launch_ros.actions.set_ros_log_dir module
Module for the SetROSLogDir action.
- class launch_ros.actions.set_ros_log_dir.SetROSLogDir(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
Action that sets the ros log directory.
This is done by setting the ROS_LOG_DIR environment variable, which will influence all processes started after that time, in which ros was initialized.
This can be used in combination with launch.actions.GroupAction and its
option to provide scoped changes to this environment variable.Note this will not affect nodes loaded into component containers which were started before this action is executed.
- execute(context: launch.launch_context.LaunchContext)
Execute the action.
- property log_dir: List[launch.Substitution]
Getter for self.__log_dir.
- classmethod parse(entity: launch.frontend.Entity, parser: launch.frontend.Parser)
Return SetROSLogDir action and kwargs for constructing it.
- launch_ros.actions.set_ros_log_dir.expose_action(_)