Public Attributes | List of all members
QwtPolarPlot::PrivateData Class Reference

Public Attributes

bool autoReplot
double azimuthOrigin
QPointer< QwtPolarCanvascanvas
QBrush canvasBrush
QPointer< QwtAbstractLegendlegend
ScaleData scaleData [QwtPolar::ScaleCount]
QPointer< QwtTextLabeltitleLabel
double zoomFactor
QwtPointPolar zoomPos

Detailed Description

Definition at line 65 of file qwt_polar_plot.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

◆ autoReplot

bool QwtPolarPlot::PrivateData::autoReplot

Definition at line 70 of file qwt_polar_plot.cpp.

◆ azimuthOrigin

double QwtPolarPlot::PrivateData::azimuthOrigin

Definition at line 79 of file qwt_polar_plot.cpp.

◆ canvas

QPointer< QwtPolarCanvas > QwtPolarPlot::PrivateData::canvas

Definition at line 77 of file qwt_polar_plot.cpp.

◆ canvasBrush

QBrush QwtPolarPlot::PrivateData::canvasBrush

Definition at line 68 of file qwt_polar_plot.cpp.

◆ layout

QwtPolarLayout* QwtPolarPlot::PrivateData::layout

Definition at line 81 of file qwt_polar_plot.cpp.

◆ legend

QPointer< QwtAbstractLegend > QwtPolarPlot::PrivateData::legend

Definition at line 78 of file qwt_polar_plot.cpp.

◆ scaleData

ScaleData QwtPolarPlot::PrivateData::scaleData[QwtPolar::ScaleCount]

Definition at line 75 of file qwt_polar_plot.cpp.

◆ titleLabel

QPointer< QwtTextLabel > QwtPolarPlot::PrivateData::titleLabel

Definition at line 76 of file qwt_polar_plot.cpp.

◆ zoomFactor

double QwtPolarPlot::PrivateData::zoomFactor

Definition at line 73 of file qwt_polar_plot.cpp.

◆ zoomPos

QwtPointPolar QwtPolarPlot::PrivateData::zoomPos

Definition at line 72 of file qwt_polar_plot.cpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Author(s): Davide Faconti
autogenerated on Sun Aug 11 2024 02:24:29