rclpy.lifecycle.node module
- class rclpy.lifecycle.node.CreateLifecyclePublisherArgs
- callback_group: CallbackGroup | None
- event_callbacks: PublisherEventCallbacks | None
- qos_overriding_options: QoSOverridingOptions | None
- class rclpy.lifecycle.node.LifecycleNode(node_name: str, *, enable_communication_interface: bool = True, **kwargs: Unpack[LifecycleNodeArgs])
A ROS 2 managed node.
This class extends Node with the methods provided by LifecycleNodeMixin. Methods in LifecycleNodeMixin override the ones in Node.
Create a lifecycle node.
See rclpy.lifecycle.LifecycleNodeMixin.__init__() and rclpy.node.Node() for the documentation of each parameter.
- class rclpy.lifecycle.node.LifecycleNodeArgs
- allow_undeclared_parameters: bool
- automatically_declare_parameters_from_overrides: bool
- cli_args: List[str] | None
- enable_logger_service: bool
- enable_rosout: bool
- namespace: str | None
- start_parameter_services: bool
- use_global_arguments: bool
- class rclpy.lifecycle.node.LifecycleNodeMixin(*, enable_communication_interface: bool = True, callback_group: CallbackGroup | None = None)
Mixin class to share as most code as possible between Node and LifecycleNode.
This class is not useful if not used in multiple inheritance together with Node, as it access attributes created by Node directly here!
Initialize a lifecycle node.
- Parameters:
enable_communication_interface – Creates the lifecycle nodes services and publisher if True.
callback_group – Callback group that will be used by all the lifecycle node services.
- add_managed_entity(entity: ManagedEntity) None
- create_lifecycle_publisher(msg_type: Type[MsgT], topic: str, qos_profile: rclpy.qos.QoSProfile | int, *, publisher_class: None = None, **kwargs: Unpack[CreateLifecyclePublisherArgs]) LifecyclePublisher[MsgT]
- destroy_lifecycle_publisher(publisher: LifecyclePublisher[Any]) bool
- on_activate(state: LifecycleState) rpyutils.import_c_library.TransitionCallbackReturnType
Handle an activating transition.
This is the default on_activate() callback. It will call all on_activate() callbacks of managed entities, giving up at the first entity that returns TransitionCallbackReturn.FAILURE or TransitionCallbackReturn.ERROR.
It’s possible to override this callback if the default behavior is not desired. If you only want to extend what this callback does, make sure to call super().on_activate() in derived classes.
- on_cleanup(state: LifecycleState) rpyutils.import_c_library.TransitionCallbackReturnType
Handle a cleaning up transition.
This is the default on_cleanup() callback. It will call all on_cleanup() callbacks of managed entities, giving up at the first entity that returns TransitionCallbackReturn.FAILURE or TransitionCallbackReturn.ERROR.
It’s possible to override this callback if the default behavior is not desired. If you only want to extend what this callback does, make sure to call super().on_cleanup() in derived classes.
- on_configure(state: LifecycleState) rpyutils.import_c_library.TransitionCallbackReturnType
Handle a configuring transition.
This is the default on_configure() callback. It will call all on_configure() callbacks of managed entities, giving up at the first entity that returns TransitionCallbackReturn.FAILURE or TransitionCallbackReturn.ERROR.
It’s possible to override this callback if the default behavior is not desired. If you only want to extend what this callback does, make sure to call super().on_configure() in derived classes.
- on_deactivate(state: LifecycleState) rpyutils.import_c_library.TransitionCallbackReturnType
Handle a deactivating transition.
This is the default on_deactivate() callback. It will call all on_deactivate() callbacks of managed entities, giving up at the first entity that returns TransitionCallbackReturn.FAILURE or TransitionCallbackReturn.ERROR.
It’s possible to override this callback if the default behavior is not desired. If you only want to extend what this callback does, make sure to call super().on_deactivate() in derived classes.
- on_error(state: LifecycleState) rpyutils.import_c_library.TransitionCallbackReturnType
Handle a transition error.
This is the default on_error() callback. It will call all on_error() callbacks of managed entities, giving up at the first entity that returns TransitionCallbackReturn.FAILURE or TransitionCallbackReturn.ERROR.
It’s possible to override this callback if the default behavior is not desired. If you only want to extend what this callback does, make sure to call super().on_error() in derived classes.
- on_shutdown(state: LifecycleState) rpyutils.import_c_library.TransitionCallbackReturnType
Handle a shutting down transition.
This is the default on_shutdown() callback. It will call all on_shutdown() callbacks of managed entities, giving up at the first entity that returns TransitionCallbackReturn.FAILURE or TransitionCallbackReturn.ERROR.
It’s possible to override this callback if the default behavior is not desired. If you only want to extend what this callback does, make sure to call super().on_shutdown() in derived classes.
- trigger_activate() rpyutils.import_c_library.TransitionCallbackReturnType
- trigger_cleanup() rpyutils.import_c_library.TransitionCallbackReturnType
- trigger_configure() rpyutils.import_c_library.TransitionCallbackReturnType
- trigger_deactivate() rpyutils.import_c_library.TransitionCallbackReturnType
- trigger_shutdown() rpyutils.import_c_library.TransitionCallbackReturnType