Changelog for package quality_of_service_demo_py
0.27.2 (2024-07-10)
0.27.1 (2023-05-11)
Use non-deprecated rclpy import. (#617)
Contributors: Chris Lalancette
0.27.0 (2023-04-13)
Change all ROS2 -> ROS 2. (#610)
Contributors: Chris Lalancette
0.26.0 (2023-04-11)
Enable document generation using rosdoc2 (#606)
Contributors: Yadu
0.25.0 (2023-03-01)
0.24.1 (2023-02-24)
0.24.0 (2023-02-14)
[rolling] Update maintainers - 2022-11-07 (#589)
Contributors: Audrow Nash
0.23.0 (2022-11-02)
0.22.0 (2022-09-13)
Exit with code 0 if ExternalShutdownException is raised (#581)
Contributors: Jacob Perron
0.21.0 (2022-04-29)
0.20.1 (2022-04-08)
0.20.0 (2022-03-01)
0.19.0 (2022-01-14)
0.18.0 (2021-12-17)
0.17.0 (2021-10-18)
0.16.0 (2021-08-11)
0.15.0 (2021-05-14)
0.14.2 (2021-04-26)
0.14.1 (2021-04-19)
Use underscores instead of dashes in setup.cfg (#502)
Contributors: Ivan Santiago Paunovic
0.14.0 (2021-04-06)
0.13.0 (2021-03-25)
0.12.1 (2021-03-18)
0.12.0 (2021-01-25)
QoS overrides demo in python (#479)
Contributors: Ivan Santiago Paunovic
0.11.0 (2020-12-10)
0.10.1 (2020-09-21)
Add rclpy message lost status event demo (#457)
Contributors: Ivan Santiago Paunovic
0.10.0 (2020-06-17)
0.9.3 (2020-06-01)
0.9.2 (2020-05-26)
0.9.1 (2020-05-12)
Remove MANUAL_BY_NODE liveliness usage (#444)
Contributors: Ivan Santiago Paunovic
0.9.0 (2020-04-30)
0.8.4 (2019-11-19)
0.8.3 (2019-11-11)
0.8.2 (2019-11-08)
0.8.1 (2019-10-23)
Update versions
Contributors: Jacob Perron
0.8.0 (2019-09-26)
Fix spelling of pytest marker (#391)
Contributors: Dirk Thomas
0.7.6 (2019-05-30)
0.7.5 (2019-05-29)
0.7.4 (2019-05-20)
rclpy QoS Demos (Liveliness, Lifespan, Deadline) (#338)
Contributors: Emerson Knapp