| DeviceKinect (xn::Context &context, const xn::NodeInfo &device_node, const xn::NodeInfo &image_node, const xn::NodeInfo &depth_node, const xn::NodeInfo &ir_node) throw (OpenNIException) |
const ImageBayerGRBG::DebayeringMethod & | getDebayeringMethod () const throw () |
virtual bool | isDepthCropped () const throw (OpenNIException) |
virtual bool | isDepthCroppingSupported () const throw () |
virtual bool | isSynchronizationSupported () const throw () |
virtual bool | isSynchronized () const throw (OpenNIException) |
void | setDebayeringMethod (const ImageBayerGRBG::DebayeringMethod &debayering_method) throw () |
virtual void | setDepthCropping (unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned width, unsigned height) throw (OpenNIException) |
virtual void | setSynchronization (bool on_off) throw (OpenNIException) |
virtual | ~DeviceKinect () throw () |
virtual bool | findCompatibleDepthMode (const XnMapOutputMode &output_mode, XnMapOutputMode &mode) const throw (OpenNIException) |
virtual bool | findCompatibleImageMode (const XnMapOutputMode &output_mode, XnMapOutputMode &mode) const throw (OpenNIException) |
unsigned char | getAddress () const throw () |
float | getBaseline () const throw () |
unsigned char | getBus () const throw () |
const char * | getConnectionString () const throw () |
| returns the connectionstring for current device, which has following format vendorID/productID@BusID/DeviceID More...
virtual const XnMapOutputMode & | getDefaultDepthMode () const throw () |
virtual const XnMapOutputMode & | getDefaultImageMode () const throw () |
virtual const XnMapOutputMode & | getDefaultIRMode () const throw () |
float | getDepthFocalLength (int output_x_resolution=0) const throw () |
| returns the focal length for the IR camera in pixels. The pixels are assumed to be square. Result depends on the output resolution of the depth image. More...
XnMapOutputMode | getDepthOutputMode () const throw (OpenNIException) |
float | getImageFocalLength (int output_x_resolution=0) const throw () |
| returns the focal length for the color camera in pixels. The pixels are assumed to be square. Result depends on the output resolution of the image. More...
XnMapOutputMode | getImageOutputMode () const throw (OpenNIException) |
XnMapOutputMode | getIROutputMode () const throw (OpenNIException) |
unsigned short | getProductID () const throw () |
const char * | getProductName () const throw () |
const char * | getSerialNumber () throw () |
| returns the serial number for device. More...
unsigned short | getVendorID () const throw () |
const char * | getVendorName () const throw () |
bool | hasDepthStream () const throw () |
bool | hasImageStream () const throw () |
bool | hasIRStream () const throw () |
virtual bool | isDepthModeSupported (const XnMapOutputMode &output_mode) const throw (OpenNIException) |
bool | isDepthRegistered () const throw (OpenNIException) |
virtual bool | isDepthRegistrationSupported () const throw (OpenNIException) |
virtual bool | isDepthStreamRunning () const throw (OpenNIException) |
virtual bool | isImageModeSupported (const XnMapOutputMode &output_mode) const throw (OpenNIException) |
virtual bool | isImageStreamRunning () const throw (OpenNIException) |
virtual bool | isIRStreamRunning () const throw (OpenNIException) |
CallbackHandle | registerDepthCallback (const DepthImageCallbackFunction &callback, void *cookie=NULL) throw () |
template<typename T > |
CallbackHandle | registerDepthCallback (void(T::*callback)(boost::shared_ptr< DepthImage >, void *cookie), T &instance, void *cookie=NULL) throw () |
CallbackHandle | registerImageCallback (const ImageCallbackFunction &callback, void *cookie=NULL) throw () |
template<typename T > |
CallbackHandle | registerImageCallback (void(T::*callback)(boost::shared_ptr< Image >, void *cookie), T &instance, void *cookie=NULL) throw () |
CallbackHandle | registerIRCallback (const IRImageCallbackFunction &callback, void *cookie=NULL) throw () |
template<typename T > |
CallbackHandle | registerIRCallback (void(T::*callback)(boost::shared_ptr< IRImage >, void *cookie), T &instance, void *cookie=NULL) throw () |
virtual void | setDepthOutputMode (const XnMapOutputMode &output_mode) throw (OpenNIException) |
virtual void | setDepthRegistration (bool on_off) throw (OpenNIException) |
virtual void | setImageOutputMode (const XnMapOutputMode &output_mode) throw (OpenNIException) |
virtual void | setIROutputMode (const XnMapOutputMode &output_mode) throw (OpenNIException) |
void | shutdown () |
virtual void | startDepthStream () throw (OpenNIException) |
virtual void | startImageStream () throw (OpenNIException) |
virtual void | startIRStream () throw (OpenNIException) |
virtual void | stopDepthStream () throw (OpenNIException) |
virtual void | stopImageStream () throw (OpenNIException) |
virtual void | stopIRStream () throw (OpenNIException) |
bool | unregisterDepthCallback (const CallbackHandle &callbackHandle) throw () |
bool | unregisterImageCallback (const CallbackHandle &callbackHandle) throw () |
bool | unregisterIRCallback (const CallbackHandle &callbackHandle) throw () |
virtual | ~OpenNIDevice () throw () |