rqt_bag.plugins.message_view module
- class rqt_bag.plugins.message_view.MessageView(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
A message details renderer.
When registered with rqt_bag, a MessageView is called whenever the timeline playhead moves.
- close()
Close the message view, releasing any resources.
- event(event)
Process events posted by post_event.
It will call message_cleared or message_viewed with the relevant data.
- message_cleared()
Clear the currently viewed message (if any).
- message_viewed(*, bag, entry, ros_message, msg_type_name, topic)
View the message.
@param bag: the bag file the message is contained in @type bag: rosbag.Bag @param entry: the bag entry of the message to be viewed @type entry: tuple (id, topic_id, timestamp, data) @param ros_message: the (deserialized) ROS message @type msg: ROS message @param msg_type_name: the name of the message type @type string @param topic: the topic on which the message was recorded @type topic: string
- name = 'Untitled'
- timeline_changed()
Update the timeline when it is changed.
This callback is called e.g. if a new message is recorded, or a bag file is added.