Struct jwt_payload
Defined in File jwt.hpp
Inheritance Relationships
Base Types
public jwt::write_interface
(Struct write_interface)public jwt::base64_enc_dec< jwt_payload >
(Template Struct base64_enc_dec)
Struct Documentation
struct jwt_payload : public jwt::write_interface, public jwt::base64_enc_dec<jwt_payload>
Component class representing JWT Payload. The payload is nothing but a set of claims which are directly written into a JSON object.
Public Functions
jwt_payload() = default
Default constructor.
inline jwt_payload(const jwt::string_view enc_str)
Construct the payload from an encoded string. TODO: Throw an exception in case of error.
jwt_payload(const jwt_payload&) = default
Default copy and assignment operations.
jwt_payload &operator=(const jwt_payload&) = default
~jwt_payload() = default
template<typename T, typename = typename std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same<system_time_t, std::decay_t<T>>::value || !std::is_same<jwt::string_view, std::decay_t<T>>::value>>
inline bool add_claim(const jwt::string_view cname, T &&cvalue, bool overwrite = false) Add a claim to the set. Parameters: cname - The name of the claim. cvalue - Value of the claim. overwrite - Over write the value if already present.
: This overload works for all value types which are: a) not an instance of type system_time_t. b) not an instance of type jwt::string_view. c) can be written to
inline bool add_claim(const jwt::string_view cname, const jwt::string_view cvalue, bool overwrite = false)
Adds a claim. This overload takes string claim value.
inline bool add_claim(const jwt::string_view cname, system_time_t tp, bool overwrite = false)
Adds a claim. This overload takes system_time_t claim value.
: Useful for providing timestamp as the claim value.
- template<typename T, typename = std::enable_if_t< !std::is_same<std::decay_t<T>, system_time_t>::value || !std::is_same<std::decay_t<T>, jwt::string_view>::value >> inline bool add_claim (SCOPED_ENUM registered_claims cname, T &&cvalue, bool overwrite=false)
Adds a claim. This overload takes
as the claim name.
- inline bool add_claim (SCOPED_ENUM registered_claims cname, system_time_t tp, bool overwrite=false)
Adds a claim. This overload takes
as the claim name andsystem_time_t
as the claim value type.
- inline bool add_claim (SCOPED_ENUM registered_claims cname, jwt::string_view cvalue, bool overwrite=false)
Adds a claim. This overload takes
as the claim name andjwt::string_view
as the claim value type.
template<typename T>
inline decltype(auto) get_claim_value(const jwt::string_view cname) const Gets the claim value provided the claim value name.
The template type
is what the user expects the value type to be. If the type provided is incompatible the underlying JSON library will throw an exception.Note
: The claim name used here is Case Sensitive.
- template<typename T> inline decltype(auto) get_claim_value (SCOPED_ENUM registered_claims cname) const
Gets the claim value provided the claim value name. This overload takes the claim name as an instance of type
.The template type
is what the user expects the value type to be. If the type provided is incompatible the underlying JSON library will throw an exception.
inline bool remove_claim(const jwt::string_view cname)
Remove a claim identified by a claim name.
- inline bool remove_claim (SCOPED_ENUM registered_claims cname)
Remove a claim. Overload which takes the claim name as an instance of
inline bool has_claim(const jwt::string_view cname) const noexcept
Checks whether a claim is present in the payload or not.
: Claim name is case sensitive for this API.
- inline bool has_claim (SCOPED_ENUM registered_claims cname) const noexcept
Checks whether a claim is present in the payload or not. Overload which takes the claim name as an instance of
template<typename T>
inline bool has_claim_with_value(const jwt::string_view cname, T &&cvalue) const Checks whether there is claim with a specific value in the payload.
- template<typename T> inline bool has_claim_with_value (const SCOPED_ENUM registered_claims cname, T &&value) const
Checks whether there is claim with a specific value in the payload. Overload which takes the claim name as an instance of type
inline std::string encode(bool pprint = false)
Encodes the payload as URL safe Base64 encoded string.
inline void decode(const jwt::string_view enc_str, std::error_code &ec)
Decodes an encoded string and overwrites the payload as per the encoded information.
This version of API reports error via std::error_code.
: Allocation failures are still thrown out as exceptions.
inline void decode(const jwt::string_view enc_str)
Overload of decode API which throws exception on any failure.
Throws DecodeError on failure.
inline const json_t &create_json_obj() const
Creates a JSON object of the payload.
The presence of this API is required for making it work with
jwt_payload() = default