Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
▼Nlinb | |
▼Cany | |
Crequires_allocation | Whether the type T must be dynamically allocated or can be stored on the stack |
Cstorage_union | |
Cvtable_dynamic | VTable for dynamically allocated storage |
Cvtable_stack | VTable for stack allocated storage |
Cvtable_type | Base VTable specification |
Cbad_any_cast | |
▼NNabo | Namespace for Nabo |
CBruteForceSearch | Brute-force nearest neighbour |
▼CIndexHeapBruteForceVector | Brute-force implementation of heap |
CEntry | Entry of the heap vector |
▼CIndexHeapSTL | Balanced-tree implementation of heap |
CEntry | Entry of the heap tree |
▼CKDTreeBalancedPtInLeavesStack | |
CBuildPoint | |
CCompareDim | |
CNode | |
▼CKDTreeBalancedPtInNodes | |
CBuildPoint | |
CCompareDim | |
CNode | |
▼CKDTreeBalancedPtInNodesPQ | |
CSearchElement | |
CKDTreeBalancedPtInNodesStack | |
▼CKDTreeUnbalancedPtInLeavesExplicitBoundsStack | |
CBuildPoint | |
CCompareDim | |
CNode | |
▼CKDTreeUnbalancedPtInLeavesImplicitBoundsStack | |
CBuildPoint | |
CCompareDim | |
CNode | |
▼CKDTreeUnbalancedPtInLeavesImplicitBoundsStackOpt | KDTree, unbalanced, points in leaves, stack, implicit bounds, ANN_KD_SL_MIDPT, optimised implementation |
CBucketEntry | Entry in a bucket |
CNode | Search node |
CNearestNeighbourSearch | Nearest neighbour search interface, templatized on scalar type |
CParameters | Parameter vector |
Cruntime_error | |
CBenchResult | |
CLoader | |
CLoader< T, Eigen::Map< const Eigen::Matrix< T, 3, Eigen::Dynamic >, Eigen::Aligned > > | |
CNearestNeighbourSearch | |
Ctimer | |