This is the complete list of members for gnsstk::CommonTime, including all inherited members.
add(long days, long msod, double fsod) | gnsstk::CommonTime | protected |
addDays(long days) | gnsstk::CommonTime | |
addMilliseconds(long ms) | gnsstk::CommonTime | |
addSeconds(double seconds) | gnsstk::CommonTime | |
addSeconds(long seconds) | gnsstk::CommonTime | |
asString() const | gnsstk::CommonTime | |
BEGIN_LIMIT_JDAY | gnsstk::CommonTime | static |
BEGINNING_OF_TIME | gnsstk::CommonTime | static |
changeTimeSystem(TimeSystem timeSystem, TimeSystemConverter *conv) | gnsstk::CommonTime | |
changeTimeSystem(TimeSystem timeSystem) | gnsstk::CommonTime | |
CommonTime(TimeSystem timeSystem=TimeSystem::Unknown) | gnsstk::CommonTime | inlineexplicit |
CommonTime(const CommonTime &right) | gnsstk::CommonTime | |
CommonTime(long day, long sod, double fsod, TimeSystem timeSystem=TimeSystem::Unknown) | gnsstk::CommonTime | inlineprotected |
END_LIMIT_JDAY | gnsstk::CommonTime | static |
END_OF_TIME | gnsstk::CommonTime | static |
eps | gnsstk::CommonTime | static |
get(long &day, long &sod, double &fsod, TimeSystem &timeSystem) const | gnsstk::CommonTime | |
get(long &day, long &sod, double &fsod) const | gnsstk::CommonTime | |
get(long &day, double &sod, TimeSystem &timeSystem) const | gnsstk::CommonTime | |
get(long &day, double &sod) const | gnsstk::CommonTime | |
get(double &day, TimeSystem &timeSystem) const | gnsstk::CommonTime | |
get(double &day) const | gnsstk::CommonTime | |
getDays() const | gnsstk::CommonTime | |
getInternal(long &day, long &msod, double &fsod, TimeSystem &timeSystem) const | gnsstk::CommonTime | inline |
getInternal(long &day, long &msod, double &fsod) const | gnsstk::CommonTime | inline |
getSecondOfDay() const | gnsstk::CommonTime | |
getTimeSystem() const | gnsstk::CommonTime | |
m_day | gnsstk::CommonTime | protected |
m_fsod | gnsstk::CommonTime | protected |
m_msod | gnsstk::CommonTime | protected |
m_timeSystem | gnsstk::CommonTime | protected |
normalize() | gnsstk::CommonTime | protected |
operator!=(const CommonTime &right) const | gnsstk::CommonTime | |
operator+(double seconds) const | gnsstk::CommonTime | |
operator+=(double seconds) | gnsstk::CommonTime | |
operator-(const CommonTime &right) const | gnsstk::CommonTime | |
operator-(double seconds) const | gnsstk::CommonTime | |
operator-=(double seconds) | gnsstk::CommonTime | |
operator<(const CommonTime &right) const | gnsstk::CommonTime | |
operator<=(const CommonTime &right) const | gnsstk::CommonTime | |
operator=(const CommonTime &right) | gnsstk::CommonTime | |
operator==(const CommonTime &right) const | gnsstk::CommonTime | |
operator>(const CommonTime &right) const | gnsstk::CommonTime | |
operator>=(const CommonTime &right) const | gnsstk::CommonTime | |
reset() | gnsstk::CommonTime | inline |
set(long day, long sod, double fsod=0.0, TimeSystem timeSystem=TimeSystem::Unknown) | gnsstk::CommonTime | |
set(long day, double sod=0.0, TimeSystem timeSystem=TimeSystem::Unknown) | gnsstk::CommonTime | |
set(double day, TimeSystem timeSys=TimeSystem::Unknown) | gnsstk::CommonTime | |
setInternal(long day=0, long msod=0, double fsod=0.0, TimeSystem timeSys=TimeSystem::Unknown) | gnsstk::CommonTime | |
setTimeSystem(TimeSystem timeSystem) | gnsstk::CommonTime | inline |
tsConv | gnsstk::CommonTime | static |
~CommonTime() | gnsstk::CommonTime | inlinevirtual |