py_trees.demos.context_switching module

A py_trees demo.

class py_trees.demos.context_switching.ContextSwitch(name: str = 'ContextSwitch')

Bases: Behaviour

An example of a context switching class.

This class sets (in initialise()) and restores a context (in terminate()). Use in parallel with a sequence/subtree that does the work while in this context.


Simply setting a pair of behaviours (set and reset context) on either end of a sequence will not suffice for context switching. In the case that one of the work behaviours in the sequence fails, the final reset context switch will never trigger.

initialise() None

Backup and set a new context.

terminate(new_status: Status) None

Restore the context with the previously backed up context.

update() Status

Just returns RUNNING while it waits for other activities to finish.

py_trees.demos.context_switching.command_line_argument_parser() ArgumentParser

Process command line arguments.


the argument parser

py_trees.demos.context_switching.create_root() Behaviour

Create the root behaviour and it’s subtree.


the root behaviour

py_trees.demos.context_switching.description() str

Print description and usage information about the program.


the program description string

py_trees.demos.context_switching.epilog() str | None

Print a noodly epilog for –help.


the noodly message

py_trees.demos.context_switching.main() None

Entry point for the demo script.