This is the complete list of members for gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit, including all inherited members.
::BrcKeplerOrbit_T class | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | friend |
A | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | protected |
Adot | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | protected |
Ahalf | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | protected |
beginFit | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | protected |
BitConvertType enum name | gnsstk::EngNav | |
BITS10 enum value | gnsstk::EngNav | |
BITS8 enum value | gnsstk::EngNav | |
BrcKeplerOrbit() noexcept | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | |
BrcKeplerOrbit(const std::string satSysArg, const ObsID obsIDArg, const short PRNIDArg, const CommonTime beginFitArg, const CommonTime endFitArg, const CommonTime ToeArg, const short URAoeArg, const bool healthyArg, const double CucArg, const double CusArg, const double CrcArg, const double CrsArg, const double CicArg, const double CisArg, const double M0Arg, const double dnArg, const double dndotArg, const double eccArg, const double AArg, const double AhalfArg, const double AdotArg, const double OMEGA0Arg, const double i0Arg, const double wArg, const double OMEGAdotARg, const double idotArg) | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | |
BrcKeplerOrbit(const ObsID obsIDArg, const short PRNID, const short fullweeknum, const long subframe1[10], const long subframe2[10], const long subframe3[10]) | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | |
checkParity(const uint32_t input[10], bool knownUpright=true) | gnsstk::EngNav | static |
checkParity(const std::vector< uint32_t > &v, bool knownUpright=true) | gnsstk::EngNav | static |
Cic | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | protected |
Cis | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | protected |
computeParity(uint32_t sfword, uint32_t psfword, bool knownUpright=true) | gnsstk::EngNav | static |
convert10bit(int gpsWeek, double *out) noexcept | gnsstk::EngNav | static |
convert8bit(int gpsWeek, double *out) noexcept | gnsstk::EngNav | static |
convertQuant(const uint32_t input[10], double output[60], const DecodeQuant &dq) noexcept | gnsstk::EngNav | privatestatic |
convertXBit(short fullGPSWeek, short incompleteGPSWeek, BitConvertType type) | gnsstk::EngNav | static |
Crc | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | protected |
Crs | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | protected |
Cuc | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | protected |
Cus | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | protected |
dataLoaded | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | protected |
dn | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | protected |
dndot | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | protected |
dump(std::ostream &s=std::cout) const noexcept | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | |
gnsstk::EngNav::dump(std::ostream &s=std::cout) | gnsstk::EngNav | static |
ecc | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | protected |
endFit | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | protected |
EngNav() noexcept | gnsstk::EngNav | |
fixParity(uint32_t sfword, uint32_t psfword, bool nib, bool knownUpright=true) | gnsstk::EngNav | static |
getA() const | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | |
getAccuracy() const | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | |
getAdot() const | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | |
getAhalf() const | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | |
getBeginningOfFitInterval() const | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | |
getCic() const | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | |
getCis() const | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | |
getCrc() const | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | |
getCrs() const | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | |
getCuc() const | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | |
getCus() const | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | |
getd29(uint32_t sfword) | gnsstk::EngNav | inlinestatic |
getd30(uint32_t sfword) | gnsstk::EngNav | inlinestatic |
getDn() const | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | |
getDnDot() const | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | |
getEcc() const | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | |
getEndOfFitInterval() const | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | |
getFullWeek() const | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | |
getHOWTime(uint32_t word2) | gnsstk::EngNav | inlinestatic |
getI0() const | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | |
getIDot() const | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | |
getM0() const | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | |
getNMCTValidity(const uint32_t sf2[10], unsigned howWeek, uint32_t &aodo, CommonTime &tnmct, CommonTime &toe, CommonTime &tot) | gnsstk::EngNav | static |
getNMCTValidity(const uint32_t sf2[10], unsigned howWeek, NMCTMeta &meta) | gnsstk::EngNav | inlinestatic |
getObsID() const | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | |
getOmega0() const | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | |
getOmegaDot() const | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | |
getOrbitEpoch() const | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | |
getPRNID() const | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | |
getSFID(uint32_t word2) | gnsstk::EngNav | inlinestatic |
getSubframePattern(const long input[10]) noexcept | gnsstk::EngNav | static |
getSubframePattern(const uint32_t input[10]) noexcept | gnsstk::EngNav | static |
getToe() const | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | |
getTOW(uint32_t word2) | gnsstk::EngNav | inlinestatic |
getURAoe() const | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | |
getW() const | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | |
hasData() const | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | |
healthy | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | protected |
i0 | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | protected |
idot | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | protected |
isHealthy() const | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | |
loadData(const std::string satSysArg, const ObsID obsIDArg, const short PRNIDArg, const CommonTime beginFitArg, const CommonTime endFitArg, const CommonTime ToeArg, const short URAoeArg, const bool healthyArg, const double CucArg, const double CusArg, const double CrcArg, const double CrsArg, const double CicArg, const double CisArg, const double M0Arg, const double dnArg, const double dndotArg, const double eccArg, const double AArg, const double AhalfArg, const double AdotArg, const double OMEGA0Arg, const double i0Arg, const double wArg, const double OMEGAdotARg, const double idotArg) | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | |
loadData(const ObsID obsIDArg, const short PRNID, const short fullweeknum, const long subframe1[10], const long subframe2[10], const long subframe3[10]) | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | |
M0 | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | protected |
obsID | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | protected |
OMEGA0 | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | protected |
OMEGAdot | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | protected |
operator!=(const BrcKeplerOrbit &right) const noexcept | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | inline |
operator<<(std::ostream &s, const BrcKeplerOrbit &eph) | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | friend |
operator==(const BrcKeplerOrbit &right) const noexcept | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | |
PRNID | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | protected |
satSys | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | protected |
setAccuracy(const double &acc) | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | |
sfpage2svid(short subframe, short page, short &svpgid) noexcept | gnsstk::EngNav | static |
subframeConvert(const long input[10], int gpsWeek, double output[60]) noexcept | gnsstk::EngNav | static |
subframeConvert(const uint32_t input[10], short gpsWeek, double output[60]) noexcept | gnsstk::EngNav | static |
subframeParity(const long input[10]) | gnsstk::EngNav | static |
sv2page(short svpgid, short &subframe, short &page) noexcept | gnsstk::EngNav | static |
svRelativity(const CommonTime &t) const | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | |
svXvt(const CommonTime &t) const | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | |
Toe | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | protected |
URAoe | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | protected |
w | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | protected |
withinFitInterval(const CommonTime) const | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | |
zcount2page(unsigned long zcount, short &subframe, short &page) noexcept | gnsstk::EngNav | static |
~BrcKeplerOrbit() | gnsstk::BrcKeplerOrbit | inlinevirtual |
~EngNav() | gnsstk::EngNav | inlinevirtual |