Class Quaternion
Defined in File Quaternion.hpp
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
public QuadWord
Class Documentation
class Quaternion : public QuadWord
The Quaternion implements quaternion to perform linear algebra rotations in combination with Matrix3x3, Vector3 and Transform.
Public Functions
inline Quaternion()
No initialization constructor.
inline Quaternion(const tf2Scalar &x, const tf2Scalar &y, const tf2Scalar &z, const tf2Scalar &w)
Constructor from scalars.
inline Quaternion(const Vector3 &axis, const tf2Scalar &angle)
Axis angle Constructor.
- Parameters:
axis – The axis which the rotation is around
angle – The magnitude of the rotation around the angle (Radians)
inline void setRotation(const Vector3 &axis, const tf2Scalar &angle)
Set the rotation using axis angle notation.
- Parameters:
axis – The axis around which to rotate
angle – The magnitude of the rotation in Radians
inline void setEuler(const tf2Scalar &yaw, const tf2Scalar &pitch, const tf2Scalar &roll)
Set the quaternion using Euler angles.
- Parameters:
yaw – Angle around Y
pitch – Angle around X
roll – Angle around Z
inline void setRPY(const tf2Scalar &roll, const tf2Scalar &pitch, const tf2Scalar &yaw)
Set the quaternion using fixed axis RPY.
- Parameters:
roll – Angle around X
pitch – Angle around Y
yaw – Angle around Z
inline Quaternion &operator+=(const Quaternion &q)
Add two quaternions.
- Parameters:
q – The quaternion to add to this one
inline Quaternion &operator-=(const Quaternion &q)
Sutf2ract out a quaternion.
- Parameters:
q – The quaternion to sutf2ract from this one
inline Quaternion &operator*=(const tf2Scalar &s)
Scale this quaternion.
- Parameters:
s – The scalar to scale by
inline Quaternion &operator*=(const Quaternion &q)
Multiply this quaternion by q on the right.
- Parameters:
q – The other quaternion Equivilant to this = this * q
inline tf2Scalar dot(const Quaternion &q) const
Return the dot product between this quaternion and another.
- Parameters:
q – The other quaternion
inline Quaternion &normalize()
Normalize the quaternion Such that x^2 + y^2 + z^2 +w^2 = 1.
inline Quaternion operator*(const tf2Scalar &s) const
Return a scaled version of this quaternion.
- Parameters:
s – The scale factor
inline Quaternion operator/(const tf2Scalar &s) const
Return an inversely scaled versionof this quaternion.
- Parameters:
s – The inverse scale factor
inline Quaternion &operator/=(const tf2Scalar &s)
Inversely scale this quaternion.
- Parameters:
s – The scale factor
inline Quaternion normalized() const
Return a normalized version of this quaternion.
inline tf2Scalar angle(const Quaternion &q) const
Return the angle between this quaternion and the other.
- Parameters:
q – The other quaternion
inline tf2Scalar angleShortestPath(const Quaternion &q) const
Return the angle between this quaternion and the other along the shortest path.
- Parameters:
q – The other quaternion
inline tf2Scalar getAngle() const
Return the angle [0, 2Pi] of rotation represented by this quaternion.
inline tf2Scalar getAngleShortestPath() const
Return the angle [0, Pi] of rotation represented by this quaternion along the shortest path.
inline Quaternion inverse() const
Return the inverse of this quaternion.
inline Quaternion operator+(const Quaternion &q2) const
Return the sum of this quaternion and the other.
- Parameters:
q2 – The other quaternion
inline Quaternion operator-(const Quaternion &q2) const
Return the difference between this quaternion and the other.
- Parameters:
q2 – The other quaternion
inline Quaternion operator-() const
Return the negative of this quaternion This simply negates each element.
inline Quaternion farthest(const Quaternion &qd) const
- Todo:
document this and it’s use
inline Quaternion nearest(const Quaternion &qd) const
- Todo:
document this and it’s use
inline Quaternion slerp(const Quaternion &q, const tf2Scalar &t) const
Return the quaternion which is the result of Spherical Linear Interpolation between this and the other quaternion.
- Parameters:
q – The other quaternion to interpolate with
t – The ratio between this and q to interpolate. If t = 0 the result is this, if t=1 the result is q. Slerp interpolates assuming constant velocity.
Public Static Functions
static inline const Quaternion &getIdentity()
inline Quaternion()