Public Attributes | List of all members
is_comm_instance_t Struct Reference

#include <ISComm.h>

Public Attributes

uint32_t ackNeeded
uint8_t * altDecodeBuf
is_comm_buffer_t buf
is_comm_config_t config
p_data_hdr_t dataHdr
uint8_t * dataPtr
uint32_t hasStartByte
int32_t parseState
packet_t pkt
uint8_t * pktPtr
uint32_t rxErrorCount
uint32_t txPktCount

Detailed Description

An instance of an is_comm interface. Do not modify these values.

Definition at line 482 of file ISComm.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ ackNeeded

uint32_t is_comm_instance_t::ackNeeded

Acknowledge packet needed in response to the last packet received

Definition at line 518 of file ISComm.h.

◆ altDecodeBuf

uint8_t* is_comm_instance_t::altDecodeBuf

Alternate buffer location to decode packets. This buffer must be PKT_BUF_SIZE in size. NULL value will caused packet decode to occurr at head of is_comm_instance_t.buf. Using an alternate buffer will preserve the original packet (as used in EVB-2 com_bridge).

Definition at line 515 of file ISComm.h.

◆ buf

is_comm_buffer_t is_comm_instance_t::buf

The buffer to use for communications send and receive - this buffer should be large enough to handle the largest data structure you expect * 2 + 32 for worst case packet encoding A minimum of 128 is recommended. Set once before calling init.

Definition at line 488 of file ISComm.h.

◆ config

is_comm_config_t is_comm_instance_t::config

Enable/disable protocol parsing

Definition at line 491 of file ISComm.h.

◆ dataHdr

p_data_hdr_t is_comm_instance_t::dataHdr

Data identifier (DID), size and offset

Definition at line 506 of file ISComm.h.

◆ dataPtr

uint8_t* is_comm_instance_t::dataPtr

Data pointer to start of valid data set

Definition at line 509 of file ISComm.h.

◆ hasStartByte

uint32_t is_comm_instance_t::hasStartByte

Start byte

Definition at line 500 of file ISComm.h.

◆ parseState

int32_t is_comm_instance_t::parseState

Used to validate ublox, RTCM, and ASCII packets

Definition at line 503 of file ISComm.h.

◆ pkt

packet_t is_comm_instance_t::pkt

IS binary packet

Definition at line 521 of file ISComm.h.

◆ pktPtr

uint8_t* is_comm_instance_t::pktPtr

Packet pointer to start of valid packet

Definition at line 512 of file ISComm.h.

◆ rxErrorCount

uint32_t is_comm_instance_t::rxErrorCount

Communications error counter

Definition at line 497 of file ISComm.h.

◆ txPktCount

uint32_t is_comm_instance_t::txPktCount

Number of packets written

Definition at line 494 of file ISComm.h.

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autogenerated on Sat Sep 19 2020 03:19:09