rclpy.impl.rcutils_logger module

class rclpy.impl.rcutils_logger.CallerId(frame: FrameType | None = None)

Bases: CallerId

Create new instance of CallerId(function_name, file_path, line_number, last_index)

class rclpy.impl.rcutils_logger.LoggingArgs

Bases: LoggingFilterArgs

name: str
once: bool
skip_first: bool
throttle_duration_sec: float
throttle_time_source_type: rclpy.clock.Clock
class rclpy.impl.rcutils_logger.LoggingFilter

Bases: object

Base class for logging filters.

classmethod initialize_context(context: RcutilsLoggerContext, **kwargs: Unpack[LoggingFilterArgs]) None
params: ClassVar[LoggingFilterParams] = {}

Initialize the context of a logging call, e.g. declare variables needed for determining the log condition and add them to the context.

static should_log(context: RcutilsLoggerContext) bool
class rclpy.impl.rcutils_logger.LoggingFilterArgs

Bases: TypedDict

once: bool
skip_first: bool
throttle_duration_sec: float
throttle_time_source_type: rclpy.clock.Clock
class rclpy.impl.rcutils_logger.LoggingFilterParams

Bases: TypedDict

once: bool | None
skip_first: bool | None
throttle_duration_sec: float | None
throttle_time_source_type: rclpy.clock.Clock
class rclpy.impl.rcutils_logger.Once

Bases: LoggingFilter

Ignore all log calls except the first one.

classmethod initialize_context(context: RcutilsLoggerContext, **kwargs: Unpack[LoggingFilterArgs]) None
params: ClassVar[LoggingFilterParams] = {'once': None}

Initialize the context of a logging call, e.g. declare variables needed for determining the log condition and add them to the context.

static should_log(context: RcutilsLoggerContext) bool
class rclpy.impl.rcutils_logger.OnceContext

Bases: RcutilsLoggerContext

filters: List[Literal['throttle', 'skip_first', 'once']]
has_been_logged_once: bool
name: str
severity: LoggingSeverity
class rclpy.impl.rcutils_logger.RcutilsLogger(name: str = '')

Bases: object

debug(message: str, **kwargs: Unpack[LoggingArgs]) bool

Log a message with DEBUG severity via :py:classmethod:RcutilsLogger.log:.

error(message: str, **kwargs: Unpack[LoggingArgs]) bool

Log a message with ERROR severity via :py:classmethod:RcutilsLogger.log:.

fatal(message: str, **kwargs: Unpack[LoggingArgs]) bool

Log a message with FATAL severity via :py:classmethod:RcutilsLogger.log:.

get_child(name: str) RcutilsLogger
get_effective_level() LoggingSeverity
info(message: str, **kwargs: Unpack[LoggingArgs]) bool

Log a message with INFO severity via :py:classmethod:RcutilsLogger.log:.

is_enabled_for(severity: int | LoggingSeverity) bool
log(message: str, severity: int | LoggingSeverity, name: str | None = None, **kwargs: Unpack[LoggingFilterArgs]) bool

Log a message with the specified severity.

The message will not be logged if:
  • the logger is not enabled for the message’s severity (the message severity is less than the level of the logger), or

  • a logging filter causes the message to be skipped.


Logging filters will only be evaluated if the logger is enabled for the message’s severity.

  • message – message to log.

  • severity – severity of the message.

  • name – name of the logger to use.

  • **kwargs – optional parameters for logging filters (see below).

Keyword Arguments:
  • throttle_duration_sec (float) – Duration of the throttle interval for the :py:class:Throttle: filter.

  • throttle_time_source_type (str) – Optional time source type for the :py:class:Throttle: filter (default of RCUTILS_STEADY_TIME)

  • skip_first (bool) – If True, enable the :py:class:SkipFirst: filter.

  • once (bool) – If True, enable the :py:class:Once: filter.


False if a filter caused the message to not be logged; True otherwise.


TypeError on invalid filter parameter combinations.


ValueError on invalid parameters values.

set_level(level: int | LoggingSeverity) None
warn(message: str, **kwargs: Unpack[LoggingArgs]) bool

Log a message with WARN severity via :py:classmethod:RcutilsLogger.log:.

Deprecated in favor of :py:classmethod:RcutilsLogger.warning:.

warning(message: str, **kwargs: Unpack[LoggingArgs]) bool

Log a message with WARN severity via :py:classmethod:RcutilsLogger.log:.

class rclpy.impl.rcutils_logger.RcutilsLoggerContext

Bases: TypedDict

filters: List[Literal['throttle', 'skip_first', 'once']]
name: str
severity: LoggingSeverity
class rclpy.impl.rcutils_logger.SkipFirst

Bases: LoggingFilter

Ignore the first log call but process all subsequent calls.

classmethod initialize_context(context: RcutilsLoggerContext, **kwargs: Unpack[LoggingFilterArgs]) None
params: ClassVar[LoggingFilterParams] = {'skip_first': None}

Initialize the context of a logging call, e.g. declare variables needed for determining the log condition and add them to the context.

static should_log(context: RcutilsLoggerContext) bool
class rclpy.impl.rcutils_logger.SkipFirstContext

Bases: RcutilsLoggerContext

filters: List[Literal['throttle', 'skip_first', 'once']]
first_has_been_skipped: bool
name: str
severity: LoggingSeverity
class rclpy.impl.rcutils_logger.Throttle

Bases: LoggingFilter

Ignore log calls if the last call is not longer ago than the specified duration.

classmethod initialize_context(context: RcutilsLoggerContext, **kwargs: Unpack[LoggingFilterArgs]) None
params: ClassVar[LoggingFilterParams] = {'throttle_duration_sec': None, 'throttle_time_source_type': rclpy.clock.Clock}

Initialize the context of a logging call, e.g. declare variables needed for determining the log condition and add them to the context.

static should_log(context: RcutilsLoggerContext) bool
class rclpy.impl.rcutils_logger.ThrottleContext

Bases: RcutilsLoggerContext

filters: List[Literal['throttle', 'skip_first', 'once']]
name: str
severity: LoggingSeverity
throttle_duration_sec: float
throttle_last_logged: int
throttle_time_source_type: rclpy.clock.Clock
rclpy.impl.rcutils_logger.get_filters_from_kwargs(**kwargs: Unpack[LoggingFilterArgs]) List[Literal['throttle', 'skip_first', 'once']]

Determine which filters have had parameters specified in the given keyword arguments.

Returns the list of filters using the order specified by supported_filters.