Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 C_ADAPTERDescribes an opened network adapter
 C_PACKETStructure that contains a group of packets coming from the driver
 C_PACKET_OID_DATAStructure containing an OID request
 Cbpf_hdrPacket header
 Cbpf_insnA single BPF pseudo-instruction
 Cbpf_programA BPF pseudo-assembly program
 Cbpf_statStructure that contains a couple of statistics values on the current capture
 Cdump_bpf_hdrDump packet header
 CNetTypeNetwork type structure
 Cnpf_if_addrAddresses of a network adapter
 Cpcap_rmtauthThis structure keeps the information needed to autheticate the user on a remote machine
 Cpcap_sampThis structure defines the information related to sampling
 Cpcap_send_queueA queue of raw packets that will be sent to the network with pcap_sendqueue_transmit()

Author(s): Arthur Ketels and M.J.G. van den Molengraft
autogenerated on Wed Mar 2 2022 01:01:49