tests Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for tests:


file  testAHRS.cpp [code]
file  testBetweenFactorEM.cpp [code]
 Unit test for the BetweenFactorEM.
file  testBiasedGPSFactor.cpp [code]
file  testDummyFactor.cpp [code]
 A simple dummy nonlinear factor that can be used to enforce connectivity without adding any real information.
file  testEquivInertialNavFactor_GlobalVel.cpp [code]
file  testGaussMarkov1stOrderFactor.cpp [code]
 Unit tests for the GaussMarkov1stOrder factor.
file  testInertialNavFactor_GlobalVelocity.cpp [code]
 Unit test for the InertialNavFactor_GlobalVelocity.
file  testInvDepthFactor3.cpp [code]
 Unit tests inverse depth parametrization.
file  testInvDepthFactorVariant1.cpp [code]
file  testInvDepthFactorVariant2.cpp [code]
file  testInvDepthFactorVariant3.cpp [code]
file  testLocalOrientedPlane3Factor.cpp [code]
file  testMultiProjectionFactor.cpp [code]
file  testOccupancyGrid.cpp [code]
file  testPartialPriorFactor.cpp [code]
file  testPoseBetweenFactor.cpp [code]
file  testPosePriorFactor.cpp [code]
file  testPoseToPointFactor.cpp [code]
file  testProjectionFactorPPP.cpp [code]
file  testProjectionFactorPPPC.cpp [code]
 Unit tests for Pose+Transform+Calibration ProjectionFactor Class.
file  testProjectionFactorRollingShutter.cpp [code]
file  testRelativeElevationFactor.cpp [code]
file  testSerialization.cpp [code]
 Tests for serialization global functions using boost.serialization.
file  testSmartProjectionPoseFactorRollingShutter.cpp [code]
 Unit tests for SmartProjectionPoseFactorRollingShutter Class.
file  testSmartRangeFactor.cpp [code]
 Unit tests for SmartRangeFactor Class.
file  testSmartStereoFactor_iSAM2.cpp [code]
 Unit tests for ProjectionFactor Class.
file  testSmartStereoProjectionFactorPP.cpp [code]
 Unit tests for SmartStereoProjectionFactorPP Class.
file  testSmartStereoProjectionPoseFactor.cpp [code]
file  testTOAFactor.cpp [code]
 Unit tests for "Time of Arrival" factor.
file  testTransformBtwRobotsUnaryFactor.cpp [code]
file  testTransformBtwRobotsUnaryFactorEM.cpp [code]
file  testTSAMFactors.cpp [code]
 Unit tests for TSAM 1 Factors.

autogenerated on Tue Jan 7 2025 04:16:35