Struct Georeferencing

Struct Documentation

struct Georeferencing

Defines a common georeferencing data structure, similar to mp2p_icp but independent of that library.

Public Functions

Georeferencing() = default

Public Members

mrpt::topography::TGeodeticCoords geo_coord

The geodetic coordinates (on WGS-84) of the metric map ENU frame of reference.

mrpt::poses::CPose3DPDFGaussian T_enu_to_map

The SE(3) transformation from the ENU (earth-north-up) frame to the metric map local frame of reference. If this is the identity (default) it means the map is already in ENU coordinates (i.e. +X is East, +Y is North, +Z is up) and the point (0,0,0) is the one having the geodetic coordinates geo_coord