Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | Friends | List of all members
Point Class Reference

#include <IcePoint.h>

Inheritance diagram for Point:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

inline_ PointAdd (const float f[3])
 Adds a vector. More...
inline_ PointAdd (const Point &p)
 Adds a vector. More...
inline_ PointAdd (const Point &p, const Point &q)
 Adds vectors. More...
inline_ PointAdd (float _x, float _y, float _z)
 Adds a vector. More...
inline_ bool ApproxZero () const
 Checks the point is near zero. More...
inline_ PointClamp (float min, float max)
 Clamps each element. More...
inline_ PointClampLength (float limit_length)
 Clamps vector length. More...
inline_ PointComponent ClosestAxis () const
 Returns closest axis. More...
inline_ PointCross (const Point &a, const Point &b)
 Cross product this = a x b. More...
inline_ float Distance (const Point &b) const
 Computes distance to another point. More...
inline_ float Dot (const Point &p) const
 Dot product dp = this|a. More...
inline_ udword GetHashValue () const
 Hash function from Ville Miettinen. More...
inline_ PointHerp (const Point &p0, const Point &p1, const Point &p2, const Point &p3, float t)
inline_ PointInvTransform (const Point &r, const Matrix3x3 &rotpos, const Point &linpos)
 this = trans(rotpos) * (r - linpos) More...
BOOL IsNotUsed () const
 Checks the point is marked as not used. More...
inline_ BOOL IsValid () const
 Checks point validity. More...
inline_ BOOL IsZero () const
 Tests for exact zero vector. More...
inline_ PointComponent LargestAxis () const
 Returns largest axis. More...
inline_ PointLerp (const Point &a, const Point &b, float t)
 Linear interpolate between two vectors: this = a + t * (b - a) More...
inline_ PointMac (const Matrix3x3 &mat, const Point &a)
 this = this + mat * a More...
inline_ PointMac (const Point &a, const Point &b, float scalar)
 this = a + b * scalar More...
inline_ PointMac (const Point &a, float scalar)
 this = this + a * scalar More...
inline_ PointMac2 (const Point &a, const Point &b, float scalarb, const Point &c, float scalarc)
 this = a + b * scalarb + c * scalarc More...
inline_ float Magnitude () const
 Computes magnitude. More...
inline_ float Max () const
 Returns MAX(x, y, z);. More...
inline_ PointMax (const Point &p)
 Sets each element to be componentwise maximum. More...
inline_ float Min () const
 Returns MIN(x, y, z);. More...
inline_ PointMin (const Point &p)
 Sets each element to be componentwise minimum. More...
inline_ PointMsc (const Point &a, const Point &b, float scalar)
 this = a - b * scalar More...
inline_ PointMsc (const Point &a, float scalar)
 this = this - a * scalar More...
inline_ PointMsc2 (const Point &a, const Point &b, float scalarb, const Point &c, float scalarc)
 this = a - b * scalarb - c * scalarc More...
inline_ PointMult (const Matrix3x3 &mat, const Point &a)
 this = mat * a More...
inline_ PointMult (const Point &a, float scalar)
 this = a * scalar More...
inline_ PointMult (float s)
 Multiplies by a scalar. More...
inline_ PointMult2 (const Matrix3x3 &mat1, const Point &a1, const Matrix3x3 &mat2, const Point &a2)
 this = mat1 * a1 + mat2 * a2 More...
inline_ PointNeg ()
 this = -this More...
inline_ PointNeg (const Point &a)
 this = -a More...
inline_ PointNormalize ()
 Normalizes the vector. More...
inline_ operator const float * () const
inline_ operator float * ()
 operator HPoint () const
 Cast a Point to a HPoint. w is set to zero. More...
inline_ bool operator!= (const Point &p) const
 Operator for "if(Point!=Point)". More...
inline_ Point operator* (const Matrix3x3 &mat) const
 Operator for Point Mul = Point * Matrix3x3. More...
inline_ Point operator* (const Matrix4x4 &mat) const
 Operator for Point Mul = Point * Matrix4x4. More...
inline_ Point operator* (const Point &p) const
 Operator for Point Mul = Point * Point. More...
inline_ Point operator* (float s) const
 Operator for Point Scale = Point * float. More...
inline_ Pointoperator*= (const Matrix3x3 &mat)
 Operator for Point *= Matrix3x3. More...
inline_ Pointoperator*= (const Matrix4x4 &mat)
 Operator for Point *= Matrix4x4. More...
inline_ Pointoperator*= (const Point &p)
 Operator for Point *= Point. More...
inline_ Pointoperator*= (float s)
 Operator for Point *= float. More...
inline_ Point operator+ (const Point &p) const
 Operator for Point Plus = Point + Point. More...
inline_ Pointoperator+= (const Point &p)
 Operator for Point += Point. More...
inline_ Pointoperator+= (float s)
 Operator for Point += float. More...
inline_ Point operator- () const
 Unary operator for Point Negate = - Point. More...
inline_ Point operator- (const Point &p) const
 Operator for Point Minus = Point - Point. More...
inline_ Pointoperator-= (const Point &p)
 Operator for Point -= Point. More...
inline_ Pointoperator-= (float s)
 Operator for Point -= float. More...
inline_ Point operator/ (const Point &p) const
 Operator for Point Div = Point / Point. More...
inline_ Point operator/ (float s) const
 Operator for Point Scale = Point / float. More...
inline_ Pointoperator/= (const Point &p)
 Operator for Point /= Point. More...
inline_ Pointoperator/= (float s)
 Operator for Point /= float. More...
inline_ bool operator== (const Point &p) const
 Operator for "if(Point==Point)". More...
inline_ Point operator^ (const Point &p) const
 Operator for Point VecProd = Point ^ Point. More...
inline_ float operator| (const Point &p) const
 Operator for float DotProd = Point | Point. More...
inline_ Point ()
 Empty constructor. More...
inline_ Point (const float f[3])
 Constructor from array. More...
inline_ Point (const Point &p)
 Copy constructor. More...
inline_ Point (float _x, float _y, float _z)
 Constructor from a single float. More...
PointPositiveUnitRandomVector ()
 Sets positive unit random vector. More...
PointProjectToPlane (const Plane &p)
 Projects the point onto a plane. More...
void ProjectToScreen (float halfrenderwidth, float halfrenderheight, const Matrix4x4 &mat, HPoint &projected) const
 Projects the point onto the screen. More...
PointRefract (const Point &eye, const Point &n, float refractindex, Point &refracted)
 Refracts the point. More...
inline_ PointSet (const float f[3])
 Assignment from array. More...
inline_ PointSet (const Point &src)
 Assignment from another point. More...
inline_ PointSet (float _x, float _y, float _z)
 Assignment from values. More...
inline_ PointSetLength (float length)
 Sets vector length. More...
inline_ PointSetMinusInfinity ()
void SetNotUsed ()
 Stuff magic values in the point, marking it as explicitely not used. More...
inline_ PointSetPlusInfinity ()
inline_ PointComponent SmallestAxis () const
 Returns smallest axis. More...
inline_ float SquareDistance (const Point &b) const
 Computes square distance to another point. More...
inline_ float SquareMagnitude () const
 Computes square magnitude. More...
inline_ PointSub (const float f[3])
 Subtracts a vector. More...
inline_ PointSub (const Point &p)
 Subtracts a vector. More...
inline_ PointSub (const Point &p, const Point &q)
 Subtracts vectors. More...
inline_ PointSub (float _x, float _y, float _z)
 Subtracts a vector. More...
inline_ PointTransform (const Point &r, const Matrix3x3 &rotpos, const Point &linpos)
 this = rotpos * r + linpos More...
inline_ PointTransMult (const Matrix3x3 &mat, const Point &a)
 this = transpose(mat) * a More...
void Tweak (udword coord_mask, udword tweak_mask)
 Slighty moves the point. More...
inline_ void TweakBigger ()
 Slighty moves the point out. More...
inline_ void TweakSmaller ()
 Slighty moves the point in. More...
PointUnfold (Plane &p, Point &a, Point &b)
 Unfolds the point onto a plane according to edge(a,b) More...
PointUnitRandomVector ()
 Sets unit random vector. More...
inline_ udword VectorCode () const
 Vector code ( bitmask = sign(z) | sign(y) | sign(x) ) More...
inline_ float Volume () const
 Computes volume. More...
inline_ PointZero ()
 Clears the vector. More...
inline_ ~Point ()
 Destructor. More...

Public Attributes

float x
float y
float z


inline_ friend Point operator* (float s, const Point &p)
 Operator for Point Scale = float * Point. More...
inline_ friend Point operator/ (float s, const Point &p)
 Operator for Point Scale = float / Point. More...

Detailed Description

3D point.

The name is "Point" instead of "Vector" since a vector is N-dimensional, whereas a point is an implicit "vector of dimension 3". So the choice was between "Point" and "Vector3", the first one looked better (IMHO).

Some people, then, use a typedef to handle both points & vectors using the same class: typedef Point Vector3; This is bad since it opens the door to a lot of confusion while reading the code. I know it may sounds weird but check this out:

Point P0,P1 = some 3D points;
Point Delta = P1 - P0;

This compiles fine, although you should have written:

Point P0,P1 = some 3D points;
Vector3 Delta = P1 - P0;

Subtle things like this are not caught at compile-time, and when you find one in the code, you never know whether it's a mistake from the author or something you don't get.

One way to handle it at compile-time would be to use different classes for Point & Vector3, only overloading operator "-" for vectors. But then, you get a lot of redundant code in thoses classes, and basically it's really a lot of useless work.

Another way would be to use homogeneous points: w=1 for points, w=0 for vectors. That's why the HPoint class exists. Now, to store your model's vertices and in most cases, you really want to use Points to save ram.

Pierre Terdiman

Definition at line 25 of file IcePoint.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Point() [1/4]

inline_ Point::Point ( )

Empty constructor.

Definition at line 30 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ Point() [2/4]

inline_ Point::Point ( float  _x,
float  _y,
float  _z 

Constructor from a single float.

Constructor from floats

Definition at line 35 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ Point() [3/4]

inline_ Point::Point ( const float  f[3])

Constructor from array.

Definition at line 37 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ Point() [4/4]

inline_ Point::Point ( const Point p)

Copy constructor.

Definition at line 39 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ ~Point()

inline_ Point::~Point ( )


Definition at line 41 of file IcePoint.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ Add() [1/4]

inline_ Point& Point::Add ( const float  f[3])

Adds a vector.

Definition at line 68 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ Add() [2/4]

inline_ Point& Point::Add ( const Point p)

Adds a vector.

Definition at line 64 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ Add() [3/4]

inline_ Point& Point::Add ( const Point p,
const Point q 

Adds vectors.

Definition at line 70 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ Add() [4/4]

inline_ Point& Point::Add ( float  _x,
float  _y,
float  _z 

Adds a vector.

Definition at line 66 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ ApproxZero()

inline_ bool Point::ApproxZero ( ) const

Checks the point is near zero.

Definition at line 224 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ Clamp()

inline_ Point& Point::Clamp ( float  min,
float  max 

Clamps each element.

Definition at line 208 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ ClampLength()

inline_ Point& Point::ClampLength ( float  limit_length)

Clamps vector length.

Definition at line 293 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ ClosestAxis()

inline_ PointComponent Point::ClosestAxis ( ) const

Returns closest axis.

Definition at line 352 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ Cross()

inline_ Point& Point::Cross ( const Point a,
const Point b 

Cross product this = a x b.

Definition at line 326 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ Distance()

inline_ float Point::Distance ( const Point b) const

Computes distance to another point.

Definition at line 311 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ Dot()

inline_ float Point::Dot ( const Point p) const

Dot product dp = this|a.

Definition at line 323 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ GetHashValue()

inline_ udword Point::GetHashValue ( ) const

Hash function from Ville Miettinen.

Definition at line 385 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ Herp()

inline_ Point& Point::Herp ( const Point p0,
const Point p1,
const Point p2,
const Point p3,
float  t 

Hermite interpolate between p1 and p2. p0 and p3 are used for finding gradient at p1 and p2. this = p0 * (2t^2 - t^3 - t)/2

  • p1 * (3t^3 - 5t^2 + 2)/2
  • p2 * (4t^2 - 3t^3 + t)/2
  • p3 * (t^3 - t^2)/2

Definition at line 178 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ InvTransform()

Point & Point::InvTransform ( const Point r,
const Matrix3x3 rotpos,
const Point linpos 

this = trans(rotpos) * (r - linpos)

Definition at line 184 of file IcePoint.cpp.

◆ IsNotUsed()

BOOL Point::IsNotUsed ( ) const

Checks the point is marked as not used.

Definition at line 136 of file IcePoint.cpp.

◆ IsValid()

inline_ BOOL Point::IsValid ( ) const

Checks point validity.

Definition at line 234 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ IsZero()

inline_ BOOL Point::IsZero ( ) const

Tests for exact zero vector.

Definition at line 227 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ LargestAxis()

inline_ PointComponent Point::LargestAxis ( ) const

Returns largest axis.

Definition at line 341 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ Lerp()

inline_ Point& Point::Lerp ( const Point a,
const Point b,
float  t 

Linear interpolate between two vectors: this = a + t * (b - a)

Definition at line 165 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ Mac() [1/3]

Point & Point::Mac ( const Matrix3x3 mat,
const Point a 

this = this + mat * a

Definition at line 160 of file IcePoint.cpp.

◆ Mac() [2/3]

inline_ Point& Point::Mac ( const Point a,
const Point b,
float  scalar 

this = a + b * scalar

Definition at line 99 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ Mac() [3/3]

inline_ Point& Point::Mac ( const Point a,
float  scalar 

this = this + a * scalar

Definition at line 108 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ Mac2()

inline_ Point& Point::Mac2 ( const Point a,
const Point b,
float  scalarb,
const Point c,
float  scalarc 

this = a + b * scalarb + c * scalarc

Definition at line 135 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ Magnitude()

inline_ float Point::Magnitude ( ) const

Computes magnitude.

Definition at line 219 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ Max() [1/2]

inline_ float Point::Max ( ) const

Returns MAX(x, y, z);.

Definition at line 201 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ Max() [2/2]

inline_ Point& Point::Max ( const Point p)

Sets each element to be componentwise maximum.

Definition at line 205 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ Min() [1/2]

inline_ float Point::Min ( ) const

Returns MIN(x, y, z);.

Definition at line 199 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ Min() [2/2]

inline_ Point& Point::Min ( const Point p)

Sets each element to be componentwise minimum.

Definition at line 203 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ Msc() [1/2]

inline_ Point& Point::Msc ( const Point a,
const Point b,
float  scalar 

this = a - b * scalar

Definition at line 117 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ Msc() [2/2]

inline_ Point& Point::Msc ( const Point a,
float  scalar 

this = this - a * scalar

Definition at line 126 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ Msc2()

inline_ Point& Point::Msc2 ( const Point a,
const Point b,
float  scalarb,
const Point c,
float  scalarc 

this = a - b * scalarb - c * scalarc

Definition at line 144 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ Mult() [1/3]

Point & Point::Mult ( const Matrix3x3 mat,
const Point a 

this = mat * a

Definition at line 144 of file IcePoint.cpp.

◆ Mult() [2/3]

inline_ Point& Point::Mult ( const Point a,
float  scalar 

this = a * scalar

Definition at line 90 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ Mult() [3/3]

inline_ Point& Point::Mult ( float  s)

Multiplies by a scalar.

Definition at line 87 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ Mult2()

Point & Point::Mult2 ( const Matrix3x3 mat1,
const Point a1,
const Matrix3x3 mat2,
const Point a2 

this = mat1 * a1 + mat2 * a2

Definition at line 152 of file IcePoint.cpp.

◆ Neg() [1/2]

inline_ Point& Point::Neg ( )

this = -this

Definition at line 82 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ Neg() [2/2]

inline_ Point& Point::Neg ( const Point a)

this = -a

Definition at line 84 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ Normalize()

inline_ Point& Point::Normalize ( )

Normalizes the vector.

Definition at line 269 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ operator const float *()

inline_ Point::operator const float * ( ) const

Definition at line 520 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ operator float *()

inline_ Point::operator float * ( )

Definition at line 521 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ operator HPoint()

Point::operator HPoint ( ) const

Cast a Point to a HPoint. w is set to zero.

Definition at line 85 of file IcePoint.cpp.

◆ operator!=()

inline_ bool Point::operator!= ( const Point p) const

Operator for "if(Point!=Point)".

Definition at line 457 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ operator*() [1/4]

inline_ Point Point::operator* ( const Matrix3x3 mat) const

Operator for Point Mul = Point * Matrix3x3.

Definition at line 462 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ operator*() [2/4]

inline_ Point Point::operator* ( const Matrix4x4 mat) const

Operator for Point Mul = Point * Matrix4x4.

Definition at line 474 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ operator*() [3/4]

inline_ Point Point::operator* ( const Point p) const

Operator for Point Mul = Point * Point.

Definition at line 408 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ operator*() [4/4]

inline_ Point Point::operator* ( float  s) const

Operator for Point Scale = Point * float.

Definition at line 410 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ operator*=() [1/4]

inline_ Point& Point::operator*= ( const Matrix3x3 mat)

Operator for Point *= Matrix3x3.

Definition at line 486 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ operator*=() [2/4]

inline_ Point& Point::operator*= ( const Matrix4x4 mat)

Operator for Point *= Matrix4x4.

Definition at line 501 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ operator*=() [3/4]

inline_ Point& Point::operator*= ( const Point p)

Operator for Point *= Point.

Definition at line 443 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ operator*=() [4/4]

inline_ Point& Point::operator*= ( float  s)

Operator for Point *= float.

Definition at line 445 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ operator+()

inline_ Point Point::operator+ ( const Point p) const

Operator for Point Plus = Point + Point.

Definition at line 403 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ operator+=() [1/2]

inline_ Point& Point::operator+= ( const Point p)

Operator for Point += Point.

Definition at line 433 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ operator+=() [2/2]

inline_ Point& Point::operator+= ( float  s)

Operator for Point += float.

Definition at line 435 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ operator-() [1/2]

inline_ Point Point::operator- ( ) const

Unary operator for Point Negate = - Point.

Definition at line 400 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ operator-() [2/2]

inline_ Point Point::operator- ( const Point p) const

Operator for Point Minus = Point - Point.

Definition at line 405 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ operator-=() [1/2]

inline_ Point& Point::operator-= ( const Point p)

Operator for Point -= Point.

Definition at line 438 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ operator-=() [2/2]

inline_ Point& Point::operator-= ( float  s)

Operator for Point -= float.

Definition at line 440 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ operator/() [1/2]

inline_ Point Point::operator/ ( const Point p) const

Operator for Point Div = Point / Point.

Definition at line 415 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ operator/() [2/2]

inline_ Point Point::operator/ ( float  s) const

Operator for Point Scale = Point / float.

Definition at line 417 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ operator/=() [1/2]

inline_ Point& Point::operator/= ( const Point p)

Operator for Point /= Point.

Definition at line 448 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ operator/=() [2/2]

inline_ Point& Point::operator/= ( float  s)

Operator for Point /= float.

Definition at line 450 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ operator==()

inline_ bool Point::operator== ( const Point p) const

Operator for "if(Point==Point)".

Definition at line 455 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ operator^()

inline_ Point Point::operator^ ( const Point p) const

Operator for Point VecProd = Point ^ Point.

Definition at line 424 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ operator|()

inline_ float Point::operator| ( const Point p) const

Operator for float DotProd = Point | Point.

Definition at line 422 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ PositiveUnitRandomVector()

Point & Point::PositiveUnitRandomVector ( )

Sets positive unit random vector.

Creates a positive unit random vector.


Definition at line 59 of file IcePoint.cpp.

◆ ProjectToPlane()

Point & Point::ProjectToPlane ( const Plane p)

Projects the point onto a plane.

Definition at line 109 of file IcePoint.cpp.

◆ ProjectToScreen()

void Point::ProjectToScreen ( float  halfrenderwidth,
float  halfrenderheight,
const Matrix4x4 mat,
HPoint projected 
) const

Projects the point onto the screen.

Definition at line 115 of file IcePoint.cpp.

◆ Refract()

Point & Point::Refract ( const Point eye,
const Point n,
float  refractindex,
Point refracted 

Refracts the point.

Definition at line 87 of file IcePoint.cpp.

◆ Set() [1/3]

inline_ Point& Point::Set ( const float  f[3])

Assignment from array.

Definition at line 59 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ Set() [2/3]

inline_ Point& Point::Set ( const Point src)

Assignment from another point.

Definition at line 61 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ Set() [3/3]

inline_ Point& Point::Set ( float  _x,
float  _y,
float  _z 

Assignment from values.

Definition at line 57 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ SetLength()

inline_ Point& Point::SetLength ( float  length)

Sets vector length.

Definition at line 283 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ SetMinusInfinity()

inline_ Point& Point::SetMinusInfinity ( )
  • infinity

Definition at line 49 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ SetNotUsed()

void Point::SetNotUsed ( )

Stuff magic values in the point, marking it as explicitely not used.

Definition at line 128 of file IcePoint.cpp.

◆ SetPlusInfinity()

inline_ Point& Point::SetPlusInfinity ( )
  • infinity

Definition at line 47 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ SmallestAxis()

inline_ PointComponent Point::SmallestAxis ( ) const

Returns smallest axis.

Definition at line 362 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ SquareDistance()

inline_ float Point::SquareDistance ( const Point b) const

Computes square distance to another point.

Definition at line 317 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ SquareMagnitude()

inline_ float Point::SquareMagnitude ( ) const

Computes square magnitude.

Definition at line 217 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ Sub() [1/4]

inline_ Point& Point::Sub ( const float  f[3])

Subtracts a vector.

Definition at line 77 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ Sub() [2/4]

inline_ Point& Point::Sub ( const Point p)

Subtracts a vector.

Definition at line 73 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ Sub() [3/4]

inline_ Point& Point::Sub ( const Point p,
const Point q 

Subtracts vectors.

Definition at line 79 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ Sub() [4/4]

inline_ Point& Point::Sub ( float  _x,
float  _y,
float  _z 

Subtracts a vector.

Definition at line 75 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ Transform()

Point & Point::Transform ( const Point r,
const Matrix3x3 rotpos,
const Point linpos 

this = rotpos * r + linpos

Definition at line 176 of file IcePoint.cpp.

◆ TransMult()

Point & Point::TransMult ( const Matrix3x3 mat,
const Point a 

this = transpose(mat) * a

Definition at line 168 of file IcePoint.cpp.

◆ Tweak()

void Point::Tweak ( udword  coord_mask,
udword  tweak_mask 

Slighty moves the point.

Definition at line 243 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ TweakBigger()

inline_ void Point::TweakBigger ( )

Slighty moves the point out.

Definition at line 253 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ TweakSmaller()

inline_ void Point::TweakSmaller ( )

Slighty moves the point in.

Definition at line 261 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ Unfold()

Point& Point::Unfold ( Plane p,
Point a,
Point b 

Unfolds the point onto a plane according to edge(a,b)

◆ UnitRandomVector()

Point & Point::UnitRandomVector ( )

Sets unit random vector.

Creates a unit random vector.


Definition at line 74 of file IcePoint.cpp.

◆ VectorCode()

inline_ udword Point::VectorCode ( ) const

Vector code ( bitmask = sign(z) | sign(y) | sign(x) )

Definition at line 335 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ Volume()

inline_ float Point::Volume ( ) const

Computes volume.

Definition at line 221 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ Zero()

inline_ Point& Point::Zero ( )

Clears the vector.

Definition at line 44 of file IcePoint.h.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ operator*

inline_ friend Point operator* ( float  s,
const Point p 

Operator for Point Scale = float * Point.

Definition at line 412 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ operator/

inline_ friend Point operator/ ( float  s,
const Point p 

Operator for Point Scale = float / Point.

Definition at line 419 of file IcePoint.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ x

float Point::x

Definition at line 524 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ y

float Point::y

Definition at line 524 of file IcePoint.h.

◆ z

float Point::z

Definition at line 524 of file IcePoint.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Definition: IcePoint.h:25
OpenHRP::vector3 Vector3
Definition: bush_customizer.cpp:40

Author(s): AIST, General Robotix Inc., Nakamura Lab of Dept. of Mechano Informatics at University of Tokyo
autogenerated on Wed Sep 7 2022 02:51:05