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string_utils.hpp File Reference

Utils for working with strings. More...

#include <array>
#include <cstdarg>
#include <cstring>
#include <functional>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
#include <cras_cpp_common/optional.hpp>
#include <cras_cpp_common/type_utils/string_traits.hpp>
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class  cras::TempLocale
 Helper class for temporarily setting locale in a RAII manner. More...




#define DECLARE_TO_STRING_MAP(mapType)
#define DECLARE_TO_STRING_VECTOR(vectorType, prefix, suffix)


template<typename T >
using cras::ToStringFn = ::std::function<::std::string(const T &)>
 Type of function that converts anything to a string. More...


enum  cras::ReplacePosition { cras::ReplacePosition::EVERYWHERE, cras::ReplacePosition::START, cras::ReplacePosition::END }
 Specifies where a replace operation should act. More...


 cras::__attribute__ ((format(printf, 1, 0))) inline
 cras::__attribute__ ((format(printf, 1, 2))) inline
::std::string cras::appendIfNonEmpty (const ::std::string &str, const ::std::string &suffix)
 If str is nonempty, returns str + suffix, otherwise empty string. More...
bool cras::contains (const ::std::string &str, char c)
 Check whether str contains character c. More...
bool cras::contains (const ::std::string &str, const ::std::string &needle)
 Check whether str contains substring needle. More...
bool cras::endsWith (const ::std::string &str, const ::std::string &suffix)
 Check whether suffix is a suffix of str. More...
inline ::std::string cras::format (::std::string format, ::va_list args)
inline ::std::string cras::format (::std::string format,...)
::std::string cras::iconvConvert (const ::std::string &toEncoding, const ::std::string &fromEncoding, const ::std::string &inText, bool translit=false, bool ignore=false, double initialOutbufSizeScale=1.0, double outbufEnlargeCoef=2.0, const ::cras::optional<::std::string > &localeName=::cras::nullopt)
 Convert inText from fromEncoding to toEncoding using iconv. More...
bool cras::isLegalBaseName (const ::std::string &name)
 Validates that name is a legal base name for a graph resource. A base name has no namespace context, e.g. "node_name". More...
bool cras::isLegalName (const ::std::string &name)
 Check if name is a legal ROS name for graph resources. More...
template<typename T >
::std::string cras::join (const T &strings, const ::std::string &delimiter)
 Return a string that is a concatenation of elements of strings delimited by delimiter. More...
double cras::parseDouble (const ::std::string &string)
 Parse the given string to a double. More...
double cras::parseDouble (const char *string)
 Parse the given string to a double. More...
float cras::parseFloat (const ::std::string &string)
 Parse the given string to a float. More...
float cras::parseFloat (const char *string)
 Parse the given string to a float. More...
int16_t cras::parseInt16 (const char *string)
 Parse the given string to a 16-bit int. More...
int16_t cras::parseInt16 (const char *string, const uint8_t base)
 Parse the given string to a 16-bit int. More...
int16_t cras::parseInt16 (const std::string &string)
 Parse the given string to a 16-bit int. More...
int16_t cras::parseInt16 (const std::string &string, uint8_t base)
 Parse the given string to a 16-bit int. More...
int32_t cras::parseInt32 (const char *string)
 Parse the given string to a 32-bit int. More...
int32_t cras::parseInt32 (const char *string, const uint8_t base)
 Parse the given string to a 32-bit int. More...
int32_t cras::parseInt32 (const std::string &string)
 Parse the given string to a 32-bit int. More...
int32_t cras::parseInt32 (const std::string &string, uint8_t base)
 Parse the given string to a 32-bit int. More...
int64_t cras::parseInt64 (const char *string)
 Parse the given string to a 64-bit int. More...
int64_t cras::parseInt64 (const char *string, const uint8_t base)
 Parse the given string to a 64-bit int. More...
int64_t cras::parseInt64 (const std::string &string)
 Parse the given string to a 64-bit int. More...
int64_t cras::parseInt64 (const std::string &string, uint8_t base)
 Parse the given string to a 64-bit int. More...
int8_t cras::parseInt8 (const char *string)
 Parse the given string to a 8-bit int. More...
int8_t cras::parseInt8 (const char *string, const uint8_t base)
 Parse the given string to a 8-bit int. More...
int8_t cras::parseInt8 (const std::string &string)
 Parse the given string to a 8-bit int. More...
int8_t cras::parseInt8 (const std::string &string, uint8_t base)
 Parse the given string to a 8-bit int. More...
uint16_t cras::parseUInt16 (const char *string)
 Parse the given string to a 16-bit unsigned int. More...
uint16_t cras::parseUInt16 (const char *string, const uint8_t base)
 Parse the given string to a 16-bit unsigned int. More...
uint16_t cras::parseUInt16 (const std::string &string)
 Parse the given string to a 16-bit unsigned int. More...
uint16_t cras::parseUInt16 (const std::string &string, uint8_t base)
 Parse the given string to a 16-bit unsigned int. More...
uint32_t cras::parseUInt32 (const char *string)
 Parse the given string to a 32-bit unsigned int. More...
uint32_t cras::parseUInt32 (const char *string, const uint8_t base)
 Parse the given string to a 32-bit unsigned int. More...
uint32_t cras::parseUInt32 (const std::string &string)
 Parse the given string to a 32-bit unsigned int. More...
uint32_t cras::parseUInt32 (const std::string &string, uint8_t base)
 Parse the given string to a 32-bit unsigned int. More...
uint64_t cras::parseUInt64 (const char *string)
 Parse the given string to a 64-bit unsigned int. More...
uint64_t cras::parseUInt64 (const char *string, const uint8_t base)
 Parse the given string to a 64-bit unsigned int. More...
uint64_t cras::parseUInt64 (const std::string &string)
 Parse the given string to a 64-bit unsigned int. More...
uint64_t cras::parseUInt64 (const std::string &string, uint8_t base)
 Parse the given string to a 64-bit unsigned int. More...
uint8_t cras::parseUInt8 (const char *string)
 Parse the given string to a 8-bit unsigned int. More...
uint8_t cras::parseUInt8 (const char *string, const uint8_t base)
 Parse the given string to a 8-bit unsigned int. More...
uint8_t cras::parseUInt8 (const std::string &string)
 Parse the given string to a 8-bit unsigned int. More...
uint8_t cras::parseUInt8 (const std::string &string, uint8_t base)
 Parse the given string to a 8-bit unsigned int. More...
::std::string cras::prependIfNonEmpty (const ::std::string &str, const ::std::string &prefix)
 If str is nonempty, returns prefix + str, otherwise empty string. More...
template<typename T , ::std::enable_if_t<!::cras::is_string<::std::decay_t< T >>::value, bool > = true>
inline ::std::string cras::quoteIfStringType (const ::std::string &s, const T &)
 Put s in double quotes if T is a string type (std::string or char*). More...
::std::string cras::removePrefix (const ::std::string &str, const ::std::string &prefix, bool *hadPrefix=nullptr)
 Remove prefix from start of str if it contains it, otherwise return str unchanged. More...
::std::string cras::removeSuffix (const ::std::string &str, const ::std::string &suffix, bool *hadSuffix=nullptr)
 Remove suffix from end of str if it contains it, otherwise return str unchanged. More...
void cras::replace (::std::string &str, const ::std::string &from, const ::std::string &to, const ::cras::ReplacePosition &where=::cras::ReplacePosition::EVERYWHERE)
 Replace all occurrences of from in str with to. More...
::std::string cras::replace (const ::std::string &str, const ::std::string &from, const ::std::string &to, const ::cras::ReplacePosition &where=::cras::ReplacePosition::EVERYWHERE)
 Replace all occurrences of from in str with to. More...
::std::vector<::std::string > cras::split (const ::std::string &str, const ::std::string &delimiter, int maxSplits=-1)
 Split the given string by the given delimiter. More...
bool cras::startsWith (const ::std::string &str, const ::std::string &prefix)
 Check whether prefix is a prefix of str. More...
void cras::strip (::std::string &s, const char &c=' ')
 Strip c from the beginning and end of the given string (if it is there). More...
::std::string cras::strip (const ::std::string &s, const char &c=' ')
 Return a copy of the given string with c removed from its beginning and end (if it was there). More...
void cras::stripLeading (::std::string &s, const char &c=' ')
 Strip c from the start of the given string (if there is one). More...
::std::string cras::stripLeading (const ::std::string &s, const char &c=' ')
 Return a copy of the given string with c removed from its start (if there is one). More...
void cras::stripLeadingSlash (::std::string &s, bool warn=false)
 Strip leading slash from the given string (if there is one). More...
::std::string cras::stripLeadingSlash (const ::std::string &s, bool warn=false)
 Return a copy of the given string with leading slash removed (if there is one). More...
void cras::stripTrailing (::std::string &s, const char &c=' ')
 Strip c from the end of the given string (if there is one). More...
::std::string cras::stripTrailing (const ::std::string &s, const char &c=' ')
 Return a copy of the given string with c removed from its end (if there is one). More...
inline ::std::string cras::to_string (char *value)
template<typename T , size_t N>
inline ::std::string cras::to_string (const ::std::array< T, N > &value)
template<typename K , typename V >
inline ::std::string cras::to_string (const ::std::map< K, V > &value)
inline ::std::string cras::to_string (const ::std::string &value)
template<typename K , typename V >
inline ::std::string cras::to_string (const ::std::unordered_map< K, V > &value)
inline ::std::string cras::to_string (const bool &value)
inline ::std::string cras::to_string (const char *value)
template<int I>
inline ::std::string cras::to_string (const char value[I])
inline ::std::string cras::to_string (const double &value)
inline ::std::string cras::to_string (const float &value)
inline ::std::string cras::to_string (const long double &value)
template<typename T >
decltype(::std::to_string(::std::declval< T >())) cras::to_string (const T &value)
 Convert the given value to a string representation. More...
template<typename T >
decltype(static_cast<::std::string >(::std::declval< T >())) cras::to_string (const T &value)
 Convert the given value to a string representation. More...
::std::string cras::toLower (const ::std::string &str)
 Convert all characters in the given string to lower case. More...
::std::string cras::toUpper (const ::std::string &str)
 Convert all characters in the given string to upper case. More...
::std::string cras::toValidRosName (const ::std::string &text, bool baseName=true, const ::cras::optional<::std::string > &fallbackName=::cras::nullopt)
 Make sure the given string can be used as ROS name. More...
::std::string cras::transliterateToAscii (const ::std::string &text)
 Transliterate the given string from UTF-8 to ASCII (replace non-ASCII chars by closest ASCII chars). More...

Detailed Description

Utils for working with strings.

Martin Pecka

Definition in file string_utils.hpp.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define DECLARE_TO_STRING_MAP (   mapType)
template<typename K, typename V> \
inline ::std::string to_string(const mapType<K, V>& value) \
{ \
::std::stringstream ss; \
ss << "{"; \
size_t i = 0; \
for (const auto& pair : value) \
{ \
ss << ::cras::quoteIfStringType(::cras::to_string(pair.first), pair.first) \
<< ": " \
<< ::cras::quoteIfStringType(::cras::to_string(pair.second), pair.second); \
if (i + 1 < value.size()) \
ss << ", "; \
++i; \
} \
ss << "}"; \
return ss.str(); \

Definition at line 465 of file string_utils.hpp.


#define DECLARE_TO_STRING_VECTOR (   vectorType,
template<typename T> \
inline ::std::string to_string(const vectorType<T>& value) \
{ \
::std::stringstream ss; \
ss << (prefix); \
size_t i = 0; \
for (const auto& v : value) \
{ \
if (i + 1 < value.size()) \
ss << ", "; \
++i; \
} \
ss << (suffix); \
return ss.str(); \

Definition at line 426 of file string_utils.hpp.

inline ::std::string to_string(const ::std::array< T, N > &value)
Definition: string_utils.hpp:450
inline ::std::string quoteIfStringType(const ::std::string &s, const T &)
Put s in double quotes if T is a string type (std::string or char*).
Definition: string_utils.hpp:307
inline ::std::string to_string(const ::Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, Rows, Cols, Options, MaxRows, MaxCols > &value)
Definition: string_utils/eigen.hpp:21

Author(s): Martin Pecka
autogenerated on Sun Mar 2 2025 03:50:53