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utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/twihs.h File Reference
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struct  Twihs
 Twihs hardware registers. More...


#define TWIHS_CR_ACMDIS   (0x1u << 17)
 (TWIHS_CR) Alternative Command Mode Disable More...
#define TWIHS_CR_ACMEN   (0x1u << 16)
 (TWIHS_CR) Alternative Command Mode Enable More...
#define TWIHS_CR_CLEAR   (0x1u << 15)
 (TWIHS_CR) Bus CLEAR Command More...
#define TWIHS_CR_FIFODIS   (0x1u << 29)
 (TWIHS_CR) FIFO Disable More...
#define TWIHS_CR_FIFOEN   (0x1u << 28)
 (TWIHS_CR) FIFO Enable More...
#define TWIHS_CR_HSDIS   (0x1u << 9)
 (TWIHS_CR) TWIHS High-Speed Mode Disabled More...
#define TWIHS_CR_HSEN   (0x1u << 8)
 (TWIHS_CR) TWIHS High-Speed Mode Enabled More...
#define TWIHS_CR_LOCKCLR   (0x1u << 26)
 (TWIHS_CR) Lock Clear More...
#define TWIHS_CR_MSDIS   (0x1u << 3)
 (TWIHS_CR) TWIHS Master Mode Disabled More...
#define TWIHS_CR_MSEN   (0x1u << 2)
 (TWIHS_CR) TWIHS Master Mode Enabled More...
#define TWIHS_CR_PECDIS   (0x1u << 13)
 (TWIHS_CR) Packet Error Checking Disable More...
#define TWIHS_CR_PECEN   (0x1u << 12)
 (TWIHS_CR) Packet Error Checking Enable More...
#define TWIHS_CR_PECRQ   (0x1u << 14)
 (TWIHS_CR) PEC Request More...
#define TWIHS_CR_QUICK   (0x1u << 6)
 (TWIHS_CR) SMBus Quick Command More...
#define TWIHS_CR_SMBDIS   (0x1u << 11)
 (TWIHS_CR) SMBus Mode Disabled More...
#define TWIHS_CR_SMBEN   (0x1u << 10)
 (TWIHS_CR) SMBus Mode Enabled More...
#define TWIHS_CR_START   (0x1u << 0)
 (TWIHS_CR) Send a START Condition More...
#define TWIHS_CR_STOP   (0x1u << 1)
 (TWIHS_CR) Send a STOP Condition More...
#define TWIHS_CR_SVDIS   (0x1u << 5)
 (TWIHS_CR) TWIHS Slave Mode Disabled More...
#define TWIHS_CR_SVEN   (0x1u << 4)
 (TWIHS_CR) TWIHS Slave Mode Enabled More...
#define TWIHS_CR_SWRST   (0x1u << 7)
 (TWIHS_CR) Software Reset More...
#define TWIHS_CR_THRCLR   (0x1u << 24)
 (TWIHS_CR) Transmit Holding Register Clear More...
#define TWIHS_CWGR_CHDIV(value)   ((TWIHS_CWGR_CHDIV_Msk & ((value) << TWIHS_CWGR_CHDIV_Pos)))
#define TWIHS_CWGR_CHDIV_Msk   (0xffu << TWIHS_CWGR_CHDIV_Pos)
 (TWIHS_CWGR) Clock High Divider More...
#define TWIHS_CWGR_CHDIV_Pos   8
#define TWIHS_CWGR_CKDIV(value)   ((TWIHS_CWGR_CKDIV_Msk & ((value) << TWIHS_CWGR_CKDIV_Pos)))
#define TWIHS_CWGR_CKDIV_Msk   (0x7u << TWIHS_CWGR_CKDIV_Pos)
 (TWIHS_CWGR) Clock Divider More...
#define TWIHS_CWGR_CKDIV_Pos   16
#define TWIHS_CWGR_CLDIV(value)   ((TWIHS_CWGR_CLDIV_Msk & ((value) << TWIHS_CWGR_CLDIV_Pos)))
#define TWIHS_CWGR_CLDIV_Msk   (0xffu << TWIHS_CWGR_CLDIV_Pos)
 (TWIHS_CWGR) Clock Low Divider More...
#define TWIHS_CWGR_CLDIV_Pos   0
#define TWIHS_CWGR_HOLD(value)   ((TWIHS_CWGR_HOLD_Msk & ((value) << TWIHS_CWGR_HOLD_Pos)))
#define TWIHS_CWGR_HOLD_Msk   (0x3fu << TWIHS_CWGR_HOLD_Pos)
 (TWIHS_CWGR) TWD Hold Time Versus TWCK Falling More...
#define TWIHS_CWGR_HOLD_Pos   24
#define TWIHS_DR_CLKRQ   (0x1u << 1)
 (TWIHS_DR) Clock Request More...
#define TWIHS_DR_SWEN   (0x1u << 0)
 (TWIHS_DR) SleepWalking Enable More...
#define TWIHS_DR_SWMATCH   (0x1u << 2)
 (TWIHS_DR) SleepWalking Match More...
#define TWIHS_DR_TRP   (0x1u << 3)
 (TWIHS_DR) Transfer Pending More...
#define TWIHS_FILTR_FILT   (0x1u << 0)
 (TWIHS_FILTR) RX Digital Filter More...
#define TWIHS_FILTR_PADFCFG   (0x1u << 2)
 (TWIHS_FILTR) PAD Filter Config More...
#define TWIHS_FILTR_PADFEN   (0x1u << 1)
 (TWIHS_FILTR) PAD Filter Enable More...
#define TWIHS_FILTR_THRES(value)   ((TWIHS_FILTR_THRES_Msk & ((value) << TWIHS_FILTR_THRES_Pos)))
 (TWIHS_FILTR) Digital Filter Threshold More...
#define TWIHS_FILTR_THRES_Pos   8
#define TWIHS_IADR_IADR(value)   ((TWIHS_IADR_IADR_Msk & ((value) << TWIHS_IADR_IADR_Pos)))
#define TWIHS_IADR_IADR_Msk   (0xffffffu << TWIHS_IADR_IADR_Pos)
 (TWIHS_IADR) Internal Address More...
#define TWIHS_IADR_IADR_Pos   0
#define TWIHS_IDR_ARBLST   (0x1u << 9)
 (TWIHS_IDR) Arbitration Lost Interrupt Disable More...
#define TWIHS_IDR_EOSACC   (0x1u << 11)
 (TWIHS_IDR) End Of Slave Access Interrupt Disable More...
#define TWIHS_IDR_GACC   (0x1u << 5)
 (TWIHS_IDR) General Call Access Interrupt Disable More...
#define TWIHS_IDR_MCACK   (0x1u << 16)
 (TWIHS_IDR) Master Code Acknowledge Interrupt Disable More...
#define TWIHS_IDR_NACK   (0x1u << 8)
 (TWIHS_IDR) Not Acknowledge Interrupt Disable More...
#define TWIHS_IDR_OVRE   (0x1u << 6)
 (TWIHS_IDR) Overrun Error Interrupt Disable More...
#define TWIHS_IDR_PECERR   (0x1u << 19)
 (TWIHS_IDR) PEC Error Interrupt Disable More...
#define TWIHS_IDR_RXRDY   (0x1u << 1)
 (TWIHS_IDR) Receive Holding Register Ready Interrupt Disable More...
#define TWIHS_IDR_SCL_WS   (0x1u << 10)
 (TWIHS_IDR) Clock Wait State Interrupt Disable More...
#define TWIHS_IDR_SMBDAM   (0x1u << 20)
 (TWIHS_IDR) SMBus Default Address Match Interrupt Disable More...
#define TWIHS_IDR_SMBHHM   (0x1u << 21)
 (TWIHS_IDR) SMBus Host Header Address Match Interrupt Disable More...
#define TWIHS_IDR_SVACC   (0x1u << 4)
 (TWIHS_IDR) Slave Access Interrupt Disable More...
#define TWIHS_IDR_TOUT   (0x1u << 18)
 (TWIHS_IDR) Timeout Error Interrupt Disable More...
#define TWIHS_IDR_TXCOMP   (0x1u << 0)
 (TWIHS_IDR) Transmission Completed Interrupt Disable More...
#define TWIHS_IDR_TXRDY   (0x1u << 2)
 (TWIHS_IDR) Transmit Holding Register Ready Interrupt Disable More...
#define TWIHS_IDR_UNRE   (0x1u << 7)
 (TWIHS_IDR) Underrun Error Interrupt Disable More...
#define TWIHS_IER_ARBLST   (0x1u << 9)
 (TWIHS_IER) Arbitration Lost Interrupt Enable More...
#define TWIHS_IER_EOSACC   (0x1u << 11)
 (TWIHS_IER) End Of Slave Access Interrupt Enable More...
#define TWIHS_IER_GACC   (0x1u << 5)
 (TWIHS_IER) General Call Access Interrupt Enable More...
#define TWIHS_IER_MCACK   (0x1u << 16)
 (TWIHS_IER) Master Code Acknowledge Interrupt Enable More...
#define TWIHS_IER_NACK   (0x1u << 8)
 (TWIHS_IER) Not Acknowledge Interrupt Enable More...
#define TWIHS_IER_OVRE   (0x1u << 6)
 (TWIHS_IER) Overrun Error Interrupt Enable More...
#define TWIHS_IER_PECERR   (0x1u << 19)
 (TWIHS_IER) PEC Error Interrupt Enable More...
#define TWIHS_IER_RXRDY   (0x1u << 1)
 (TWIHS_IER) Receive Holding Register Ready Interrupt Enable More...
#define TWIHS_IER_SCL_WS   (0x1u << 10)
 (TWIHS_IER) Clock Wait State Interrupt Enable More...
#define TWIHS_IER_SMBDAM   (0x1u << 20)
 (TWIHS_IER) SMBus Default Address Match Interrupt Enable More...
#define TWIHS_IER_SMBHHM   (0x1u << 21)
 (TWIHS_IER) SMBus Host Header Address Match Interrupt Enable More...
#define TWIHS_IER_SVACC   (0x1u << 4)
 (TWIHS_IER) Slave Access Interrupt Enable More...
#define TWIHS_IER_TOUT   (0x1u << 18)
 (TWIHS_IER) Timeout Error Interrupt Enable More...
#define TWIHS_IER_TXCOMP   (0x1u << 0)
 (TWIHS_IER) Transmission Completed Interrupt Enable More...
#define TWIHS_IER_TXRDY   (0x1u << 2)
 (TWIHS_IER) Transmit Holding Register Ready Interrupt Enable More...
#define TWIHS_IER_UNRE   (0x1u << 7)
 (TWIHS_IER) Underrun Error Interrupt Enable More...
#define TWIHS_IMR_ARBLST   (0x1u << 9)
 (TWIHS_IMR) Arbitration Lost Interrupt Mask More...
#define TWIHS_IMR_EOSACC   (0x1u << 11)
 (TWIHS_IMR) End Of Slave Access Interrupt Mask More...
#define TWIHS_IMR_GACC   (0x1u << 5)
 (TWIHS_IMR) General Call Access Interrupt Mask More...
#define TWIHS_IMR_MCACK   (0x1u << 16)
 (TWIHS_IMR) Master Code Acknowledge Interrupt Mask More...
#define TWIHS_IMR_NACK   (0x1u << 8)
 (TWIHS_IMR) Not Acknowledge Interrupt Mask More...
#define TWIHS_IMR_OVRE   (0x1u << 6)
 (TWIHS_IMR) Overrun Error Interrupt Mask More...
#define TWIHS_IMR_PECERR   (0x1u << 19)
 (TWIHS_IMR) PEC Error Interrupt Mask More...
#define TWIHS_IMR_RXRDY   (0x1u << 1)
 (TWIHS_IMR) Receive Holding Register Ready Interrupt Mask More...
#define TWIHS_IMR_SCL_WS   (0x1u << 10)
 (TWIHS_IMR) Clock Wait State Interrupt Mask More...
#define TWIHS_IMR_SMBDAM   (0x1u << 20)
 (TWIHS_IMR) SMBus Default Address Match Interrupt Mask More...
#define TWIHS_IMR_SMBHHM   (0x1u << 21)
 (TWIHS_IMR) SMBus Host Header Address Match Interrupt Mask More...
#define TWIHS_IMR_SVACC   (0x1u << 4)
 (TWIHS_IMR) Slave Access Interrupt Mask More...
#define TWIHS_IMR_TOUT   (0x1u << 18)
 (TWIHS_IMR) Timeout Error Interrupt Mask More...
#define TWIHS_IMR_TXCOMP   (0x1u << 0)
 (TWIHS_IMR) Transmission Completed Interrupt Mask More...
#define TWIHS_IMR_TXRDY   (0x1u << 2)
 (TWIHS_IMR) Transmit Holding Register Ready Interrupt Mask More...
#define TWIHS_IMR_UNRE   (0x1u << 7)
 (TWIHS_IMR) Underrun Error Interrupt Mask More...
#define TWIHS_MMR_DADR(value)   ((TWIHS_MMR_DADR_Msk & ((value) << TWIHS_MMR_DADR_Pos)))
#define TWIHS_MMR_DADR_Msk   (0x7fu << TWIHS_MMR_DADR_Pos)
 (TWIHS_MMR) Device Address More...
#define TWIHS_MMR_DADR_Pos   16
#define TWIHS_MMR_IADRSZ(value)   ((TWIHS_MMR_IADRSZ_Msk & ((value) << TWIHS_MMR_IADRSZ_Pos)))
#define TWIHS_MMR_IADRSZ_1_BYTE   (0x1u << 8)
 (TWIHS_MMR) One-byte internal device address More...
#define TWIHS_MMR_IADRSZ_2_BYTE   (0x2u << 8)
 (TWIHS_MMR) Two-byte internal device address More...
#define TWIHS_MMR_IADRSZ_3_BYTE   (0x3u << 8)
 (TWIHS_MMR) Three-byte internal device address More...
#define TWIHS_MMR_IADRSZ_Msk   (0x3u << TWIHS_MMR_IADRSZ_Pos)
 (TWIHS_MMR) Internal Device Address Size More...
#define TWIHS_MMR_IADRSZ_NONE   (0x0u << 8)
 (TWIHS_MMR) No internal device address More...
#define TWIHS_MMR_IADRSZ_Pos   8
#define TWIHS_MMR_MREAD   (0x1u << 12)
 (TWIHS_MMR) Master Read Direction More...
#define TWIHS_RHR_RXDATA_Msk   (0xffu << TWIHS_RHR_RXDATA_Pos)
 (TWIHS_RHR) Master or Slave Receive Holding Data More...
#define TWIHS_RHR_RXDATA_Pos   0
#define TWIHS_SMBTR_PRESC(value)   ((TWIHS_SMBTR_PRESC_Msk & ((value) << TWIHS_SMBTR_PRESC_Pos)))
 (TWIHS_SMBTR) SMBus Clock Prescaler More...
#define TWIHS_SMBTR_PRESC_Pos   0
#define TWIHS_SMBTR_THMAX(value)   ((TWIHS_SMBTR_THMAX_Msk & ((value) << TWIHS_SMBTR_THMAX_Pos)))
#define TWIHS_SMBTR_THMAX_Msk   (0xffu << TWIHS_SMBTR_THMAX_Pos)
 (TWIHS_SMBTR) Clock High Maximum Cycles More...
#define TWIHS_SMBTR_THMAX_Pos   24
#define TWIHS_SMBTR_TLOWM(value)   ((TWIHS_SMBTR_TLOWM_Msk & ((value) << TWIHS_SMBTR_TLOWM_Pos)))
#define TWIHS_SMBTR_TLOWM_Msk   (0xffu << TWIHS_SMBTR_TLOWM_Pos)
 (TWIHS_SMBTR) Master Clock Stretch Maximum Cycles More...
#define TWIHS_SMBTR_TLOWM_Pos   16
#define TWIHS_SMBTR_TLOWS(value)   ((TWIHS_SMBTR_TLOWS_Msk & ((value) << TWIHS_SMBTR_TLOWS_Pos)))
#define TWIHS_SMBTR_TLOWS_Msk   (0xffu << TWIHS_SMBTR_TLOWS_Pos)
 (TWIHS_SMBTR) Slave Clock Stretch Maximum Cycles More...
#define TWIHS_SMBTR_TLOWS_Pos   8
#define TWIHS_SMR_DATAMEN   (0x1u << 31)
 (TWIHS_SMR) Data Matching Enable More...
#define TWIHS_SMR_MASK(value)   ((TWIHS_SMR_MASK_Msk & ((value) << TWIHS_SMR_MASK_Pos)))
#define TWIHS_SMR_MASK_Msk   (0x7fu << TWIHS_SMR_MASK_Pos)
 (TWIHS_SMR) Slave Address Mask More...
#define TWIHS_SMR_MASK_Pos   8
#define TWIHS_SMR_NACKEN   (0x1u << 0)
 (TWIHS_SMR) Slave Receiver Data Phase NACK enable More...
#define TWIHS_SMR_SADR(value)   ((TWIHS_SMR_SADR_Msk & ((value) << TWIHS_SMR_SADR_Pos)))
#define TWIHS_SMR_SADR1EN   (0x1u << 28)
 (TWIHS_SMR) Slave Address 1 Enable More...
#define TWIHS_SMR_SADR2EN   (0x1u << 29)
 (TWIHS_SMR) Slave Address 2 Enable More...
#define TWIHS_SMR_SADR3EN   (0x1u << 30)
 (TWIHS_SMR) Slave Address 3 Enable More...
#define TWIHS_SMR_SADR_Msk   (0x7fu << TWIHS_SMR_SADR_Pos)
 (TWIHS_SMR) Slave Address More...
#define TWIHS_SMR_SADR_Pos   16
#define TWIHS_SMR_SCLWSDIS   (0x1u << 6)
 (TWIHS_SMR) Clock Wait State Disable More...
#define TWIHS_SMR_SMDA   (0x1u << 2)
 (TWIHS_SMR) SMBus Default Address More...
#define TWIHS_SMR_SMHH   (0x1u << 3)
 (TWIHS_SMR) SMBus Host Header More...
#define TWIHS_SR_ARBLST   (0x1u << 9)
 (TWIHS_SR) Arbitration Lost (cleared on read) More...
#define TWIHS_SR_EOSACC   (0x1u << 11)
 (TWIHS_SR) End Of Slave Access (cleared on read) More...
#define TWIHS_SR_GACC   (0x1u << 5)
 (TWIHS_SR) General Call Access (cleared on read) More...
#define TWIHS_SR_MCACK   (0x1u << 16)
 (TWIHS_SR) Master Code Acknowledge (cleared on read) More...
#define TWIHS_SR_NACK   (0x1u << 8)
 (TWIHS_SR) Not Acknowledged (cleared on read) More...
#define TWIHS_SR_OVRE   (0x1u << 6)
 (TWIHS_SR) Overrun Error (cleared on read) More...
#define TWIHS_SR_PECERR   (0x1u << 19)
 (TWIHS_SR) PEC Error (cleared on read) More...
#define TWIHS_SR_RXRDY   (0x1u << 1)
 (TWIHS_SR) Receive Holding Register Ready (cleared by reading TWIHS_RHR) More...
#define TWIHS_SR_SCL   (0x1u << 24)
 (TWIHS_SR) SCL line value More...
#define TWIHS_SR_SCLWS   (0x1u << 10)
 (TWIHS_SR) Clock Wait State More...
#define TWIHS_SR_SDA   (0x1u << 25)
 (TWIHS_SR) SDA line value More...
#define TWIHS_SR_SMBDAM   (0x1u << 20)
 (TWIHS_SR) SMBus Default Address Match (cleared on read) More...
#define TWIHS_SR_SMBHHM   (0x1u << 21)
 (TWIHS_SR) SMBus Host Header Address Match (cleared on read) More...
#define TWIHS_SR_SVACC   (0x1u << 4)
 (TWIHS_SR) Slave Access More...
#define TWIHS_SR_SVREAD   (0x1u << 3)
 (TWIHS_SR) Slave
#define TWIHS_SR_TOUT   (0x1u << 18)
 (TWIHS_SR) Timeout Error (cleared on read) More...
#define TWIHS_SR_TXCOMP   (0x1u << 0)
 (TWIHS_SR) Transmission Completed (cleared by writing TWIHS_THR) More...
#define TWIHS_SR_TXRDY   (0x1u << 2)
 (TWIHS_SR) Transmit Holding Register Ready (cleared by writing TWIHS_THR) More...
#define TWIHS_SR_UNRE   (0x1u << 7)
 (TWIHS_SR) Underrun Error (cleared on read) More...
#define TWIHS_SWMR_DATAM(value)   ((TWIHS_SWMR_DATAM_Msk & ((value) << TWIHS_SWMR_DATAM_Pos)))
#define TWIHS_SWMR_DATAM_Msk   (0xffu << TWIHS_SWMR_DATAM_Pos)
 (TWIHS_SWMR) Data Match More...
#define TWIHS_SWMR_DATAM_Pos   24
#define TWIHS_SWMR_SADR1(value)   ((TWIHS_SWMR_SADR1_Msk & ((value) << TWIHS_SWMR_SADR1_Pos)))
#define TWIHS_SWMR_SADR1_Msk   (0x7fu << TWIHS_SWMR_SADR1_Pos)
 (TWIHS_SWMR) Slave Address 1 More...
#define TWIHS_SWMR_SADR1_Pos   0
#define TWIHS_SWMR_SADR2(value)   ((TWIHS_SWMR_SADR2_Msk & ((value) << TWIHS_SWMR_SADR2_Pos)))
#define TWIHS_SWMR_SADR2_Msk   (0x7fu << TWIHS_SWMR_SADR2_Pos)
 (TWIHS_SWMR) Slave Address 2 More...
#define TWIHS_SWMR_SADR2_Pos   8
#define TWIHS_SWMR_SADR3(value)   ((TWIHS_SWMR_SADR3_Msk & ((value) << TWIHS_SWMR_SADR3_Pos)))
#define TWIHS_SWMR_SADR3_Msk   (0x7fu << TWIHS_SWMR_SADR3_Pos)
 (TWIHS_SWMR) Slave Address 3 More...
#define TWIHS_SWMR_SADR3_Pos   16
#define TWIHS_THR_TXDATA(value)   ((TWIHS_THR_TXDATA_Msk & ((value) << TWIHS_THR_TXDATA_Pos)))
#define TWIHS_THR_TXDATA_Msk   (0xffu << TWIHS_THR_TXDATA_Pos)
 (TWIHS_THR) Master or Slave Transmit Holding Data More...
#define TWIHS_THR_TXDATA_Pos   0
#define TWIHS_VER_MFN_Msk   (0x7u << TWIHS_VER_MFN_Pos)
 (TWIHS_VER) Metal Fix Number More...
#define TWIHS_VER_MFN_Pos   16
#define TWIHS_VER_VERSION_Msk   (0xfffu << TWIHS_VER_VERSION_Pos)
 (TWIHS_VER) Version of the Hardware Module More...
#define TWIHS_VER_VERSION_Pos   0
#define TWIHS_WPMR_WPEN   (0x1u << 0)
 (TWIHS_WPMR) Write Protection Enable More...
#define TWIHS_WPMR_WPKEY(value)   ((TWIHS_WPMR_WPKEY_Msk & ((value) << TWIHS_WPMR_WPKEY_Pos)))
#define TWIHS_WPMR_WPKEY_Msk   (0xffffffu << TWIHS_WPMR_WPKEY_Pos)
 (TWIHS_WPMR) Write Protection Key More...
#define TWIHS_WPMR_WPKEY_PASSWD   (0x545749u << 8)
 (TWIHS_WPMR) Writing any other value in this field aborts the write operation of the WPEN bit.Always reads as 0 More...
#define TWIHS_WPMR_WPKEY_Pos   8
#define TWIHS_WPSR_WPVS   (0x1u << 0)
 (TWIHS_WPSR) Write Protection Violation Status More...
#define TWIHS_WPSR_WPVSRC_Msk   (0xffffffu << TWIHS_WPSR_WPVSRC_Pos)
 (TWIHS_WPSR) Write Protection Violation Source More...
#define TWIHS_WPSR_WPVSRC_Pos   8

Detailed Description

Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries.

Definition in file utils/cmsis/same70/include/component/twihs.h.

autogenerated on Sat Sep 19 2020 03:19:07