VectorXd hrp::dvector

Definition at line 14 of file EigenTypes.h.

◆ dvector6

typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, 6,1> hrp::dvector6

Definition at line 16 of file EigenTypes.h.

◆ EasyScannerPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<EasyScanner> hrp::EasyScannerPtr

Definition at line 280 of file EasyScanner.h.

◆ EdgeToTriangleMap

Definition at line 59 of file ColdetModel.h.

◆ ForwardDynamicsMMPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<ForwardDynamicsMM> hrp::ForwardDynamicsMMPtr

Definition at line 157 of file ForwardDynamicsCBM.h.

◆ ForwardDynamicsPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<ForwardDynamics> hrp::ForwardDynamicsPtr

Definition at line 92 of file ForwardDynamics.h.

◆ GetBodyCustomizerInterfaceFunc

typedef BodyCustomizerInterface*(* hrp::GetBodyCustomizerInterfaceFunc) (BodyInterface *bodyInterface)

Definition at line 72 of file BodyCustomizerInterface.h.

◆ IInverseKinematicsPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<InverseKinematics> hrp::IInverseKinematicsPtr

Definition at line 29 of file InverseKinematics.h.

◆ ivector

typedef Eigen::VectorXi hrp::ivector

Definition at line 15 of file EigenTypes.h.

◆ JointNodeSetArray

Definition at line 50 of file ModelNodeSet.h.

◆ JointNodeSetPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<JointNodeSet> hrp::JointNodeSetPtr

Definition at line 34 of file ModelNodeSet.h.

◆ JointPathPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr< JointPath > hrp::JointPathPtr

Definition at line 29 of file Body.h.

◆ Matrix33

typedef Eigen::Matrix3d hrp::Matrix33

Definition at line 12 of file EigenTypes.h.

◆ Matrix44

typedef Eigen::Matrix4d hrp::Matrix44

Definition at line 18 of file Eigen4d.h.

◆ MFColor

typedef std::vector<SFColor> hrp::MFColor

Definition at line 76 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ MFFloat

typedef std::vector<SFFloat> hrp::MFFloat

Definition at line 70 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ MFInt32

typedef std::vector<SFInt32> hrp::MFInt32

Definition at line 69 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ MFNode

typedef std::vector<SFNode> hrp::MFNode

Definition at line 158 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ MFRotation

typedef std::vector<SFRotation> hrp::MFRotation

Definition at line 74 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ MFString

typedef std::vector<SFString> hrp::MFString

Definition at line 77 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ MFTime

typedef std::vector<SFTime> hrp::MFTime

Definition at line 75 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ MFVec2f

typedef std::vector<SFVec2f> hrp::MFVec2f

Definition at line 71 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ MFVec3f

typedef std::vector<SFVec3f> hrp::MFVec3f

Definition at line 72 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ MFVec4f

typedef std::vector<SFVec4f> hrp::MFVec4f

Definition at line 73 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ ModelNodeSetPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<ModelNodeSet> hrp::ModelNodeSetPtr

Definition at line 94 of file ModelNodeSet.h.

◆ SFBool

typedef bool hrp::SFBool

Definition at line 48 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ SFColor

Definition at line 58 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ SFFloat

typedef double hrp::SFFloat

Definition at line 50 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ SFInt32

typedef int hrp::SFInt32

Definition at line 49 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ SFNode

Definition at line 157 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ SFRotation

Definition at line 59 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ SFString

typedef std::string hrp::SFString

Definition at line 52 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ SFTime

Definition at line 51 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ SFVec2f

typedef boost::array<SFFloat, 2> hrp::SFVec2f

Definition at line 54 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ SFVec3f

typedef boost::array<SFFloat, 3> hrp::SFVec3f

Definition at line 55 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ SFVec4f

typedef boost::array<SFFloat, 4> hrp::SFVec4f

Definition at line 56 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ TProtoFieldMap

typedef std::map<std::string, VrmlVariantField> hrp::TProtoFieldMap

Definition at line 854 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ TProtoFieldPair

typedef std::pair<std::string, VrmlVariantField> hrp::TProtoFieldPair

Definition at line 855 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ Vector2

typedef Eigen::Vector2d hrp::Vector2

Definition at line 10 of file EigenTypes.h.

◆ Vector3

typedef Eigen::Vector3d hrp::Vector3

Definition at line 11 of file EigenTypes.h.

◆ Vector3Ref

typedef Eigen::Vector3d hrp::Vector3Ref

Definition at line 19 of file Eigen3d.h.

◆ Vector4

typedef Eigen::Vector4d hrp::Vector4

Definition at line 21 of file Eigen4d.h.

◆ VrmlAnchorPtr

typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<VrmlAnchor> hrp::VrmlAnchorPtr

Definition at line 710 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ VrmlAppearancePtr

typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<VrmlAppearance> hrp::VrmlAppearancePtr

Definition at line 277 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ VrmlBackgroundPtr

typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<VrmlBackground> hrp::VrmlBackgroundPtr

Definition at line 217 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ VrmlBillboardPtr

typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<VrmlBillboard> hrp::VrmlBillboardPtr

Definition at line 720 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ VrmlBoxPtr

typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<VrmlBox> hrp::VrmlBoxPtr

Definition at line 379 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ VrmlCollisionPtr

typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<VrmlCollision> hrp::VrmlCollisionPtr

Definition at line 698 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ VrmlColorPtr

typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<VrmlColor> hrp::VrmlColorPtr

Definition at line 454 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ VrmlConePtr

typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<VrmlCone> hrp::VrmlConePtr

Definition at line 393 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ VrmlCoordinatePtr

typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<VrmlCoordinate> hrp::VrmlCoordinatePtr

Definition at line 457 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ VrmlCylinderPtr

typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<VrmlCylinder> hrp::VrmlCylinderPtr

Definition at line 408 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ VrmlCylinderSensorPtr

typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<VrmlCylinderSensor> hrp::VrmlCylinderSensorPtr

Definition at line 551 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ VrmlDirectionalLightPtr

typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<VrmlDirectionalLight> hrp::VrmlDirectionalLightPtr

Definition at line 773 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ VrmlElevationGridPtr

typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<VrmlElevationGrid> hrp::VrmlElevationGridPtr

Definition at line 628 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ VrmlExtrusionPtr

typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<VrmlExtrusion> hrp::VrmlExtrusionPtr

Definition at line 651 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ VrmlFogPtr

typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<VrmlFog> hrp::VrmlFogPtr

Definition at line 732 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ VrmlFontStylePtr

typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<VrmlFontStyle> hrp::VrmlFontStylePtr

Definition at line 437 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ VrmlGeometryPtr

typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<VrmlGeometry> hrp::VrmlGeometryPtr

Definition at line 280 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ VrmlGroupPtr

typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<VrmlGroup> hrp::VrmlGroupPtr

Definition at line 250 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ VrmlImageTexturePtr

typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<VrmlImageTexture> hrp::VrmlImageTexturePtr

Definition at line 350 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ VrmlIndexedFaceSetPtr

typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<VrmlIndexedFaceSet> hrp::VrmlIndexedFaceSetPtr

Definition at line 498 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ VrmlIndexedLineSetPtr

typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<VrmlIndexedLineSet> hrp::VrmlIndexedLineSetPtr

Definition at line 472 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ VrmlInlinePtr

typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<VrmlInline> hrp::VrmlInlinePtr

Definition at line 274 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ VrmlLODPtr

typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<VrmlLOD> hrp::VrmlLODPtr

Definition at line 687 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ VrmlMaterialPtr

typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<VrmlMaterial> hrp::VrmlMaterialPtr

Definition at line 295 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ VrmlMovieTexturePtr

typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<VrmlMovieTexture> hrp::VrmlMovieTexturePtr

Definition at line 602 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ VrmlNavigationInfoPtr

typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<VrmlNavigationInfo> hrp::VrmlNavigationInfoPtr

Definition at line 197 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ VrmlNodePtr

typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<VrmlNode> hrp::VrmlNodePtr

Definition at line 155 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ VrmlNormalPtr

typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<VrmlNormal> hrp::VrmlNormalPtr

Definition at line 475 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ VrmlPixelTexturePtr

typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<VrmlPixelTexture> hrp::VrmlPixelTexturePtr

Definition at line 582 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ VrmlPointLightPtr

typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<VrmlPointLight> hrp::VrmlPointLightPtr

Definition at line 759 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ VrmlPointSetPtr

typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<VrmlPointSet> hrp::VrmlPointSetPtr

Definition at line 566 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ VrmlProtoInstancePtr

typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<VrmlProtoInstance> hrp::VrmlProtoInstancePtr

Definition at line 898 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ VrmlProtoPtr

typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<VrmlProto> hrp::VrmlProtoPtr

Definition at line 879 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ VrmlShapePtr

typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<VrmlShape> hrp::VrmlShapePtr

Definition at line 292 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ VrmlSpherePtr

typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<VrmlSphere> hrp::VrmlSpherePtr

Definition at line 418 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ VrmlSpotLightPtr

typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<VrmlSpotLight> hrp::VrmlSpotLightPtr

Definition at line 792 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ VrmlSwitchPtr

typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<VrmlSwitch> hrp::VrmlSwitchPtr

Definition at line 669 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ VrmlTextPtr

typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<VrmlText> hrp::VrmlTextPtr

Definition at line 451 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ VrmlTextureCoordinatePtr

Definition at line 478 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ VrmlTexturePtr

typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<VrmlTexture> hrp::VrmlTexturePtr

Definition at line 298 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ VrmlTextureTransformPtr

typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<VrmlTextureTransform> hrp::VrmlTextureTransformPtr

Definition at line 301 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ VrmlTransformPtr

typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<VrmlTransform> hrp::VrmlTransformPtr

Definition at line 265 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ VrmlUnsupportedNodePtr

typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<VrmlUnsupportedNode> hrp::VrmlUnsupportedNodePtr

Definition at line 167 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ VrmlViewpointPtr

typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<VrmlViewpoint> hrp::VrmlViewpointPtr

Definition at line 182 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ VrmlWorldInfoPtr

typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<VrmlWorldInfo> hrp::VrmlWorldInfoPtr

Definition at line 743 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ VrmlWriterNodeMethod

typedef void(VrmlWriter::* hrp::VrmlWriterNodeMethod) (VrmlNodePtr node)

Definition at line 29 of file hrplib/hrpUtil/VrmlWriter.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Definition at line 67 of file TriangleMeshShaper.h.

◆ VrmlFieldTypeId


Definition at line 33 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ VrmlNodeCategory


Definition at line 81 of file VrmlNodes.h.

Function Documentation

◆ calcEigenVectors()

HRP_UTIL_EXPORT int hrp::calcEigenVectors ( const dmatrix _a,
dmatrix _evec,
dvector _eval 

Definition at line 308 of file MatrixSolvers.cpp.

◆ calcInverse()

void hrp::calcInverse ( Matrix33 inv,
const Matrix33 m 

Definition at line 32 of file Tvmet2Eigen.h.

◆ calcPseudoInverse()

HRP_UTIL_EXPORT int hrp::calcPseudoInverse ( const dmatrix _a,
dmatrix _a_pseu,
double  _sv_ratio 

calculate Pseudo-Inverse using SVD(Singular Value Decomposition) by lapack library DGESVD (_a can be non-square matrix)

Definition at line 243 of file MatrixSolvers.cpp.

◆ calcRodrigues() [1/2]

void hrp::calcRodrigues ( Matrix33 out_R,
const Vector3 axis,
double  q 

Definition at line 22 of file Eigen3d.cpp.

◆ calcRodrigues() [2/2]

void hrp::calcRodrigues ( Matrix44 out_R,
const Vector3 axis,
double  q 

Definition at line 16 of file Eigen4d.cpp.

◆ calcRotFromRpy()

void hrp::calcRotFromRpy ( Matrix33 out_R,
double  r,
double  p,
double  y 

Definition at line 138 of file Eigen3d.cpp.

◆ calcSRInverse()

HRP_UTIL_EXPORT int hrp::calcSRInverse ( const dmatrix _a,
dmatrix _a_sr,
double  _sr_ratio,
dmatrix  _w 

Definition at line 342 of file MatrixSolvers.cpp.

◆ calcTransformMatrix()

void hrp::calcTransformMatrix ( VrmlTransform transform,
Matrix44 out_T 

Definition at line 49 of file Eigen4d.cpp.

◆ cross()

Vector3 hrp::cross ( const Vector3 v1,
const Vector3 v2 

Definition at line 15 of file Tvmet2Eigen.h.

◆ degrees()

def hrp.degrees (   x)

Definition at line 160 of file

◆ deleteURLScheme()

string hrp::deleteURLScheme ( string  url)

Definition at line 25 of file UrlUtil.cpp.

◆ det()

HRP_UTIL_EXPORT double hrp::det ( const dmatrix _a)

Definition at line 368 of file MatrixSolvers.cpp.

◆ dot()

double hrp::dot ( const Vector3 v1,
const Vector3 v2 

Definition at line 19 of file Tvmet2Eigen.h.

◆ dynamic_node_cast()

template<class VrmlNodeType >
boost::intrusive_ptr<VrmlNodeType> hrp::dynamic_node_cast ( VrmlNodePtr  node)

The upper cast operation that supports the situation where the original pointer is VrmlProtoInstance and you want to get the actual node, the node replaced with the pre-defined node type written in the PROTO definition.

Definition at line 907 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ findBodyCustomizer()

BodyCustomizerInterface * hrp::findBodyCustomizer ( std::string  modelName)

Definition at line 287 of file BodyCustomizerInterface.cpp.

◆ findCollisionDetectorFactory()

def hrp.findCollisionDetectorFactory (   rnc = None)

Definition at line 153 of file

◆ findControllerFactory()

def hrp.findControllerFactory (   name,
  rnc = None 

Definition at line 147 of file

◆ findDynamicsPlugin()

def hrp.findDynamicsPlugin (   name,
  rnc = None 

Definition at line 86 of file

◆ findDynamicsSimulatorFactory()

def hrp.findDynamicsSimulatorFactory (   rnc = None)

Definition at line 141 of file

◆ findIoControlPlugin()

def hrp.findIoControlPlugin (   name,
  rnc = None 

Definition at line 111 of file

◆ findLogPlugin()

def hrp.findLogPlugin (   name,
  rnc = None 

Definition at line 80 of file

◆ findModelLoader()

def hrp.findModelLoader (   rnc = None)

Definition at line 117 of file

◆ findObject()

def hrp.findObject (   objname,
  rnc = None 

Definition at line 38 of file

◆ findOnlineViewer()

def hrp.findOnlineViewer (   rnc = None)

Definition at line 135 of file

◆ findPlugin()

def hrp.findPlugin (   name,
  rnc = None 

Definition at line 52 of file

◆ findPluginManager()

def hrp.findPluginManager (   name,
  rnc = None 

Definition at line 59 of file

◆ findPositionSensor()

def hrp.findPositionSensor (   rnc = None)

Definition at line 123 of file

◆ findReceiver()

def hrp.findReceiver (   objname,
  rnc = None 

Definition at line 45 of file

◆ findSeqPlugin()

def hrp.findSeqPlugin (   name,
  rnc = None 

Definition at line 73 of file

◆ findSpeakServer()

def hrp.findSpeakServer (   rnc = None)

Definition at line 129 of file

◆ findStabilizerPlugin()

def hrp.findStabilizerPlugin (   name,
  rnc = None 

Definition at line 104 of file

◆ findStateProvider()

def hrp.findStateProvider (   name,
  rnc = None 

Definition at line 92 of file

◆ findStereoVision()

def hrp.findStereoVision (   rnc = None)

Definition at line 98 of file

◆ findWalkPlugin()

def hrp.findWalkPlugin (   name,
  rnc = None 

Definition at line 66 of file

◆ getMatrix33FromRowMajorArray()

template<class Array >
void hrp::getMatrix33FromRowMajorArray ( Matrix33 m33,
const Array &  a,
size_t  top = 0 

Definition at line 118 of file Eigen3d.h.

◆ getModelLoader() [1/2]

ModelLoader_var hrp::getModelLoader ( CORBA_ORB_var  orb)

Definition at line 651 of file hrplib/hrpModel/ModelLoaderUtil.cpp.

◆ getModelLoader() [2/2]

ModelLoader_var hrp::getModelLoader ( CosNaming::NamingContext_var  cxt)

Definition at line 664 of file hrplib/hrpModel/ModelLoaderUtil.cpp.

◆ getOnlineViewer() [1/3]

OnlineViewer_var hrp::getOnlineViewer ( CORBA_ORB_var  orb)

Definition at line 47 of file hrpUtil/OnlineViewerUtil.cpp.

◆ getOnlineViewer() [2/3]

OnlineViewer_var hrp::getOnlineViewer ( CosNaming::NamingContext_var  cxt)

Definition at line 15 of file hrpUtil/OnlineViewerUtil.cpp.

◆ getOnlineViewer() [3/3]

OnlineViewer_var hrp::getOnlineViewer ( int  argc,
char **  argv 

Definition at line 61 of file hrpUtil/OnlineViewerUtil.cpp.

◆ getPathFromUrl()

void hrp::getPathFromUrl ( string &  refUrl,
const string &  rootDir,
string  srcUrl 

Definition at line 57 of file UrlUtil.cpp.

◆ getRootNamingContext()

def hrp.getRootNamingContext (   corbaloc)

Definition at line 29 of file

◆ getVector3() [1/2]

template<class M >
void hrp::getVector3 ( Vector3 v3,
const M &  m,
size_t  row,
size_t  col 

Definition at line 146 of file Eigen3d.h.

◆ getVector3() [2/2]

template<class V >
void hrp::getVector3 ( Vector3 v3,
const V &  v,
size_t  top = 0 

Definition at line 138 of file Eigen3d.h.

◆ getVector3Ref()

Vector3Ref hrp::getVector3Ref ( const double *  data)

Definition at line 20 of file Eigen3d.h.

◆ hat()

Matrix33 hrp::hat ( const Vector3 c)

Definition at line 80 of file Eigen3d.h.

◆ initCORBA()

def hrp.initCORBA ( )

Definition at line 18 of file

◆ intrusive_ptr_add_ref() [1/2]

void hrp::intrusive_ptr_add_ref ( hrp::Referenced obj)

Definition at line 31 of file Referenced.h.

◆ intrusive_ptr_add_ref() [2/2]

void hrp::intrusive_ptr_add_ref ( VrmlNode obj)

Definition at line 144 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ intrusive_ptr_release() [1/2]

void hrp::intrusive_ptr_release ( hrp::Referenced obj)

Definition at line 35 of file Referenced.h.

◆ intrusive_ptr_release() [2/2]

void hrp::intrusive_ptr_release ( VrmlNode obj)

Definition at line 148 of file VrmlNodes.h.

◆ inverse() [1/2]

dmatrix hrp::inverse ( const dmatrix M)
define dgesv wrapper and use it directly to improve the performance

Definition at line 37 of file MatrixSolvers.h.

◆ inverse() [2/2]

Matrix33 hrp::inverse ( const Matrix33 m)

Definition at line 40 of file Tvmet2Eigen.h.

◆ inverse33()

HRP_UTIL_EXPORT Matrix33 hrp::inverse33 ( const Matrix33 m)

Definition at line 46 of file Tvmet2Eigen.h.

◆ isFileProtocol()

bool hrp::isFileProtocol ( const string &  ref)

Definition at line 105 of file UrlUtil.cpp.

◆ isOrthogonalMatrix()

bool hrp::isOrthogonalMatrix ( Matrix33 m)

Definition at line 152 of file Eigen3d.cpp.

◆ loadBodyCustomizers() [1/4]

int hrp::loadBodyCustomizers ( )

Definition at line 281 of file BodyCustomizerInterface.cpp.

◆ loadBodyCustomizers() [2/4]

int hrp::loadBodyCustomizers ( BodyInterface bodyInterface)

The function loads the customizers in the directories specified by the environmental variable HRPMODEL_CUSTOMIZER_PATH

Definition at line 242 of file BodyCustomizerInterface.cpp.

◆ loadBodyCustomizers() [3/4]

int hrp::loadBodyCustomizers ( const std::string  pathString)

Definition at line 232 of file BodyCustomizerInterface.cpp.

◆ loadBodyCustomizers() [4/4]

int hrp::loadBodyCustomizers ( const std::string  pathString,
BodyInterface bodyInterface 

DLLs of body customizer in the path are loaded and they are registered to the customizer repository.

The loaded customizers can be obtained by using hrp::findBodyCustomizer() function.

pathStringthe path to a DLL file or a directory that contains DLLs

Definition at line 147 of file BodyCustomizerInterface.cpp.

◆ loadBodyFromBodyInfo()

bool hrp::loadBodyFromBodyInfo ( BodyPtr  body,
OpenHRP::BodyInfo_ptr  bodyInfo,
bool  loadGeometryForCollisionDetection = false,
Link *(*)()  f = NULL 

Definition at line 619 of file hrplib/hrpModel/ModelLoaderUtil.cpp.

◆ loadBodyFromModelLoader() [1/3]

bool hrp::loadBodyFromModelLoader ( BodyPtr  body,
const char *  url,
CORBA_ORB_var  orb,
bool  loadGeometryForCollisionDetection = false 

Definition at line 730 of file hrplib/hrpModel/ModelLoaderUtil.cpp.

◆ loadBodyFromModelLoader() [2/3]

bool hrp::loadBodyFromModelLoader ( BodyPtr  body,
const char *  url,
CosNaming::NamingContext_var  cxt,
bool  loadGeometryForCollisionDetection = false 

Definition at line 714 of file hrplib/hrpModel/ModelLoaderUtil.cpp.

◆ loadBodyFromModelLoader() [3/3]

bool hrp::loadBodyFromModelLoader ( BodyPtr  body,
const char *  url,
int argc,
char *  argv[],
bool  loadGeometryForCollisionDetection = false 

Definition at line 745 of file hrplib/hrpModel/ModelLoaderUtil.cpp.

◆ loadBodyInfo() [1/3]

BodyInfo_var hrp::loadBodyInfo ( const char *  url,
CORBA_ORB_var  orb 

Definition at line 638 of file hrplib/hrpModel/ModelLoaderUtil.cpp.

◆ loadBodyInfo() [2/3]

BodyInfo_var hrp::loadBodyInfo ( const char *  url,
CosNaming::NamingContext_var  cxt 

Definition at line 699 of file hrplib/hrpModel/ModelLoaderUtil.cpp.

◆ loadBodyInfo() [3/3]

BodyInfo_var hrp::loadBodyInfo ( const char *  url,
int argc,
char *  argv[] 

Definition at line 632 of file hrplib/hrpModel/ModelLoaderUtil.cpp.

◆ loadVRML()

def hrp.loadVRML (   url)

Definition at line 167 of file

◆ max()

static int hrp::max ( int  a,
int  b 

Definition at line 54 of file MatrixSolvers.cpp.

◆ min()

static int hrp::min ( int  a,
int  b 

Definition at line 55 of file MatrixSolvers.cpp.

◆ nomralize()

Vector3 hrp::nomralize ( const Vector3 v)

Definition at line 23 of file Tvmet2Eigen.h.

◆ norm2()

double hrp::norm2 ( const Vector3 v)

Definition at line 22 of file Tvmet2Eigen.h.

◆ omegaFromRot()

Vector3 hrp::omegaFromRot ( const Matrix33 r)

Definition at line 63 of file Eigen3d.cpp.

◆ operator>>() [1/6]

HRP_UTIL_EXPORT EasyScanner& hrp::operator>> ( EasyScanner scanner,
char  matchChar 

Definition at line 779 of file EasyScanner.cpp.

◆ operator>>() [2/6]

HRP_UTIL_EXPORT EasyScanner& hrp::operator>> ( EasyScanner scanner,
const char *  matchString 

Definition at line 767 of file EasyScanner.cpp.

◆ operator>>() [3/6]

HRP_UTIL_EXPORT EasyScanner& hrp::operator>> ( EasyScanner scanner,
double &  value 

Definition at line 746 of file EasyScanner.cpp.

◆ operator>>() [4/6]

HRP_UTIL_EXPORT EasyScanner& hrp::operator>> ( EasyScanner scanner,
EasyScanner::Endl  endl 

Definition at line 800 of file EasyScanner.cpp.

◆ operator>>() [5/6]

HRP_UTIL_EXPORT EasyScanner& hrp::operator>> ( EasyScanner scanner,
int value 

Definition at line 756 of file EasyScanner.cpp.

◆ operator>>() [6/6]

HRP_UTIL_EXPORT EasyScanner& hrp::operator>> ( EasyScanner scanner,
std::string &  str 

◆ radians()

def hrp.radians (   x)

Definition at line 164 of file

◆ rodrigues()

Matrix33 hrp::rodrigues ( const Vector3 axis,
double  q 

Definition at line 27 of file Eigen3d.h.

◆ rotationX()

Matrix33 hrp::rotationX ( double  theta)

Definition at line 45 of file Eigen3d.h.

◆ rotationY()

Matrix33 hrp::rotationY ( double  theta)

Definition at line 55 of file Eigen3d.h.

◆ rotationZ()

Matrix33 hrp::rotationZ ( double  theta)

Definition at line 65 of file Eigen3d.h.

◆ rotFromRpy() [1/2]

Matrix33 hrp::rotFromRpy ( const Vector3 rpy)

Definition at line 33 of file Eigen3d.h.

◆ rotFromRpy() [2/2]

Matrix33 hrp::rotFromRpy ( double  r,
double  p,
double  y 

Definition at line 39 of file Eigen3d.h.

◆ rpyFromRot()

Vector3 hrp::rpyFromRot ( const Matrix33 m)

Definition at line 99 of file Eigen3d.cpp.

◆ setMatrix33()

template<class M >
void hrp::setMatrix33 ( const Matrix33 m33,
M &  m,
size_t  row = 0,
size_t  col = 0 

Definition at line 88 of file Eigen3d.h.

◆ setMatrix33ToRowMajorArray()

template<class Array >
void hrp::setMatrix33ToRowMajorArray ( const Matrix33 m33,
Array &  a,
size_t  top = 0 

Definition at line 105 of file Eigen3d.h.

◆ setTransMatrix33()

template<class M >
void hrp::setTransMatrix33 ( const Matrix33 m33,
M &  m,
size_t  row = 0,
size_t  col = 0 

Definition at line 96 of file Eigen3d.h.

◆ setVector3() [1/3]

template<class V >
void hrp::setVector3 ( const Vector3 v3,
const V &  v,
size_t  top = 0 

Definition at line 134 of file Eigen3d.h.

◆ setVector3() [2/3]

template<class M >
void hrp::setVector3 ( const Vector3 v3,
M &  m,
size_t  row,
size_t  col 

Definition at line 142 of file Eigen3d.h.

◆ setVector3() [3/3]

template<class V >
void hrp::setVector3 ( const Vector3 v3,
V &  v,
size_t  top = 0 

Definition at line 130 of file Eigen3d.h.

◆ solveLinearEquation()

HRP_UTIL_EXPORT int hrp::solveLinearEquation ( const dmatrix _a,
const dvector _b,
dvector _x,
double  _sv_ratio 

Unified interface to solve a linear equation

b = a * x, x = b^(-1) * a

Definition at line 230 of file MatrixSolvers.cpp.

◆ solveLinearEquationLU() [1/2]

HRP_UTIL_EXPORT int hrp::solveLinearEquationLU ( const dmatrix _a,
const dvector _b,
dvector _x 

solve linear equation using LU decomposition by lapack library DGESVX (_a must be square matrix)

Definition at line 91 of file MatrixSolvers.cpp.

◆ solveLinearEquationLU() [2/2]

HRP_UTIL_EXPORT int hrp::solveLinearEquationLU ( dmatrix  a,
const dmatrix b,
dmatrix out_x 

Definition at line 58 of file MatrixSolvers.cpp.

◆ solveLinearEquationSVD()

HRP_UTIL_EXPORT int hrp::solveLinearEquationSVD ( const dmatrix _a,
const dvector _b,
dvector _x,
double  _sv_ratio 

solve linear equation using SVD(Singular Value Decomposition) by lapack library DGESVD (_a can be non-square matrix)

Definition at line 157 of file MatrixSolvers.cpp.

◆ trans()

Matrix33 hrp::trans ( const Matrix33 m)

Definition at line 18 of file Tvmet2Eigen.h.

◆ unbindObject()

def hrp.unbindObject (   objname)

Definition at line 12 of file

◆ VVt_prod()

Matrix33 hrp::VVt_prod ( const Vector3 a,
const Vector3 b 

Definition at line 24 of file Tvmet2Eigen.h.

Variable Documentation



Definition at line 58 of file BodyCustomizerInterface.h.


const int hrp::BODY_INTERFACE_VERSION = 1

Definition at line 31 of file BodyCustomizerInterface.h.

◆ BodyCustomizerGetTargetModelNamesFunc

const typedef char**(* hrp::BodyCustomizerGetTargetModelNamesFunc) ()

Definition at line 44 of file BodyCustomizerInterface.h.

◆ BodyGetLinkNameFunc

const typedef char*(* hrp::BodyGetLinkNameFunc) (BodyHandle bodyHandle, int linkIndex)

Definition at line 28 of file BodyCustomizerInterface.h.

◆ rootnc

hrp.rootnc = None

Definition at line 10 of file

Author(s): AIST, General Robotix Inc., Nakamura Lab of Dept. of Mechano Informatics at University of Tokyo
autogenerated on Wed Sep 7 2022 02:51:06