Struct QueryRequest

Inheritance Relationships

Derived Types

Struct Documentation

struct QueryRequest

base class for all query requests

Subclassed by hpp::fcl::CollisionRequest, hpp::fcl::DistanceRequest

Public Functions


Default constructor.

QueryRequest(const QueryRequest &other) = default

Copy constructor.

QueryRequest &operator=(const QueryRequest &other) = default

Copy assignment operator.

inline HPP_FCL_COMPILER_DIAGNOSTIC_POP void updateGuess (const QueryResult &result)
inline bool operator==(const QueryRequest &other) const

whether two QueryRequest are the same or not

Public Members

GJKInitialGuess gjk_initial_guess
bool enable_cached_gjk_guess

whether enable gjk initial guess @Deprecated Use gjk_initial_guess instead

GJKVariant gjk_variant

whether to enable the Nesterov accleration of GJK

GJKConvergenceCriterion gjk_convergence_criterion

convergence criterion used to stop GJK

GJKConvergenceCriterionType gjk_convergence_criterion_type

convergence criterion used to stop GJK

FCL_REAL gjk_tolerance

tolerance for the GJK algorithm

size_t gjk_max_iterations

maximum iteration for the GJK algorithm

Vec3f cached_gjk_guess

the gjk initial guess set by user

support_func_guess_t cached_support_func_guess

the support function initial guess set by user

bool enable_timings

enable timings when performing collision/distance request

FCL_REAL collision_distance_threshold

threshold below which a collision is considered.