rosidl_cli.command.translate.extensions module
- class rosidl_cli.command.translate.extensions.TranslateCommandExtension(name: str)
The extension point for interface definition translation.
The following attributes must be defined * input_format * output_format
The following methods must be defined: * translate
- input_format: ClassVar[str]
- output_format: ClassVar[str]
- translate(package_name: str, interface_files: List[str], include_paths: List[str], output_path: Path) List[str]
Translate interface definition files.
The path to an interface definition file is a relative path optionally prefixed by an absolute path followed by a colon ‘:’, in which case path resolution is to be performed against that absolute path.
On output, the directory structure specified by this relative path will be replicated e.g. an
file will result in amsg/
file under output_path.- Parameters:
package_name – name of the package interface_file belongs to
interface_files – list of paths to interface definition files
include_paths – list of paths to include dependency interface definition files from
output_path – path to directory to hold translated interface definition files
- Returns:
list of paths to translated interface definition files
- rosidl_cli.command.translate.extensions.load_translate_extensions(*, specs: List[str] | None, strict: bool) List[TranslateCommandExtension]
Load extensions for interface definition translation.