Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CDataType< rosbag::MessageInstance >
 CDefinition< rosbag::MessageInstance >
 CMD5Sum< rosbag::MessageInstance >
 CSerializer< rosbag::MessageInstance >
 CBagCallbackT< MessageInstance >
 CBagExceptionBase class for rosbag exceptions
 CBagFormatExceptionException thrown on problems reading the bag format
 CBagIOExceptionException thrown when on IO problems
 CBagQueryPairs of queries and the bags they come from (used internally by View)
 CBagUnindexedExceptionException thrown on problems reading the bag index
 CChunkedFileChunkedFile reads and writes files which contain interleaved chunks of compressed and uncompressed data
 CMessageInstanceA class pointing into a bag file
 CiteratorAn iterator that points to a MessageInstance from a bag
 CViewIterHelperThe actual iterator data structure

Author(s): Dirk Thomas , Jacob Perron
autogenerated on Sat Sep 14 2024 02:59:52