Package rospy :: Module client

Module client

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Additional ROS client API methods.

Remove ROS remapping arguments from sys.argv arguments.
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{str: val}
Load node param mappings (aka private parameters) encoded in command-line arguments, e.g.
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Register function to be called on shutdown.
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Blocks until ROS node is shutdown.
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init_node(name, argv=None, anonymous=False, log_level=None, disable_rostime=False, disable_rosout=False, disable_signals=False, xmlrpc_port=0, tcpros_port=0)
Register client node with the master under the specified name.
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get_master(env={'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'ROS_DISTRO': 'melodic', 'PYTHONPATH':...)
Get a remote handle to the ROS Master.
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[[str, str]]
Retrieve list of topics that the master is reporting as being published.
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wait_for_message(topic, topic_type, timeout=None)
Receive one message from topic.
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get_param(param_name, default=<rospy.client._Unspecified object>)
Retrieve a parameter from the param server
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get_param_cached(param_name, default=<rospy.client._Unspecified object>)
Retrieve a parameter from the param server with local caching
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Retrieve list of parameter names.
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set_param(param_name, param_value)
Set a parameter on the param server
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Search for a parameter on the param server
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Delete a parameter on the param server
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Test if parameter exists on the param server
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  DEBUG = 1
  INFO = 2
  WARN = 4
  ERROR = 8
  FATAL = 16
  __package__ = 'rospy'
Function Details


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Remove ROS remapping arguments from sys.argv arguments.

Returns: [str]
copy of sys.argv with ROS remapping arguments removed


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Load node param mappings (aka private parameters) encoded in command-line arguments, e.g. _foo:=bar. See also rosgraph.names.load_mappings.

  • argv - command-line arguments
  • argv - [str]
Returns: {str: val}
param->value remappings.


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Register function to be called on shutdown. This function will be called before Node begins teardown.

  • h (fn()) - Function with zero args to be called on shutdown.


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Blocks until ROS node is shutdown. Yields activity to other threads.


init_node(name, argv=None, anonymous=False, log_level=None, disable_rostime=False, disable_rosout=False, disable_signals=False, xmlrpc_port=0, tcpros_port=0)

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Register client node with the master under the specified name. This MUST be called from the main Python thread unless disable_signals is set to True. Duplicate calls to init_node are only allowed if the arguments are identical as the side-effects of this method are not reversible.

  • name (str) - Node's name. This parameter must be a base name, meaning that it cannot contain namespaces (i.e. '/')
  • argv ([str]) - Command line arguments to this program, including remapping arguments (default: sys.argv). If you provide argv to init_node(), any previously created rospy data structure (Publisher, Subscriber, Service) will have invalid mappings. It is important that you call init_node() first if you wish to provide your own argv.
  • anonymous (bool) - if True, a name will be auto-generated for the node using name as the base. This is useful when you wish to have multiple instances of the same node and don't care about their actual names (e.g. tools, guis). name will be used as the stem of the auto-generated name. NOTE: you cannot remap the name of an anonymous node.
  • log_level (int) - log level for sending message to /rosout and log file, which is INFO by default. For convenience, you may use rospy.DEBUG, rospy.INFO, rospy.ERROR, rospy.WARN, rospy.FATAL
  • disable_signals (bool) - If True, rospy will not register its own signal handlers. You must set this flag if (a) you are unable to call init_node from the main thread and/or you are using rospy in an environment where you need to control your own signal handling (e.g. WX). If you set this to True, you should call rospy.signal_shutdown(reason) to initiate clean shutdown.

    NOTE: disable_signals is overridden to True if roslib.is_interactive() is True.

  • disable_rostime (bool) - for internal testing only: suppresses automatic subscription to rostime
  • disable_rosout - for internal testing only: suppress auto-publication of rosout
  • xmlrpc_port (int) - If provided, it will use this port number for the client XMLRPC node.
  • tcpros_port (int) - If provided, the TCPROS server will listen for connections on this port
  • ROSInitException - if initialization/registration fails
  • ValueError - if parameters are invalid (e.g. name contains a namespace or is otherwise illegal)

get_master(env={'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'ROS_DISTRO': 'melodic', 'PYTHONPATH':...)

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Get a remote handle to the ROS Master. This method can be called independent of running a ROS node, though the ROS_MASTER_URI must be declared in the environment.

Returns: rospy.MasterProxy
ROS Master remote object
  • Exception - if server cannot be located or system cannot be initialized


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Retrieve list of topics that the master is reporting as being published.

Returns: [[str, str]]
List of topic names and types: [[topic1, type1]...[topicN, typeN]]

wait_for_message(topic, topic_type, timeout=None)

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Receive one message from topic.

This will create a new subscription to the topic, receive one message, then unsubscribe.

  • topic (str) - name of topic
  • topic_type (rospy.Message class) - topic type
  • timeout (double|rospy.Duration) - timeout time in seconds or ROS Duration
Returns: rospy.Message

get_param(param_name, default=<rospy.client._Unspecified object>)

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Retrieve a parameter from the param server

NOTE: this method is thread-safe.

  • default (any) - (optional) default value to return if key is not set
Returns: XmlRpcLegalValue
parameter value
  • ROSException - if parameter server reports an error
  • KeyError - if value not set and default is not given

get_param_cached(param_name, default=<rospy.client._Unspecified object>)

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Retrieve a parameter from the param server with local caching

NOTE: this method is thread-safe.

  • default (any) - (optional) default value to return if key is not set
Returns: XmlRpcLegalValue
parameter value
  • ROSException - if parameter server reports an error
  • KeyError - if value not set and default is not given


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Retrieve list of parameter names.

NOTE: this method is thread-safe.

Returns: [str]
parameter names

set_param(param_name, param_value)

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Set a parameter on the param server

NOTE: this method is thread-safe. If param_value is a dictionary it will be treated as a parameter tree, where param_name is the namespace. For example::


will set param_name/x=1, param_name/y=2, and param_name/sub/z=3. Furthermore, it will replace all existing parameters in the param_name namespace with the parameters in param_value. You must set parameters individually if you wish to perform a union update.

  • param_name (str) - parameter name
  • param_value (XmlRpcLegalValue) - parameter value


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Search for a parameter on the param server

NOTE: this method is thread-safe.

  • param_name (str) - parameter name
Returns: str
key of matching parameter or None if no matching parameter.


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Delete a parameter on the param server

NOTE: this method is thread-safe.

  • param_name (str) - parameter name
  • KeyError - if parameter is not set
  • ROSException - if parameter server reports an error


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Test if parameter exists on the param server

NOTE: this method is thread-safe.

  • param_name (str) - parameter name