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Launching/monitoring multiple nodes with Launch
ROS 2 launch system
The launch system in ROS 2 is responsible for helping the user describe the configuration of their system and then execute it as described. The configuration of the system includes what programs to run, where to run them, what arguments to pass them, and ROS specific conventions which make it easy to reuse components throughout the system by giving them each different configurations. It is also responsible for monitoring the state of the processes launched, and reporting and/or reacting to changes in the state of those processes.
Launch files written in Python can start and stop different nodes as well as trigger and act on various events.
The package providing this framework is launch_ros
, which uses the non-ROS-specific launch
framework underneath.
The design document details the goal of the design of ROS 2’s launch system (not all functionality is currently available).
Writing a ROS 2 launch file
If you haven’t already, make sure you go through the quickstart tutorial on how to create a ROS 2 package.
One way to create launch files in ROS 2 is using a Python file, which are executed by the ROS 2 CLI tool, ros2 launch
We start by creating a ROS 2 package using ros2 pkg create <pkg-name> --dependencies [deps]
in our workspace and creating a new launch
Python Packages
For Python packages, your directory should look like this:
In order for colcon to find the launch files, we need to inform Python’s setup tools of our launch files using the data_files
parameter of setup
Inside our setup.py
import os
from glob import glob
from setuptools import setup
package_name = 'my_package'
# Other parameters ...
# ... Other data files
# Include all launch files. This is the most important line here!
(os.path.join('share', package_name), glob('launch/*.launch.py'))
C++ Packages
If you are creating a C++ package, we will only be adjusting the CMakeLists.txt
file by adding:
# Install launch files.
to the end of the file (but before ament_package()
Writing the launch file
Inside your launch directory, create a new launch file with the .launch.py
For example my_script.launch.py
is not specifically required as the file suffix for launch files.
Another popular option is _launch.py
, used in the beginner level launch files tutorial.
If you do change the suffix, make sure to adjust the glob()
argument in your setup.py
file accordingly.
Your launch file should define the generate_launch_description()
which returns a launch.LaunchDescription()
to be used by the ros2 launch
import launch
import launch.actions
import launch.substitutions
import launch_ros.actions
def generate_launch_description():
return launch.LaunchDescription([
default_value=[launch.substitutions.EnvironmentVariable('USER'), '_'],
description='Prefix for node names'),
package='demo_nodes_cpp', node_executable='talker', output='screen',
node_name=[launch.substitutions.LaunchConfiguration('node_prefix'), 'talker']),
While launch files can be written as standalone scripts, the typical usage in ROS is to have launch files invoked by ROS 2 tools.
After running colcon build
and sourcing your workspace, you should be able to launch the launch file as follows:
ros2 launch my_package script.launch.py
Example of ROS 2 launch concepts
The launch file in this example
launches two nodes, one of which is a node with a managed lifecycle (a “lifecycle node”).
Lifecycle nodes launched through launch_ros
automatically emit events when they transition between states.
The events can then be acted on through the launch framework.
For example, by emitting other events (such as requesting another state transition, which lifecycle nodes launched through launch_ros
automatically have event handlers for) or triggering other actions (e.g. starting another node).
In the aforementioned example, various transition requests are requested of the talker
lifecycle node, and its transition events are reacted to by, for example, launching a listener
node when the lifecycle talker reaches the appropriate state.
The launch documentation provides more details on concepts that are also used in launch_ros
Additional documentation/examples of capabilities are forthcoming. See the source code in the meantime.