
Aerostack2 lightweight simulator for multirotor drones, based on multirotor_simulator.


For documentation, use Doxygen. The documentation files have to be built locally:

  1. Install doxygen:

    sudo apt install doxygen
  2. Run doxygen in the root folder as2_platform_multirotor_simulator/ by:

    doxygen Doxyfile
  3. Open the documentation in by opening as2_platform_multirotor_simulator/doxygen/html/index.html

Building the package

Go to the root folder of the workspace and run:

colcon build --packages-select as2_platform_multirotor_simulator

Running colcon test

Run colcon test in by:

colcon test --packages-select as2_platform_multirotor_simulator

Optional, add verbosity with --event-handlers console_direct+

Launching the simulator

Configuration files are located in as2_platform_multirotor_simulator/config/:

  • control_modes.yaml: available input control modes for the aerostack2 aerial platform.

  • platform_config_file.yaml: ROS 2 configuration, with tf names, frequencies and aerostack2 parameters.

  • simulation_config.yaml: simulation configuration, with frequency and environment parameters.

  • uav_configuav_config.yaml: UAV configuration, with the drone’s physical parameters and controller configuration.

  • world_config.yaml: world configuration, as parameters override for each drone namespace in the configuration file.

Launcher parameters order

  1. Default configuration file in as2_platform_multirotor_simulator/config/ folder.

  2. Custom configuration file in the launch command (e.g. platform_config_file:=path/to/file.yaml).

  3. Custom parameters in the launch command (e.g. frequency:=100).

  4. Custom world configuration in the launch command (e.g. world_config:=path/to/file.yaml), for the world launcher.


ros2 launch as2_platform_multirotor_simulator namespace:=drone0
ros2 launch as2_platform_multirotor_simulator namespace:=drone0 world_config:=config/world_config.yaml


M. Fernandez-Cortizas, M. Molina, P. Arias-Perez, R. Perez-Segui, D. Perez-Saura, and P. Campoy, 2023, “Aerostack2: A software framework for developing multi-robot aerial systems”, ArXiv DOI 2303.18237.