
cob_robot_calibration_est::sensors::camera_chain_sensor::CameraChainBundler Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

def __init__
def build_blocks

Private Attributes


Detailed Description

Tool used to generate a list of CameraChain sensors from a single calibration sample message

Definition at line 52 of file camera_chain_sensor.py.

Member Function Documentation

def cob_robot_calibration_est::sensors::camera_chain_sensor::CameraChainBundler::__init__ (   self,
- valid_configs: A list of dictionaries, where each list elem stores the configuration of a potential
         camera chain that we might encounter.
  Example (in yaml format):
    - camera_id: forearm_right_rect
      sensor_id: forearm_right_rect
before_chain: [r_shoulder_pan_joint]
chain_id:     right_arm_chain
after_chain:  [r_forearm_roll_adj, r_forearm_cam_frame_joint,
dh_link_num:  4

Definition at line 56 of file camera_chain_sensor.py.

def cob_robot_calibration_est::sensors::camera_chain_sensor::CameraChainBundler::build_blocks (   self,
- M_robot: A calibration sample of type calibration_msgs/RobotMeasurement
- sensors: A list of CameraChainSensor objects that corresponds to all camera chain sensors found
   in the calibration message that was passed in.

Definition at line 74 of file camera_chain_sensor.py.

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 71 of file camera_chain_sensor.py.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Properties Friends

Author(s): Vijay Pradeep, Sebastian Haug
autogenerated on Fri Mar 1 15:43:50 2013