Class Node2D

Nested Relationships

Nested Types

Class Documentation

class Node2D

Node2D implementation for graph.

Public Types

typedef Node2D *NodePtr
typedef std::unique_ptr<std::vector<Node2D>> Graph
typedef std::vector<NodePtr> NodeVector
typedef std::vector<Coordinates> CoordinateVector

Public Functions

explicit Node2D(const uint64_t index)

A constructor for nav2_smac_planner::Node2D.


index – The index of this node for self-reference


A destructor for nav2_smac_planner::Node2D.

inline bool operator==(const Node2D &rhs)

operator== for comparisons


Node2D – right hand side node reference


If cell indicies are equal

void reset()

Reset method for new search.

inline float getAccumulatedCost()

Gets the accumulated cost at this node.


accumulated cost

inline void setAccumulatedCost(const float &cost_in)

Sets the accumulated cost at this node.


reference – to accumulated cost

inline float getCost()

Gets the costmap cost at this node.


costmap cost

inline void setCost(const float &cost)

Gets the costmap cost at this node.


costmap cost

inline bool wasVisited()

Gets if cell has been visited in search.


If – cell was visited

inline void visited()

Sets if cell has been visited in search.

inline bool &isQueued()

Gets if cell is currently queued in search.


If – cell was queued

inline void queued()

Sets if cell is currently queued in search.

inline uint64_t getIndex()

Gets cell index.


Reference to cell index

bool isNodeValid(const bool &traverse_unknown, GridCollisionChecker *collision_checker)

Check if this node is valid.

  • traverse_unknown – If we can explore unknown nodes on the graph

  • collision_checker – Pointer to collision checker object


whether this node is valid and collision free

float getTraversalCost(const NodePtr &child)

get traversal cost from this node to child node


child – Node pointer to this node’s child


traversal cost

void getNeighbors(std::function<bool(const uint64_t&, nav2_smac_planner::Node2D*&)> &validity_checker, GridCollisionChecker *collision_checker, const bool &traverse_unknown, NodeVector &neighbors)

Retrieve all valid neighbors of a node.

  • validity_checker – Functor for state validity checking

  • collision_checker – Collision checker to use

  • traverse_unknown – If unknown costs are valid to traverse

  • neighbors – Vector of neighbors to be filled

bool backtracePath(CoordinateVector &path)

Set the starting pose for planning, as a node index.


path – Reference to a vector of indicies of generated path


whether the path was able to be backtraced

Public Members

Node2D *parent

Public Static Functions

static inline uint64_t getIndex(const unsigned int &x, const unsigned int &y, const unsigned int &width)

Get index.

  • x – x coordinate of point to get index of

  • y – y coordinate of point to get index of

  • width – width of costmap



static inline Coordinates getCoords(const uint64_t &index, const unsigned int &width, const unsigned int &angles)

Get index.

  • Index – Index of point

  • width – width of costmap

  • angles – angle bins to use (must be 1 or throws exception)


coordinates of point

static inline Coordinates getCoords(const uint64_t &index)

Get index.


Index – Index of point


coordinates of point

static float getHeuristicCost(const Coordinates &node_coords, const Coordinates &goal_coordinates)

Get cost of heuristic of node.

  • node – Node index current

  • node – Node index of new


Heuristic cost between the nodes

static void initMotionModel(const MotionModel &motion_model, unsigned int &size_x, unsigned int &size_y, unsigned int &num_angle_quantization, SearchInfo &search_info)

Initialize the neighborhood to be used in A* We support 4-connect (VON_NEUMANN) and 8-connect (MOORE)

  • neighborhood – The desired neighborhood type

  • x_size_uint – The total x size to find neighbors

  • y_size – The total y size to find neighbors

  • num_angle_quantization – Number of quantizations, must be 0

  • search_info – Search parameters, unused by 2D node

Public Static Attributes

static float cost_travel_multiplier
static std::vector<int> _neighbors_grid_offsets
class Coordinates

Node2D implementation of coordinate structure.

Public Functions

inline Coordinates()
inline Coordinates(const float &x_in, const float &y_in)

Public Members

float x
float y