Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 Cmoveit::py_bindings_tools::GILReleaserRAII Helper to release the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL)
 Cmoveit::planning_interface::MoveGroupInterfaceClient class to conveniently use the ROS interfaces provided by the move_group node
 Cmoveit::py_bindings_tools::ByteStringC++ Wrapper class for Python 3 Bytes Object
 Cmoveit::planning_interface::MoveGroupInterface::OptionsSpecification of options to use when constructing the MoveGroupInterface class
 Cmoveit::planning_interface::MoveGroupInterface::PlanThe representation of a motion plan (as ROS messasges)
 Cboost::python::converter::object_manager_traits< moveit::py_bindings_tools::ByteString >
 Cmoveit::py_bindings_tools::ROScppInitializerThe constructor of this class ensures that ros::init() has been called. Thread safety and multiple initialization is properly handled. When the process terminates, ros::shotdown() is also called, if needed

Author(s): Ioan Sucan
autogenerated on Sat Mar 15 2025 02:27:09