Public Attributes | List of all members
tstrM2MScanOption Struct Reference

This struct contains the configuration options for Wi-Fi scan. More...

#include <m2m_types.h>

Public Attributes

uint8 __PAD16__ [2]
sint8 s8RssiThresh
uint16 u16PassiveScanTime
uint8 u8NumOfSlot
uint8 u8ProbesPerSlot
uint8 u8SlotTime

Detailed Description

This struct contains the configuration options for Wi-Fi scan.

Definition at line 1261 of file m2m_types.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ __PAD16__

uint8 tstrM2MScanOption::__PAD16__[2]

Padding bytes for forcing 4-byte alignment

Definition at line 1292 of file m2m_types.h.

◆ s8RssiThresh

sint8 tstrM2MScanOption::s8RssiThresh

The Received Signal Strength Indicator threshold required for (fast) reconnection to an AP without scanning all channels first. Refers to active scan as part of reconnection to a previously connected AP. The device connects to the target AP immediately if it receives a sufficiently strong probe response on the expected channel. Low thresholds facilitate fast reconnection. High thresholds facilitate connection to the strongest signal. Valid settings are in the range -128<=Thresh<0. Default setting is M2M_FASTCONNECT_DEFAULT_RSSI_THRESH.

Definition at line 1278 of file m2m_types.h.

◆ u16PassiveScanTime

uint16 tstrM2MScanOption::u16PassiveScanTime

The length of each scan slot in milliseconds. Refers to passive scan only. The device listens for beacons during this time. Valid settings are in the range 10<=PassiveScanTime<=1200. Default setting is M2M_SCAN_DEFAULT_PASSIVE_SLOT_TIME.

Definition at line 1286 of file m2m_types.h.

◆ u8NumOfSlot

uint8 tstrM2MScanOption::u8NumOfSlot

The number of scan slots per channel. Refers to both active and passive scan. Valid settings are in the range 0<Slots<=255. Default setting is M2M_SCAN_DEFAULT_NUM_SLOTS.

Definition at line 1262 of file m2m_types.h.

◆ u8ProbesPerSlot

uint8 tstrM2MScanOption::u8ProbesPerSlot

Number of probe requests to be sent each scan slot. Refers to active scan only. Valid settings are in the range 0<Probes<=2. Default setting is M2M_SCAN_DEFAULT_NUM_PROBE.

Definition at line 1273 of file m2m_types.h.

◆ u8SlotTime

uint8 tstrM2MScanOption::u8SlotTime

The length of each scan slot in milliseconds. Refers to active scan only. The device listens for probe responses and beacons during this time. Valid settings are in the range 10<=SlotTime<=250. Default setting is M2M_SCAN_DEFAULT_SLOT_TIME.

Definition at line 1267 of file m2m_types.h.

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