Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | List of all members
PlotWidgetBase::QwtPlotPimpl Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for PlotWidgetBase::QwtPlotPimpl:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

QRectF canvasBoundingRect () const
void dragEnterEvent (QDragEnterEvent *event) override
void dragLeaveEvent (QDragLeaveEvent *event) override
void dropEvent (QDropEvent *event) override
 QwtPlotPimpl (PlotWidgetBase *parentObject, QWidget *canvas, std::function< void(const QRectF &)> resizedViewCallback, std::function< void(QEvent *)> eventCallback)
virtual void resizeEvent (QResizeEvent *ev) override
 ~QwtPlotPimpl () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from QwtPlot
bool autoReplot () const
bool axisAutoScale (QwtAxisId) const
bool axisEnabled (int axisId) const
QFont axisFont (QwtAxisId) const
QwtInterval axisInterval (QwtAxisId) const
 Return the current interval of the specified axis. More...
int axisMaxMajor (QwtAxisId) const
int axisMaxMinor (QwtAxisId) const
const QwtScaleDivaxisScaleDiv (QwtAxisId) const
 Return the scale division of a specified axis. More...
QwtScaleDrawaxisScaleDraw (QwtAxisId)
 Return the scale draw of a specified axis. More...
const QwtScaleDrawaxisScaleDraw (QwtAxisId) const
 Return the scale draw of a specified axis. More...
QwtScaleEngineaxisScaleEngine (QwtAxisId)
const QwtScaleEngineaxisScaleEngine (QwtAxisId) const
double axisStepSize (QwtAxisId) const
 Return the step size parameter that has been set in setAxisScale. More...
QwtText axisTitle (QwtAxisId) const
QwtScaleWidgetaxisWidget (QwtAxisId)
const QwtScaleWidgetaxisWidget (QwtAxisId) const
QWidget * canvas ()
const QWidget * canvas () const
QBrush canvasBackground () const
virtual QwtScaleMap canvasMap (QwtAxisId) const
virtual void drawCanvas (QPainter *)
virtual void drawItems (QPainter *, const QRectF &, const QwtScaleMap maps[QwtAxis::AxisPositions]) const
void enableAxis (int axisId, bool on=true)
virtual bool event (QEvent *) QWT_OVERRIDE
 Adds handling of layout requests. More...
virtual bool eventFilter (QObject *, QEvent *) QWT_OVERRIDE
 Event filter. More...
QwtText footer () const
QwtTextLabelfooterLabel ()
const QwtTextLabelfooterLabel () const
virtual void getCanvasMarginsHint (const QwtScaleMap maps[], const QRectF &canvasRect, double &left, double &top, double &right, double &bottom) const
 Calculate the canvas margins. More...
virtual QwtPlotIteminfoToItem (const QVariant &) const
 Identify the plot item according to an item info object, that has bee generated from itemToInfo(). More...
void insertLegend (QwtAbstractLegend *, LegendPosition=QwtPlot::RightLegend, double ratio=-1.0)
 Insert a legend. More...
double invTransform (QwtAxisId, double pos) const
bool isAxisValid (QwtAxisId) const
bool isAxisVisible (QwtAxisId) const
virtual QVariant itemToInfo (QwtPlotItem *) const
 Build an information, that can be used to identify a plot item on the legend. More...
QwtAbstractLegendlegend ()
const QwtAbstractLegendlegend () const
virtual QSize minimumSizeHint () const QWT_OVERRIDE
 Return a minimum size hint. More...
QwtPlotLayoutplotLayout ()
const QwtPlotLayoutplotLayout () const
 QwtPlot (const QwtText &title, QWidget *=NULL)
 Constructor. More...
 QwtPlot (QWidget *=NULL)
 Constructor. More...
void setAutoReplot (bool=true)
 Set or reset the autoReplot option. More...
void setAxisAutoScale (QwtAxisId, bool on=true)
 Enable autoscaling for a specified axis. More...
void setAxisFont (QwtAxisId, const QFont &)
 Change the font of an axis. More...
void setAxisLabelAlignment (QwtAxisId, Qt::Alignment)
void setAxisLabelRotation (QwtAxisId, double rotation)
void setAxisMaxMajor (QwtAxisId, int maxMajor)
void setAxisMaxMinor (QwtAxisId, int maxMinor)
void setAxisScale (QwtAxisId, double min, double max, double stepSize=0)
 Disable autoscaling and specify a fixed scale for a selected axis. More...
void setAxisScaleDiv (QwtAxisId, const QwtScaleDiv &)
 Disable autoscaling and specify a fixed scale for a selected axis. More...
void setAxisScaleDraw (QwtAxisId, QwtScaleDraw *)
 Set a scale draw. More...
void setAxisScaleEngine (QwtAxisId, QwtScaleEngine *)
void setAxisTitle (QwtAxisId, const QString &)
 Change the title of a specified axis. More...
void setAxisTitle (QwtAxisId, const QwtText &)
 Change the title of a specified axis. More...
void setAxisVisible (QwtAxisId, bool on=true)
 Hide or show a specified axis. More...
void setCanvas (QWidget *)
 Set the drawing canvas of the plot widget. More...
void setCanvasBackground (const QBrush &)
 Change the background of the plotting area. More...
void setFooter (const QString &)
void setFooter (const QwtText &)
void setPlotLayout (QwtPlotLayout *)
 Assign a new plot layout. More...
void setTitle (const QString &)
void setTitle (const QwtText &)
virtual QSize sizeHint () const QWT_OVERRIDE
QwtText title () const
QwtTextLabeltitleLabel ()
const QwtTextLabeltitleLabel () const
double transform (QwtAxisId, double value) const
 Transform a value into a coordinate in the plotting region. More...
void updateAxes ()
 Rebuild the axes scales. More...
void updateCanvasMargins ()
 Update the canvas margins. More...
virtual void updateLayout ()
 Adjust plot content to its current size. More...
void updateLegend ()
void updateLegend (const QwtPlotItem *)
virtual ~QwtPlot ()
 Destructor. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from QwtPlotDict
bool autoDelete () const
void detachItems (int rtti=QwtPlotItem::Rtti_PlotItem, bool autoDelete=true)
const QwtPlotItemListitemList () const
 A QwtPlotItemList of all attached plot items. More...
QwtPlotItemList itemList (int rtti) const
 QwtPlotDict ()
void setAutoDelete (bool)
virtual ~QwtPlotDict ()

Public Attributes

std::list< CurveInfo > curve_list
CurveStyle curve_style = LINES
std::function< void(QEvent *)> event_callback
std::function< void(const QRectF &)> resized_callback
bool zoom_enabled = true

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from QwtPlot
enum  Axis {
  yLeft = QwtAxis::YLeft, yRight = QwtAxis::YRight, xBottom = QwtAxis::XBottom, xTop = QwtAxis::XTop,
  axisCnt = QwtAxis::AxisPositions
enum  LegendPosition { LeftLegend, RightLegend, BottomLegend, TopLegend }
- Public Slots inherited from QwtPlot
void autoRefresh ()
 Replots the plot if autoReplot() is true. More...
virtual void replot ()
 Redraw the plot. More...
- Signals inherited from QwtPlot
void itemAttached (QwtPlotItem *plotItem, bool on)
void legendDataChanged (const QVariant &itemInfo, const QList< QwtLegendData > &data)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from QwtPlotDict
void insertItem (QwtPlotItem *)
void removeItem (QwtPlotItem *)
- Properties inherited from QwtPlot
bool autoReplot
QBrush canvasBackground

Detailed Description

Definition at line 45 of file plotwidget_base.cpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ QwtPlotPimpl()

PlotWidgetBase::QwtPlotPimpl::QwtPlotPimpl ( PlotWidgetBase parentObject,
QWidget *  canvas,
std::function< void(const QRectF &)>  resizedViewCallback,
std::function< void(QEvent *)>  eventCallback 

Definition at line 57 of file plotwidget_base.cpp.

◆ ~QwtPlotPimpl()

PlotWidgetBase::QwtPlotPimpl::~QwtPlotPimpl ( )

Definition at line 112 of file plotwidget_base.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ canvasBoundingRect()

QRectF PlotWidgetBase::QwtPlotPimpl::canvasBoundingRect ( ) const

Definition at line 124 of file plotwidget_base.cpp.

◆ dragEnterEvent()

void PlotWidgetBase::QwtPlotPimpl::dragEnterEvent ( QDragEnterEvent *  event)

Definition at line 147 of file plotwidget_base.cpp.

◆ dragLeaveEvent()

void PlotWidgetBase::QwtPlotPimpl::dragLeaveEvent ( QDragLeaveEvent *  event)

Definition at line 152 of file plotwidget_base.cpp.

◆ dropEvent()

void PlotWidgetBase::QwtPlotPimpl::dropEvent ( QDropEvent *  event)

Definition at line 157 of file plotwidget_base.cpp.

◆ resizeEvent()

virtual void PlotWidgetBase::QwtPlotPimpl::resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent *  e)

Resize and update internal layout

eResize event

Reimplemented from QwtPlot.

Definition at line 134 of file plotwidget_base.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

◆ curve_list

std::list<CurveInfo> PlotWidgetBase::QwtPlotPimpl::curve_list

Definition at line 141 of file plotwidget_base.cpp.

◆ curve_style

CurveStyle PlotWidgetBase::QwtPlotPimpl::curve_style = LINES

Definition at line 143 of file plotwidget_base.cpp.

◆ event_callback

std::function<void(QEvent*)> PlotWidgetBase::QwtPlotPimpl::event_callback

Definition at line 54 of file plotwidget_base.cpp.

◆ legend

PlotLegend* PlotWidgetBase::QwtPlotPimpl::legend

Definition at line 48 of file plotwidget_base.cpp.

◆ magnifier

PlotMagnifier* PlotWidgetBase::QwtPlotPimpl::magnifier

Definition at line 49 of file plotwidget_base.cpp.

◆ panner1

PlotPanner* PlotWidgetBase::QwtPlotPimpl::panner1

Definition at line 50 of file plotwidget_base.cpp.

◆ panner2

PlotPanner* PlotWidgetBase::QwtPlotPimpl::panner2

Definition at line 51 of file plotwidget_base.cpp.

◆ parent

PlotWidgetBase* PlotWidgetBase::QwtPlotPimpl::parent

Definition at line 55 of file plotwidget_base.cpp.

◆ resized_callback

std::function<void(const QRectF&)> PlotWidgetBase::QwtPlotPimpl::resized_callback

Definition at line 53 of file plotwidget_base.cpp.

◆ zoom_enabled

bool PlotWidgetBase::QwtPlotPimpl::zoom_enabled = true

Definition at line 145 of file plotwidget_base.cpp.

◆ zoomer

PlotZoomer* PlotWidgetBase::QwtPlotPimpl::zoomer

Definition at line 52 of file plotwidget_base.cpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Author(s): Davide Faconti
autogenerated on Sun Aug 11 2024 02:24:31