36 #ifndef SLAMOPTIONS_HPP_ 37 #define SLAMOPTIONS_HPP_ double minDistance
Ignore all Points closer than to the origin of a scan.
double slamEpsilon
The epsilon difference of SLAM corrections for the stop criterion of SLAM.
double reduction
The Voxel size for Octree based reduction.
double rotate_angle
rotate this angle around y axis
bool trustPose
Use the unmodified Pose of new Scans. If false, apply the relative refinement of previous Scans...
bool createFrames
Keep track of all previous Transformations of Scans for Animation purposes like 'show' from slam6D...
double epsilon
The epsilon difference between ICP-errors for the stop criterion of ICP.
A struct to configure SLAMAlign.
bool verbose
Show more detailed output. Useful for fine-tuning Parameters or debugging.
int slamIterations
Number of ICP iterations during Loopclosing and number of GraphSLAM iterations.
bool useHDF
Indicates if a HDF file containing the scans should be used.
double diffAngle
max difference of angle (sum of 3 angles) new and old
double slamMaxDistance
The maximum distance between two points during SLAM.
bool useScanOrder
use scan order as icp order (if false: start with lowest distance)
int maxLeafSize
The maximum number of Points in a Leaf of a KDTree.
double diffPosition
max difference of position (euclidean distance) new and old
double icpMaxDistance
The maximum distance between two points during ICP.
bool doGraphSLAM
Use complex Loopclosing with GraphSLAM.
double maxDistance
Ignore all Points farther away than from the origin of a scan.
bool metascan
Match scans to the combined Pointcloud of all previous Scans instead of just the last Scan...
bool doLoopClosing
Use simple Loopclosing.