File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
 Gazebo.hhSupport for methods not available in legacy versions of Gazebo
 Geometry.hhThis file contains methods to calculate properties of simple geometrical objects
 PhysicalConstants.hhThis file contains definitions of some physical constants used in the physics calculations
 Physics.hhThis file contains definitions for the physics models
 Utilities.hhThis file defines utilities for extracting parameters from SDF
 Wavefield.hhThis file contains definitions for classes used to manage a wave field. This includes wave parameters, wave generation, and sampling from the wave field
 WavefieldEntity.hhThis file contains the definition for a Gazebo physics object that allows a wave field to be added into a simulated world
 WavefieldModelPlugin.hhThis file defines a Gazebo ModelPlugin used to manage a wave field
 WavefieldVisualPlugin.hhThis file defines a Gazebo VisualPlugin used to render a wave field and keep it synchronised with the model used in the physics engine

Author(s): Rhys Mainwaring
autogenerated on Tue May 5 2020 03:06:51