File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
 angle.cppImplementation for regular radian/degree angle types
 angle.hppC++ interface for angles (degrees/radians)
 cartesian_point.hppCartesian point representations
 cartesian_points.cppUnit Test for the cartesian point classes
 cubic_spline.cppImplementation for cubic splines
 cubic_spline.hppStorage container for a cubic spline interpolation
 cubic_spline_blueprints.cppImplementation for cubic spline blueprints
 cubic_splines.cppUnit Test for cubic splines
 function_math.hppFunctors for evaluating various mathematical properties of functions
 geometry.hppMathematical tools for geometry
 homogeneous_point.hppReal valued x-y-z point with homogeneous representation
 homogeneous_points.cppUnit Test for the homogeneous point classes
 macros.hppMacros for ecl geometry
 pascals_triangle.cppImplementation of the pascal triangle specialisations
 pascals_triangle.hppTemplatised specialisations for pascal's triangle
 polynomial.cppImplementation of the polynomials
 polynomial.hppRepresentations for polynomial functions
 polynomial_blueprints.cppImplementation of the polynomial blueprints
 polynomials.cppUnit Test for polynomial functions
 smooth_linear_spline.cppImplementation for ramped splines
 smooth_linear_spline.hppSpline sequence generated from linear segments with ramped corners
 smooth_linear_splines.cppUnit Test for smooth linear splines
 spline_function.hppWrapper for a generic spline function
 lib/tension_function.cppImplementation of the tension function
 test/tension_function.cppUnit Test for tension functions
 tension_function.hppRepresentations for the tension function.
 tension_spline.cppImplementation for tension splines
 tension_spline.hppStorage container for a tension spline interpolation
 tension_spline_blueprints.cppImplementation for tension spline blueprints
 tension_splines.cppUnit Test for tension splines

Author(s): Daniel Stonier
autogenerated on Mon Feb 28 2022 22:18:49