
This package contains the ROS 2 bindings for the tf2 library, for both Python and C++.

1.1 Broadcasting Transforms

  • tf2_ros::TransformBroadcaster() constructor of (exhale_class_classtf2__ros_1_1TransformBroadcaster)

  • tf2_ros::TransformBroadcaster::sendTransform to send transforms

Similarly static transforms can be sent by:

  • tf2_ros::StaticTransformBroadcaster(), constructor of (exhale_class_classtf2__ros_1_1StaticTransformBroadcaster)

  • tf2_ros::StaticTransformBroadcaster::sendTransform to send static transforms

1.2 Using Published Transforms

For most purposes using tf2_ros will be done using tf2_ros::Buffer (exhale_class_classtf2__ros_1_1Buffer). It’s main public API is defined by tf2_ros::BufferInterface (exhale_class_classtf2__ros_1_1BufferInterface). Typically it will be populated using a tf2_ros::TransformListener (exhale_class_classtf2__ros_1_1TransformListener) which subscribes to the appropriate topics.

  • tf2_ros::Buffer::transform() is the main method for applying transforms.

  • canTransform() allows to know if a transform is available

  • lookupTransform() is a lower level method which returns the transform between two coordinate frames. This method is the core functionality of the tf2 library.

  • getFrames() is a service method providing the frames in the graph as a yaml tree

1.3 Filtering Transforms

tf2_ros provides a feature which allows to pass only the messages once there is transform data available. This follows the pattern from the message_filters package. Here is a brief list of functions that the user is most likely to use.

  • tf2_ros::MessageFilter() constructor of (exhale_class_classtf2__ros_1_1MessageFilter)

  • connectInput() allows to connect filters together

  • setTargetFrame() set the frame you want to be able to transform to before getting a message callback

  • setTargetFrames() set the frames you want to be able to transform to before getting a message callback

  • setTolerance() specifies the time tolerance for the transform data

  • clear() flushes the message queue

  • setQueueSize() creates a maximum number of messages in the queue

1.4 Exceptions

Here is the list of exceptions that can be thrown by tf2_ros and are inherited from tf2.

  • tf2::ConnectivityException

  • tf2::LookupException

  • tf2::ExtrapolationException

  • tf2::InvalidArgumentException

  • tf2::TimeoutException

  • tf2::TransformException


Indices and tables