Class NodeLattice

Class Documentation

class NodeLattice

NodeLattice implementation for graph, Hybrid-A*.

Public Types

typedef NodeLattice *NodePtr
typedef std::unique_ptr<std::vector<NodeLattice>> Graph
typedef std::vector<NodePtr> NodeVector
typedef NodeHybrid::Coordinates Coordinates
typedef NodeHybrid::CoordinateVector CoordinateVector

Public Functions

explicit NodeLattice(const uint64_t index)

A constructor for nav2_smac_planner::NodeLattice.


index – The index of this node for self-reference


A destructor for nav2_smac_planner::NodeLattice.

inline bool operator==(const NodeLattice &rhs)

operator== for comparisons


NodeLattice – right hand side node reference


If cell indicies are equal

inline void setPose(const Coordinates &pose_in)

setting continuous coordinate search poses (in partial-cells)


Pose – pose

void reset()

Reset method for new search.

inline void setMotionPrimitive(MotionPrimitive *prim)

Sets the motion primitive used to achieve node in search.


pointer – to motion primitive

inline MotionPrimitive *&getMotionPrimitive()

Gets the motion primitive used to achieve node in search.


pointer to motion primitive

inline float getAccumulatedCost()

Gets the accumulated cost at this node.


accumulated cost

inline void setAccumulatedCost(const float &cost_in)

Sets the accumulated cost at this node.


reference – to accumulated cost

inline float getCost()

Gets the costmap cost at this node.


costmap cost

inline bool wasVisited()

Gets if cell has been visited in search.


If – cell was visited

inline void visited()

Sets if cell has been visited in search.

inline uint64_t getIndex()

Gets cell index.


Reference to cell index

inline void backwards(bool back = true)

Sets that this primitive is moving in reverse.

inline bool isBackward()

Gets if this primitive is moving in reverse.


backwards If moving in reverse

bool isNodeValid(const bool &traverse_unknown, GridCollisionChecker *collision_checker, MotionPrimitive *primitive = nullptr, bool is_backwards = false)

Check if this node is valid.

  • traverse_unknown – If we can explore unknown nodes on the graph

  • collision_checker – Collision checker object to aid in validity checking

  • primitive – Optional argument if needing to check over a primitive not only a terminal pose

  • is_backwards – Optional argument if needed to check if prim expansion is in reverse


whether this node is valid and collision free

float getTraversalCost(const NodePtr &child)

Get traversal cost of parent node to child node.


child – Node pointer to child


traversal cost

void getNeighbors(std::function<bool(const uint64_t&, nav2_smac_planner::NodeLattice*&)> &validity_checker, GridCollisionChecker *collision_checker, const bool &traverse_unknown, NodeVector &neighbors)

Retrieve all valid neighbors of a node.

  • validity_checker – Functor for state validity checking

  • collision_checker – Collision checker to use

  • traverse_unknown – If unknown costs are valid to traverse

  • neighbors – Vector of neighbors to be filled

bool backtracePath(CoordinateVector &path)

Set the starting pose for planning, as a node index.


path – Reference to a vector of indicies of generated path


whether the path was able to be backtraced

void addNodeToPath(NodePtr current_node, CoordinateVector &path)

add node to the path



Public Members

NodeLattice *parent
Coordinates pose

Public Static Functions

static inline uint64_t getIndex(const unsigned int &x, const unsigned int &y, const unsigned int &angle)

Get index at coordinates.

  • x – X coordinate of point

  • y – Y coordinate of point

  • angle – Theta coordinate of point



static inline Coordinates getCoords(const uint64_t &index, const unsigned int &width, const unsigned int &angle_quantization)

Get coordinates at index.

  • index – Index of point

  • width – Width of costmap

  • angle_quantization – Theta size of costmap



static float getHeuristicCost(const Coordinates &node_coords, const Coordinates &goal_coordinates)

Get cost of heuristic of node.

  • node – Node index current

  • node – Node index of new


Heuristic cost between the nodes

static void initMotionModel(const MotionModel &motion_model, unsigned int &size_x, unsigned int &size_y, unsigned int &angle_quantization, SearchInfo &search_info)

Initialize motion models.

  • motion_model – Motion model enum to use

  • size_x – Size of X of graph

  • size_y – Size of y of graph

  • angle_quantization – Size of theta bins of graph

  • search_info – Search info to use

static void precomputeDistanceHeuristic(const float &lookup_table_dim, const MotionModel &motion_model, const unsigned int &dim_3_size, const SearchInfo &search_info)

Compute the SE2 distance heuristic.

  • lookup_table_dim – Size, in costmap pixels, of the each lookup table dimension to populate

  • motion_model – Motion model to use for state space

  • dim_3_size – Number of quantization bins for caching

  • search_info – Info containing minimum radius to use

static inline void resetObstacleHeuristic(std::shared_ptr<nav2_costmap_2d::Costmap2DROS> costmap_ros, const unsigned int &start_x, const unsigned int &start_y, const unsigned int &goal_x, const unsigned int &goal_y)

Compute the wavefront heuristic.

  • costmap – Costmap to use

  • goal_coords – Coordinates to start heuristic expansion at

static inline float getObstacleHeuristic(const Coordinates &node_coords, const Coordinates &goal_coords, const double &cost_penalty)

Compute the Obstacle heuristic.

  • node_coords – Coordinates to get heuristic at

  • goal_coords – Coordinates to compute heuristic to


heuristic Heuristic value

static float getDistanceHeuristic(const Coordinates &node_coords, const Coordinates &goal_coords, const float &obstacle_heuristic)

Compute the Distance heuristic.

  • node_coords – Coordinates to get heuristic at

  • goal_coords – Coordinates to compute heuristic to

  • obstacle_heuristic – Value of the obstacle heuristic to compute additional motion heuristics if required


heuristic Heuristic value

Public Static Attributes

static LatticeMotionTable motion_table
static LookupTable dist_heuristic_lookup_table
static float size_lookup