Defined in File kIOS.h
Struct kIOS::kIOS_Sphere
A class describing the kIOS collision structure, which is a set of spheres.
Public Functions
Equality operator.
Difference operator.
Check whether the kIOS contains a point.
Check collision between two kIOS.
The distance between two kIOS.
A simple way to merge the kIOS and a point.
Merge the kIOS and another kIOS.
Return the merged kIOS of current kIOS and the other one.
size of the kIOS (used in BV_Splitter to order two kIOSs)
Center of the kIOS.
Width of the kIOS.
Height of the kIOS.
Depth of the kIOS.
Volume of the kIOS.
Public Members
The (at most) five spheres for intersection.
The number of spheres, no larger than 5.
@ OBB related with kIOS