Go to the documentation of this file.
406 Q_UNUSED( azimuthScaleDiv );
407 Q_UNUSED( radialScaleDiv );
408 Q_UNUSED( interval );
436 QVariant::fromValue( label ) );
442 QVariant::fromValue( graphic ) );
463 int index,
const QSizeF&
size )
void detach()
This method detaches a QwtPolarItem from the QwtPolarPlot it has been associated with.
@ Rtti_PolarItem
Unspecific value, that can be used, when it doesn't matter.
Attributes of an entry on a legend.
virtual ~QwtPolarItem()
Destroy the QwtPolarItem.
bool testItemAttribute(ItemAttribute) const
A plotting widget, displaying a polar coordinate system.
void setItemAttribute(ItemAttribute, bool on=true)
@ Legend
The item is represented on the legend.
virtual QList< QwtLegendData > legendData() const
Return all information, that is needed to represent the item on the legend.
A paint device for scalable graphics.
virtual int marginHint() const
void setTitle(const QString &title)
virtual QwtInterval boundingInterval(int scaleId) const
uint renderThreadCount() const
void setRenderFlags(int)
Change the render flags.
virtual void legendChanged()
void setZ(double z)
Set the z value.
void attachItem(QwtPolarItem *, bool)
Attach/Detach a plot item.
void autoRefresh()
Replots the plot if QwtPlot::autoReplot() is true.
QwtPolarItem::RenderHints renderHints
span_constexpr std::size_t size(span< T, Extent > const &spn)
Plot Item Attributes.
A class representing an interval.
const QwtText & title() const
A class representing a text.
virtual void itemChanged()
QwtPolarItem(const QwtText &title=QwtText())
void setRenderHint(RenderHint, bool on=true)
QSize legendIconSize() const
virtual void setVisible(bool)
QwtPolarItem::ItemAttributes attributes
virtual void updateScaleDiv(const QwtScaleDiv &, const QwtScaleDiv &, const QwtInterval &)
Update the item to changes of the axes scale division.
void attach(QwtPolarPlot *plot)
Attach the item to a plot.
void hide()
Hide the item.
void setLegendIconSize(const QSize &)
virtual QwtGraphic legendIcon(int index, const QSizeF &) const
A class representing a scale division.
bool testRenderHint(RenderHint) const
QwtPolarPlot * plot() const
void show()
Show the item.
void setRenderThreadCount(uint numThreads)
Author(s): Davide Faconti
autogenerated on Tue Nov 26 2024 03:24:09