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ROSCon Talks
The following ROSCon talks have been given on ROS 2 and provide information about the workings of ROS 2 and various demos:
Title |
Links |
Saving lives sooner: leveraging ROS 2 for end-stage kidney disease |
The State of ROS: Beneath the Kilt |
RMW Zenoh: An alternative middleware for ROS 2 |
The State of the Infrastructure |
In the Spot Light: Controlling Spot with ROS 2 |
Panel: Successfully Deploying ROS 2 Into Production |
Executors in ROS 2 |
The Multithreaded Events Executor |
Accelerating Robotics Development with Embedded Linux |
Real-time ROS 2 applications made easy with cactus-rt |
Something big is coming in ros2_control with ROS 2 Jazzy! |
How to Use a Dragon’s Algorithm: Integrating Drake with MoveIt 2 |
More than just an actuator – Better ROS support for a manipulator |
A ROS 2 Package for Dynamic Collision Avoidance Based On On-Board Prox… |
GSplines: Generalized Splines for Motion Optimization and Smooth Colli… |
KOI and EBIKE: Optimizing Kinematics Structures and IK Parameters by C… |
A Fuzzy-Matching Trajectory Cache for MoveIt 2 |
iceoryx2: A Journey to Becoming a First-Class RMW Alternative |
J1939 CAN Device Support in ROS 2 |
Integration of ETSI ITS messages for V2X communication in ROS |
Unlocking the Potential of the Nicla Vision Board with ROS / ROS 2 |
We Hate Serial: Experiments using CAN-FD as a transport layer for micro-ROS |
ROS 2 Gateway to Professional 24/7 Applications |
Optimizing Gazebo simulation: Challenges in building complex simulatio… |
Building Humanoid Robots: Mastering Design and Control with ROS |
URDF Creator: Bridging the Gap Between Learning and Applying ROS 2 |
Enabling ROS 2 Benchmarks: A Medical Robotics Perspective |
Scenario Execution for Robotics: A generic, backend-agnostic library f… |
⚡Lightning Talks⚡ |
Mobile Robotics Scale-up Leveraging ROS |
The State of Gazebo |
The State of Open-RMF |
Migrating a Mobile Manipulator to ROS 2 |
Jazzy Jalisco rosbag2 updates and new features |
⚡ Lightning Talks ⚡ |
How is my robot? - On the state of ROS Diagnostics |
Accelerating the CI/CD-to-robot cycle by 10x for 1/10th the cost |
r2s: A Terminal User Interface for ROS 2 |
The Lighthouse project: from Virtual Reality to Onboard Positioning for Robotics |
Building system packages with colcon in your own compact buildfarm |
robot_folders – your favorite meta-workspace manager |
Scaling Open-RMF from a Test Bench → Lab → Controlled Environment → Production |
Open-RMF and the Challenge of Resource Contention in Large-Scale Robot Fleets |
ROS in Large-scale Factory Automation |
Enhancing Robotic Communication & Scalability with Topic Keys in ROS 2 |
ROS 2 (and DDS) Compatible Selective Large Data Transfer |
Agent-based AI Framework for ROS 2 |
ros2ai Next-Gen ROS 2 CLI empowered by OpenAI |
Building Foundation Model-powered Robots with ROS: A Survey |
Scenic for ROS: A Probabilistic Programming Language for World Modeling… |
Software Platform Design and SDK Development for ROS 2-based LG AI Com… |
Beluga AMCL: A modern Monte Carlo Localization implementation for ROS |
Radar Tracks for Path Planning in the presence of Dynamic Obstacles |
On Use of Nav2 Docking |
ROS robot health monitoring: the Bonsai approach |
Navigation à la carte: choose navigation profile and strategy as you go |
Title |
Links |
Building the iRobot® Create® 3 Robot: Challenges and Solutions for ROS… |
The State of ROS: From the Iron Age to the Jazzy Age |
ROS 2 Types On-the-wire: Type Descriptions and Hashing in Iron and onwards |
Releasing a new ROS 2 distribution |
Panel: Getting Involved with ROS as an Organization |
Licensing of ROS Packages: Changes to package.xml and new tool support |
SDFormat: A robot description format in constant evolution |
Repeatable Reproducible Accessible ROS Development via Dev Containers |
Colcon-in-container: say bye to the “it builds on my machine” syndrome |
ROS with Kubernetes/KubeEdge |
A New ROS 2 Driver for FANUC Robots Utilizing Ethernet/IP |
A ROS 2 Package for Online Cobots Impedance Modulation |
Real-Time Motion Control in ROS: Uniting HAL with Tormach’s ZA6 Robot |
A safe and secure ROS 2 multi-domain architecture for AMD embedded het… |
Optimizing MoveIt - Costs, Constraints and Betterments |
Leveraging a functional approach for more testable and maintainable ROS code |
Real-time Data-flow extension for ROS 2 |
An Integrated Modelling and Testing Architecture for ROS Nodes |
Breaking Bots: Robustness Testing for ROS |
Rclex on Nerves: a bare minimum runtime platform for ROS 2 nodes in Elixir |
On Use of Nav2 MPPI Controller |
Bidirectional navigation with Nav2 |
Autonomous Robot Navigation and Localization on 3D Mesh Surfaces in ROS |
ROS 2 powered Android VHAL. |
⚡Lightning Talks⚡ |
Up, Up, and Away: Adventures in Aerial Robotics |
NEXUS: A ROS 2 framework for orchestrating industrial robotic lines and cells |
Aerostack2: A framework for developing Multi-Robot Aerial Systems |
Creating scalable customized robotic platforms |
Create® 3 Robot in the Classroom: Teaching ROS 2 to Undergraduates |
ROS 2 On the Browser with WebAssembly for Teaching Robotics |
⚡Lightning Talks⚡ |
Octomap is dead: long life Bonxai |
Parameters Should be Boring |
Using Reference System to evaluate features and performance in a stand… |
RosLibRust: Why we built it, why you might want to use it… |
Leveraging Secure Discovery Server in ROS 2 |
Simulate your World: A deeper look at extending Gazebo |
Simulate robots like never before with Open 3D Engine |
Simulation of Highly Dynamic Omnidirectional Robots in Isaac Sim |
An Integrated Distributed Simulation Environment weaving by Hakoniwa and mROS 2 |
Multi-drone simulation with deep q-learning |
Supporting Robotic Deliberation: The Deliberation Working Group and To… |
FlexBE - The Flexible Behavior Engine: Collaborative Autonomy in ROS 2 |
SkiROS2 - A skill-based Robot Control Platform for ROS |
Mastering your ROS system state with Petri nets |
SpatialVision: Bringing Popping-Out RViz to Life with AirPods |
What is Robotics Observability? Scaling ROS from Prototype to Production |
Surviving the Flood (of Rosbags) |
Improving Your Application’s Algorithms and Optimizing Performance Usi… |
ROSBag2NuScenes: Share the Bags, Spread the Joy - Autonomous Vehicle R… |
PostgreSQL / PostGIS to ROS 2 Bridge for Spatial Data |
Efficient data recording and replaying in ROS 2 |
Developing on ROS while Scaling |
Title |
Links |
Panel: The ROS 2 Developer Experience |
Wearable ROS: Development of wearable robot system using ROS 2 |
Building ROS 2 enabled Android apps with C++ |
Distributed Robotics Simulator with Unreal Engine |
Tools and processes for improving the certifiability of ROS 2 |
Failover ROS Framework : Consensus-based node redundancy |
ROS 2 and Gazebo Integration Best Practices |
Chain-Aware ROS Evaluation Tool (CARET) |
ROS 2 network monitoring |
How custom tasks are defined, assigned, and executed in Open-RMF |
A practitioner’s guide to ros2_control |
Zenoh: How to Make ROS 2 Work at any Scale and Integrate with Anything |
A case study in optics manufacturing with MoveIt2 and ros2_control |
20/20 Robot Vision - How to setup cameras in ROS 1 & ROS 2 using camera_aravis |
Filter your ROS 2 content |
Evolving Message Types, and Other Interfaces, Over Time |
Migrating from ROS1 to ROS 2 - choosing the right bridge |
On Use of Nav2 Smac Planners |
Bazel and ROS 2 – building large scale safety applications |
Native Rust components for ROS 2 |
The ROS build farm and you: How ROS packages you release become binary packages. |
mROS 2: yet another runtime environment onto embedded devices |
ROS 2 & Edge Impulse: Embedded AI in robotics applications |
micro-ROS goes Automotive: supporting AUTOSAR-based microcontrollers |
An open architecture for Hardware Acceleration in ROS 2 |
ROS 2 and the Crazyflie: Aerial swarms and Autonomy with a tiny flying robot |
A Raspberry Pi image with ROS 2 + RT and a customizable image builder |
Title |
Links |
rospy2: Convert a ROS1 node to ROS2 by changing only one line of code |
Hello Robot: Democratizing Mobile Manipulation with ROS |
Challenges for ROS2 in Autonomous Agricultural Applications |
ESP32 microcontroller robot with Navigation 2 ROS 2 running in the Cloud |
Middleware interconnecting ROS/ROS2 with the EtherCAT protocol |
Build and Manage Cloud-enhanced ROS Robots with AWS IoT Greengrass 2.0 |
Driving Autonomy in Mobile Robotics with ROS2 and PX4 |
Integrating ROS 2 with existing DDS networks |
VIPER: Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover |
Chronicles of Caching and Containerising CI for Nav2 |
A New Way to Interact with PointCloud2 Messages |
ROS 2 Grasp Library – Acceleration for 3D Object Pose Detection |
ros2_control: The future of ros_control |
ROS 2 Rolling Ridley |
Hybrid Planning - Enabling Reactive Manipulation with MoveIt 2 |
Apex.OS Cert: Taking ROS 2 from prototype into production |
Making a robot ROS 2 powered - a case study using the UR manipulators |
Online Trajectory Generation and Admittance Control in ROS2 |
VSCode, Docker and ROS2 |
ROS 2 Content Filtered Topics |
Rosbag2 for Power Users |
We Have Ignition: The Next Generation of Gazebo Simulation |
Using NVIDIA Isaac Sim For Synthetic Data Generation & ROS Development |
Augmented Reality and Robotics |
Modeling sensors for simulation of ROS applications in Unity |
Panel: Simulation Tools for ROS |
Title |
Links |
Accelerating Innovation with ROS: Lessons in Healthcare |
Panel: Software Quality in Robotics |
Panel: ROS Agriculture |
Achieving Generality and Robustness in Semantic Segmentation |
Navigation2: The Next Generation Navigation System |
CHAMP Quadruped Control |
Kiwibot: ROS2 in the atoms delivery industry |
MoveItWorld |
OpenCV |
ROBOTIS TurtleBot3 |
Autoware |
Dronecode |
Lightning Talks and Sponsor Videos 1 |
Lightning Talks and Sponsor Videos 2 |
Lightning Talks and Sponsor Videos 3 |
Lightning Talks and Sponsor Videos 4 |
Title |
Links |
Migrating a large ROS 1 codebase to ROS 2 |
The New Architecture of Gazebo Wrappers for ROS 2 |
Migrating to ROS 2: Advice from Rover Robotics |
ROS 2 on VxWorks |
Navigation2 Overview |
Launch Testing - Launch description and integration testing for ros2 |
ROS 2 for Consumer Robotics: : The iRobot use-case |
Composable Nodes in ROS2 |
Concurrency in ROS 1 and ROS 2 |
A True Zero-Copy RMW Implementation for ROS2 |
ROS2 Real-Time Behavior: Static Memory Allocation |
PackML2: State Machine Based System Programming, Monitoring and Control in ROS2 |
Quality of Service Policies for ROS2 Communications |
Micro-ROS: ROS2 on Microcontrollers |
ROS2 on Large Scale Systems: Discovery Server |
Bridging Your Transitions from ROS 1 to ROS 2 |
Markup Extensions for ROS 2 Launch |